The campus is so cute

638 Killing Harm for Women

Han Zixuan returned home with a gloomy face, Guo Lingsu was very nervous, seeing her brother-in-law finally came back, she quickly called Han Zixuan out and asked who was following them.

"Guess." Han Zixuan deliberately teased her.

Susu was so nervous that she would die, she didn't have the time to guess.When she arrived at home just now, she kept testing Guo Linghua with routine words, and found out that it wasn't her sister who secretly sent someone to follow her, which relieved her a lot of worries.

"Say it quickly, I'm going to die of anxiety." Guo Lingsu angrily pulled Han Zixuan, who looked like a close couple.

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious, I've taken care of it." Han Zixuan didn't want Susu to worry too much, for fear of affecting her life.

Susu still trusts Han Zixuan very much, but this matter also made her dare not be presumptuous anymore, and went back to her room obediently, absolutely not daring to do anything wrong.

Han Zixuan teased her: "Susu, we haven't finished our work just now, I'll find you later."

"You're crazy, you're trying to kill me. No, wait a few days for the wind to calm down." Susu ran away in fright.

After dinner, Han Zixuan and Guo Linghua went back to the room to rest. Guo Linghua talked about what happened in the afternoon. Several reporters from the TV station wanted to come to our house for interviews, but I rejected them. Why do you say that the TV station came to our house for nothing.

Of course it's for you, a beauty from Suzhou and Hangzhou, and I'll tell you another big thing, we've become famous.

Guo Linghua didn't understand what Han Zixuan's words meant. She saw him take out a disc and put it into the computer to play, so she approached curiously to enjoy it.When I saw the scene of myself and my husband playing a field battle in the car, I was dumbfounded.

"What's going on, where did you get this thing from?" Guo Linghua asked immediately, and then suddenly realized that it probably had something to do with the reporter from the TV station in the afternoon.

Han Zixuan admired it with relish, and not only sighed: "The picture is not very clear, Linghua, why don't we take a clearer picture and show it to the people of Suzhou and Hangzhou to enjoy."

Although it was a joke, Guo Linghua understood it immediately because of her intelligence.The interview with the three TV reporters in the afternoon was fake, and the purpose was to develop this disc.

Han Zixuan briefly explained the situation, and explained Lin Xiaolan's motivation and purpose, of course not Zhuo Ya and An Ran.

Guo Linghua looked coldly: "Husband, how will Su Youlun and Lian Chengzhao deal with it?"

"I'm thinking about it. If I go directly to the two of them, I'm afraid it will have a bad influence, especially on our father's side." Han Zixuan said in embarrassment.

Of course Guo Linghua understands that the Guo family's achievements and status today are closely related to the local government.But Su Youlun's behavior is despicable and shameful, and they must be severely punished.

Han Zixuan analyzed, I guess there were these two people in the army that welcomed us home that day. Apparently, they have been playing with you, trying to find ways to destroy the relationship between you and me.The first time at the reception, Su Youlun always disgusted me, saying that you gave me a cuckold.

Cuckold, Guo Linghua felt aggrieved and said, "Husband, you have to trust me, his background is very innocent."

Of course I know that you are innocent, but you were married to Shangguanting after all, and you still spend the past and the next month, and you are very friendly.

"Where is it? I did it for the mission. You are my first man, you all know it." Seeing that Han Zixuan seemed to be angry, Guo Linghua couldn't help panicking.

Han Zixuan hugged her tightly: "Just kidding, you're really scared."

"What nonsense, this kind of joke can't be played indiscriminately." Guo Linghua hit the man with her small fist.

Han Zixuan went on to say, I showed anger towards you that day. Su Youlun thought that our relationship as a husband and wife was about to collapse, so he asked me out immediately at night, and especially called some beauties from Lin Xiaolan TV to help out. He thought I would fall into the crowd of fans, Then take the opportunity to hold my handle.

Guo Linghua said complacently: "Su Youlun is too brainless. I don't even think about who you are, Young Master Han. How can those vulgar fans of the TV station fall into your eyes."

You can't say that, you saw Lin Xiaolan and the others today, right? Their looks are passable, at least they can be considered good looking.

"I know you well. I'm used to delicacies from heaven and sea. You can't even look down on this kind of small shrimp." Guo Linghua asked him to continue talking confidently.

At that time, I could see Su Youlun's nasty thoughts, but who is more shameless than him, how can he be my opponent.Did you know that Lin Xiaolan was his girlfriend, and I told him that I wanted to sleep with her.This kid actually agreed, and took the initiative to send the woman up.

"You're really bad. Although you didn't have anything to do with Lin Xiaolan, Su Youlun doesn't think so, so he launched revenge on us." Guo Linghua pondered, "Husband, Su Youlun and Lian Chengzhao are too bastards Yes, we must give him some color."

"I think so too, what do you think should be done."

Guo Linghua said that it's best not to disclose our identities, and find a chance when it's dark at night, and beat him hard so that he can't take care of himself.

Han Zixuan thought for a while: "It's too cruel."

"Don't be ruthless, the right is to eliminate harm for women in the world."

Han Zixuan carefully discussed the countermeasures again, and decided to ask Lin Xiaolan for help tomorrow.

Su Youlun waited in front of the TV all night, but the news about Han Zixuan's car shock was still not broadcast, so he was extremely disappointed.

Lian Chengzhao said: "You Lun, I guess the TV station must not broadcast it. The review is very strict. I think it should be posted on the Internet. I believe it will cause quite a stir."

"Fuck, why did I forget this? Han Zixuan made it for me. I have been confused for the past two days." Su Youlun immediately clicked on the computer, of course he had a backup file in the computer.In order to cause a greater negative impact, he released this video on the mainstream media video station in Duojia.

Lin Xiaolan returned home with mixed feelings and joy, hoping that Han Zixuan could teach Su Youlun a lesson.After dinner, she sat in front of the computer and sorted out some materials for tomorrow.

Suddenly, her chat software had a prompt, and her friend released the latest video.She saw that her friend's information name was Su Youlun.

Originally, she planned to delete all news about Su Youlun, but because of her work and bad mood these days, she forgot about it.Suddenly seeing Su Youlun's name, I felt disgusted in my heart.Originally, she didn't want to pay attention to it, but when she remembered that Su Youlun was going to frame Han Zixuan, she clicked it curiously.

After reading it, she couldn't sit still, maybe Han Zixuan didn't know yet.No, she must notify him immediately.When drinking tea today, we left contact information with each other.

Han Zixuan planned to have fun with his wife, both of them were in a good mood, but at this time the annoying phone rang, Han Zixuan saw that it was Lin Xiaolan's call, and cursed in his heart what was the call at this time.

Guo Linghua snatched the phone and looked suspicious when she saw the phone number: "It seems something new, she is definitely not calling you for work at this time."

"If you think too much, we don't care at all."

"It's okay, I don't think so. Although you said that you didn't have anything to do with each other in the hotel, you are lying. Today you kept praising her. She betrayed her ex-boyfriend to help you. I I always feel that this is a bit tricky." Guo Linghua was very dissatisfied, and at the moment when she was in a turbulent mood, an annoying call came.

In order to express the sincerity in his heart, Han Zixuan said, "Why don't you take it."

I answered and I answered, Guo Linghua answered the phone: "I'm sorry, the user you dialed is staying with his wife, please call again tomorrow."

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