The campus is so cute

636 Sisters Take All

Han Zixuan originally planned to rest and adjust at home, but his sister-in-law refused and forced him to come to school to pick her up after school in the afternoon.Han Zixuan didn't like it at first, but he couldn't resist the threats of their sisters, so Han Zixuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and come to school.

Seeing Susu getting into the car, he started the car and drove towards home quickly.On the way, Han Zixuan didn't talk much, just listened to Susu's constant chatter.

Seeing that her brother-in-law didn't seem to like listening to her talk, Susu was very dissatisfied.She deliberately arranged for her brother-in-law to pick her up, just to enjoy the rare alone time, and hoped that he could chat with her, but this guy was so incomprehensible.

Well, it forced me to make a big move.Guo Lingsu sat beside her and kept harassing her brother-in-law, groping around Han Zixuan's body, which made him not in the mood to drive at all.

Han Zixuan was forced to park the car on the side of the road, squinting at her: "little girl, what are you doing now, I'm driving, it's too dangerous."

"Brother-in-law, let's go home later."

Han Zixuan saw a little tenderness in her clear eyes, and he understood in his heart: "No, your sister will find out if you go back late."

"It's okay, I'll tell you I'm late after school." Guo Lingsu ignored it, and threw herself at Han Zixuan and offered her wet lips.

Han Zixuan lightly pushed back with his hands: "Susu, let's talk about it when we get home. This is not a good look. It would be so ugly to be seen by passers-by."

"If you can't see it, so what if you see it, no one else knows that we are in the car, so don't worry." Su Su stretched out her hand and started to untie Han Zixuan's shirt.

Han Zixuan said cleverly: "No, what if your sister is not far away."

Susu smiled, then took out her phone to call her elder sister and asked where she was.

Guo Linghua didn't understand the situation. To be honest, she was at home. I asked her if she was out of school. Your brother-in-law went to pick you up.

Susu said that school might be late at night, and my brother-in-law might have to wait for me for a while, why don't you call my brother-in-law and tell him to go first instead of waiting for me.

How could Guo Linghua agree and say it's okay, I'll call your brother-in-law now and ask him to continue waiting for you at the school gate, and I have to take you home safely.

Soon, Han Zixuan's cell phone rang, and he took a look at Susu, this girl was really thinking about it.Susu's face is gloomy. If you dare to leak the secret, I will have a showdown with my sister when I get home.

Han Zixuan finished talking with Guo Linghua on the phone, and just about to breathe a sigh of relief, Susu had already stuck to him like an octopus.Of course he understands the love of the girl on his body for him, he has done nothing these few days, the two of them sneak around almost every day, which makes both of them physically and mentally exhausted.

Susu said vaguely: "Brother-in-law, you and my sister must have had sex in the car that night, I want it too, you can't favor one over another."

Han Zixuan, who was teased by the little girl, ignited, he pushed Susu to the rear compartment with all his strength, and began to cater to the delicate and beautiful girl under him with his fiery body with ease.

The three of Lin Xiaolan also stopped, not knowing what was going on ahead, maybe there was something wrong with the car.

However, the glass of Han Zixuan's car is dark black, unless you get close to it, you can't see clearly what's going on inside.

The three women whispered and guessed what happened. When they saw the Mercedes-Benz in front of them vibrating violently, the three women showed a surprised expression on their faces.

An Ran covered her mouth and couldn't help bursting out: "I'm stupid, my sister-in-law won't let me go, and my sisters will take it all. She's like a beast, even more shameless than Su Youlun."

Zhuo Ya nodded and said: "All rich men are virtuous, but having said that, I didn't expect that the second young lady of the Guo family is really dishonest, openly robbing her sister for a man. If this news is broadcast, it will be worse than the previous eldest lady. The car vibration is even more explosive."

Lin Xiaolan glared fiercely and said, "Don't talk nonsense, we haven't seen the truth, maybe it's not what you imagined at all."

She felt that Han Zixuan shouldn't be such a man, it's understandable to play out with his wife, and having an affair with his sister-in-law, this is a woman, and it's a problem with a man's life style.

An Ran decided to get out of the car to have a massage, but was blocked by Lin Xiaolan.

"An Ran, don't cause trouble."

An Ran laughed and said: "Sister Lan, don't you believe me, then I'll take a picture myself, and then you will be able to determine what kind of man he is."

Of course Han Zixuan and Susu were very intense at first, especially Susu, who finally got what she wanted was more than enough to have a real joy with her brother-in-law. Although the environment was uncomfortable, it was even more exciting in the carriage.

A few minutes later, the little girl reached the orgasm, her body was still convulsing and trembling: "Brother Zixuan, it's so comfortable and exciting."

Han Zixuan looked at the time and felt that the delay could not be too long, so he asked for an end.But I was stopped by Susu, who asked to be bored for a while, and you are not satisfied yet.

Han Zixuan has already noticed that a domestic modern women's car stopped not far away, and seems to have been observing here.It's not even night yet. Although my car is not very eye-catching, it will still be found if someone tracks it down.

Susu was still in shock, but it would be better if it wasn't her sister's car, the two could only arrange their clothes and end up hastily, Han Zixuan started the car and headed home.

Both of them noticed that the car behind them had been slowly following them.Susu was immediately frightened, and looked at Han Zixuan in a daze.

Han Zixuan reassured her not to be afraid, you go back when you get home, I'll see what happens later.Su Su felt a little regretful, and blamed herself for being too reckless for what she just did. If the matter was leaked, what would they do with the Guo family?

"Susu, this is not like you. You are not afraid of being seen by your sister, so there is nothing to worry about."

Having said that, Guo Lingsu asked Han Zixuan who he thought would be following them, and could it be a spy arranged by the elder sister.

Han Zixuan thought it was impossible, he vaguely knew that Guo Linghua seemed to have noticed the ambiguity between the two of them, but he didn't point it out.He decided to find a chance to confess to his wife tonight, maybe she is waiting for him to take the initiative to confess.

The first thing he thought of was the person arranged by Su Youlun. Although the hotel incident ended peacefully last time, he knew in his heart that Su Youlun must resent him.In any case, if I openly want to play with his girlfriend, no matter how big I am, I'm afraid I may not be able to accept it.

At home, Han Zixuan didn't get out of the car first, but let Susu go home first.Su Su told her brother-in-law to be careful, with tenderness in her eyes, and they hugged again before getting off the car.

Susu said brother-in-law, don't worry, I won't pester you anymore, I will follow the previous agreement, and I will look for you after I graduate.

Han Zixuan stroked her hair: "You go home first, if your sister asks, just say that I went back to Shangguan's house to see my parents."

Han Zixuan turned the car around and approached the Hyundai car.

Lin Xiaolan knew that Han Zixuan had noticed it, so she didn't dodge, turned off the fire, and then got out of the car.

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