Lin Xiaolan glared at Su Youlun angrily. It was the first time for Su Youlun to see this kind of gaze. He even felt a little panic.

But he immediately said: "Xiaolan, Deng Jiajia is talking nonsense, things are not what you think."

"Su Youlun, I think you are not even worthy of a man. If you do it, you are afraid that there is something you dare not admit." Lin Xiaolan continued to taunt him.

Su Youlun felt ashamed, he straightened his waist, and said without shame: "Yes, Chengzhao and I did play with Jiajia for a while, what's the matter. We are all grown-ups, I wish you what you want .Besides, you all came here voluntarily, and I didn’t force you.”

He didn't want to continue the topic of Deng Jiajia, so he immediately turned his attention to her and asked, "Xiaolan, I want to ask you if you really slept with Han Zixuan last night."

Hearing that he asked such a shameless question, Lin Xiaolan was extremely disgusted. She remembered that she wanted to avenge her sisters. Her strength was very weak, and she could only rely on Han Zixuan, who was the same heavyweight as Su Youlun.

"Sleeping, I slept with An Ran, didn't you arrange all of this?" Lin Xiaolan pulled a sad smile from the corner of her mouth: "What's the matter, it's thanks to you, Su Youlun, otherwise I don't know There are still such gods and men in the world, so young master Han is worthy of being the king of men, and his ability in that aspect is much stronger than yours."

Han Zixuan was playing mahjong with his wife and brothers at home at the moment, when he suddenly sneezed, he wondered who was scolding me.

Guo Linghua glanced at him: "What's the matter, you caught a cold last night."

Su Su, who was sitting at the side waiting for the bureau, heard this, and immediately said, "Brother-in-law, I'll get you some medicine."

Han Zixuan had a bitter face, Susu, you silly boy, why are you just joining in the fun.Although he didn't really have a rainy fun with his sister-in-law last night, the scene of his sister-in-law using both hands and feet to help him masturbate still makes him shiver, and he is worried that Guo Linghua must have noticed it.

Su Youlun heard his woman praise the majesty of other men's crotch, and this green hat was forced to wear by herself, it's really funny to think about it.The anger and hatred towards Han Zixuan in his heart was getting deeper and deeper, but right now, Lin Xiaolan's lowly attitude made him feel extremely humiliated.

Wanting to teach her a good lesson here, Lin Xiaolan was not afraid: "Why, you want to hit me again, come on, I'll wait for you."

Su Youlun clenched his fists tightly, and in the end he could only curse a bitch, and then left angrily.

Lin Xiaolan looked at the back of him leaving, and she felt a burst of pleasure in her heart, but after the pleasure, she leaned against the wall and trembled slightly, with tears rolling in her eyes.

At this time, An Ran and the others also came out. They knew that Su Youlun was here, and they were all worried about her safety.Seeing that Su Youlun had left, several people dared to come out.

Lin Xiaolan waved her hands with a smile, telling the sisters that she was fine, and that she had completely broken with Su Youlun, and escalated the battle successfully.

An Ran hurriedly asked what was going on.

Lin Xiaolan then said that she had ruined herself and put a shit bowl on Su Youlun, her face flushed slightly: "I was also forced to say those indecent words at that time."

An Ran showed a look of surprise, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "Sister Lan, I didn't expect you to have such a hand. But I want to know how big Master Han's crotch is, can you tell me."

Seeing that she was not serious, Zhuo Ya scolded with a smile: "Don't you know, I don't believe you didn't do anything last night."

Deng Jiajia is not here. Because of her mental and physical discomfort, she asked for leave to rest and adjust.If she was here, Zhuo Ya would definitely not make such jokes.

An Ran gave Zhuo Ya a white look: "Why are you lying to me? Besides, what kind of character is Young Master Han? How can we little girls see such a fetish? Only Guo Linghua, a flower of Suzhou and Hangzhou, can be treated like this." There was a trace of regret and emotion in her tone.

"Okay, I'm flirting again. I found out that since you met Han Zixuan, your mind has become active. Don't tell me you want to empathize with him, and you are really going to be his mistress." Lin Xiaolan reminded and warned .

An Ran stretched her waist, and immediately showed her slim and graceful figure. She deliberately held up her chest and said, "It's a pity that this is a superb pair. Why didn't Master Han take a second look."

Zhuo Ya said disgustedly: "Show, so showy, I really can't stand you."

"Okay, let's all go back to work with peace of mind, and stop being in heat for these stinky men." Lin Xiaolan greeted them all to go back to work.

Dai Minghan paced back and forth in the office, thinking about how to deal with Su Youlun's matter.He will definitely help with this favor, but he must not be involved.Thinking of Lian Chengzhao's words, he thought it made sense.

He felt that this video would definitely not work if it was broadcast on the news, and it would probably fail to pass the review. If it was put on an entertainment program, it would be very likely.

So he began to think about who would be suitable to host this episode of the show. Those old hosts would definitely not be able to do so. They would never dare to step into this muddy water. They could only look for young people who had just joined the job.

Dai Minghan turned to the host of the entertainment channel, and he aimed at a female host, Lin Xiaolan.

Lin Xiaolan and Zhuo Ya just joined the job last year.Lin Xiaolan is a bit better in comparison, she occasionally has the opportunity to show her face, but she only hosts some small entertainment news broadcast programs.Zhuo Ya, An Ran and the others are temporarily behind the scenes to handle some follow-up and editing work.In fact, to put it bluntly, it is not easy to enter the front desk without a backstage.

Lin Xiaolan was very happy to receive a call from Dai Minghan, knowing that she had the opportunity to show her face again.

There is another reason why Dai Minghan is looking for Lin Xiaolan. He heard that Lin Xiaolan has a close relationship with Su Youlun. Even if the matter is revealed, Dai Minghan can definitely push it to Lin Xiaolan.How to settle it at that time is what you Su Youlun did, and it has nothing to do with me.

And I also took care of your girlfriend, Dai Minghan felt that his decision was too wise.

When Dai Minghan saw Lin Xiaolan enter his office, he immediately closed the door, and then played the video, asking her to insert this video into today's entertainment bulletin, and she will be the host.

When Lin Xiaolan saw this video, she immediately recognized the man in it as Han Zixuan and the woman as Guo Linghua.Unexpectedly, this couple was so indiscreet that they were raped for doing such a thing when they went out.

"It's not good to broadcast this, it's a personal affair after all."

"It's nothing, just treat it as entertainment news. I think Gillian and Bai Zhi also had pornographic photos, and the scale is much bigger than this. To be honest, this is an excellent opportunity. This material has quite a lot of selling points. Do you know Is this the male and female protagonist who shakes the door?"

Of course Lin Xiaolan couldn't claim to know each other, so she asked confusedly, "Who is it?"

"We are well-known people in Suzhou and Hangzhou, the number one beauty Guo Linghua and her mysterious husband. As soon as this video comes out, there will be a storm in Suhang. Xiaolan, at that time, the time for you to become famous will come. The director will definitely pay attention to this This matter, if you find out that it is the material you asked for, maybe you will be promoted." Dai Minghan talked nonsense and flickered.

"Director Dai, can you? Will the director scold me then?"

"Don't worry, I will take care of everything. To tell you the truth, you can do it boldly. Even if something happens, someone will take care of it for you." Dai Minghan said mysteriously.

Lin Xiaolan asked: "Director, did you create this material?"

"Don't put a high hat on me, I don't have the ability." Dai Minghan shivered in fright.

"Then where did you ask for it? I should know it by heart, and I will be more comfortable when I broadcast it."

Dai Minghan thought for a while and said, "Well, I won't hide it, it was provided by Su Youlun. So you can do it boldly, and he will take care of it for you if something happens."

Oh, so that's the case, Lin Xiaolan rolled her eyes and smiled happily: "Okay, I'll take this job."

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