The campus is so cute

64 Stealing Fragrance and Stealing Jade

Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi went to the photo studio in the afternoon and saw that the photos were taken very well, so they chose two better ones, asked the photo studio master to enlarge them, and framed them in the frame.

The two returned home happily, hurried upstairs to hang the photos, and decided to hang them in everyone's room.This matter was known by the three women in the villa.Ye Tianyu rushed to the room of the two of them like a little eighth woman, and kept praising her after seeing it.Every woman longs for the day when she wears a wedding dress, especially the men and women in the frame, full of happy and bright smiles.

Bi Yunxi was a little shy, but she was still happy to answer Ye Tianyu's question.Ye Tianyu looked at the photo and asked, "Then you two are married."

Bi Yunxi smiled and said nothing, with this, she is not afraid of anything.

Shen Hanyu was also curious and walked into their room to have a look. Although she didn't make any comments, she looked at it very seriously. She is not young and has reached the age of marriage, but where is her man?

"Lizi, they're already taking wedding photos, so don't worry about it." Shen Hanyu entered He Lizi's boudoir, and saw her sitting on the bed alone.

He Lizi found the feeling of love for the first time, but she was one step late.Although I have a sense of direction from my grandfather, but looking at the happy appearance of the two outside the door, it is false not to be envious.

"Taking pictures doesn't mean you're married. Even if you're married, so what? I want to break them up. Sister Yu, you know, I'm the woman in Han Zixuan's marriage contract. Bi Yunxi is a shameless robber. When I'm not prepared, she stole him." He Lizi insisted that she was negligent during the military training, and at the same time she blamed Ye Tianyu, the idiot, for not keeping an eye on him during the military training.

Shen Hanyu sighed faintly: "Silly boy, don't be attached, look at you, you have lost a lot of weight recently." As she spoke, she looked at her whole body intentionally or unintentionally.

But He Lizi felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing her eyes looking at her chest, it turned out that she also felt that her breasts were not plump enough, so she said that on purpose.

"Sister Yu, you don't have to worry about my affairs, I can decide on my own." He Lizi stood up and came to the bedside. The night was hazy, and the soft light slowly shone in, reflecting on her beautiful face like a flower.

Although Shen Hanyu is not in love, she understands a truth.Women, be they women or girls.Once you find that feeling, it's out of control.Sometimes she complained about her original decision, if only Han Zixuan was not allowed to go to the bar, it would have saved all trouble.

"Well, let's drive Bi Yunxi away, sister, I'll be a villain." Shen Hanyu should definitely do something, and after thinking about it, this is the only stupid way.In fact, she has long wanted to do so.

I can't do this, I want to compete fairly with Bi Yunxi.

In the evening, everything in the villa remained the same.He Lizi picked up her mobile phone and sent a text message: Come to my room.

Han Zixuan read the text message and replied: What are you doing.

Let you come, don't talk so much nonsense.If you don't come, I'll go straight to your room.

Han Zixuan hesitated, but finally agreed humiliatingly. How dare he not bow his head under the eaves.He is a living example, living in someone else's house, everything is under the master's arrangement.

Pushing open the door tiptoely, He Lizi saw that he looked like a thief, and rolled her eyes at him: "What are you doing sneakily, you can't be aboveboard."

The influence is not good. Once Sister Yu and the others find out that I have intentions, it will ruin my reputation.You know, I'm also considered a four-good youth, and I never do such things as stealing incense and jade.

He Lizi ignored his nonsense, then came to the door and locked it.Han Zixuan's eyes widened and he folded his hands on his chest, looking at death as if at home.

What to do, take the initiative to ask, she still doesn't have the courage.But things have come to this point, and she is willing to go all out.

"I'm sick, can you take a look for me." He Lizi pursed her lips, sitting on the edge of the bed, blushing blushes unknowingly.

Er, Han Zixuan heaved a sigh of relief, and asked seriously: "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

"I feel uncomfortable all over." He Lizi didn't know what to say for a while.

Although Han Zixuan knew some medical skills, he couldn't treat this kind of disease.Shaking his head: "Then you have found the wrong person. You should go to the hospital, register for a full-body examination, and then give targeted treatment according to the situation."

"Come here." He Lizi beckoned to him.

Han Zixuan hesitantly moved slowly and leaned in. Seeing her flushed face and shortness of breath, he said in astonishment, "What's the matter? Could it be that you have heart disease."

"That's not true." He Lizi lowered her head and paused every word: "I heard that you can help women enlarge their breasts, right?"

Han Zixuan was stunned for a moment, then he understood, he must have said what Ye Tianyu said, remembering the agreement between the two at that time, he did not expect this child to actually do something serious.

Will be a little bit, why ask this.

Are you an idiot? Do you still have to let me explain clearly?At this moment, He Lizi is fearless, and has summoned all the men to the room alone, so why hesitate.

"I used a lot of medicines before, but they didn't work, so please help me treat my illness." He Lizi still lowered her head, not daring to look at the man. She could even imagine that Han Zixuan must be laughing at her.

Han Zixuan said solemnly: "It's okay, continue to take medicine, persist for a long time, I believe it will improve. In fact, I look at it now, it's not too small. Could it be that you want to be Ye Tianyu's second. You have such a long body, if your chest is as big as hers That way, you won't be a monster anymore."

"Bah, you are the evildoer." He Lizi raised her beautiful bright eyes: "Help me, or I will be inferior for the rest of my life. Just look at the women in the room, and Ye Tianyu won't say anything. Sister Yu is a dancer. There is nothing to say about a good figure. Bi Yunxi seems to be a lot bigger there, and I don't want to be their laughing stock."

Han Zixuan felt that her mistake should be corrected: "Lizi, no one laughs at you. In fact, every woman has advantages and charms. Your charm is unmatched by them."

Hearing his praise, He Lizi felt much more at ease for the first time, and couldn't help asking: "Where is my charm?"

"You are smart. I heard from my grandfather that you have a genius-like business acumen. You came up with some of the projects of the company run by your father. This is something that other girls can't do at all."

With a charming look on her face, He Lizi said unconsciously: "Of course, I'm not that kind of useless vase."

"If that's the case, then why do you need to enlarge your breasts? The beauty on the outside is only temporary, and the wisdom on the inside is infinite. Unless you are in love, your man is not satisfied with you, and you do it to please him."

He Lizi was speechless for a moment, feeling that what he said made some sense.Why should I compete with Bi Yunxi, just for that little vanity.

"Miss, if I have nothing else to do, I'll go back. Yunxi won't be able to find me in a while." Han Zixuan turned to leave, but was held back by He Lizi.

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished yet." He Lizi gritted her teeth and said, "I'm in love, and my man is not satisfied with me. I did it just to please him."

After Han Zixuan finished listening, he couldn't help shaking his head: "Who is your man? You are so unqualified, and your eyes are too vulgar."

"Don't worry about it, it's not you anyway." He Lizi said with her eyes wide open.

Han Zixuan chuckled: "Sorry, I only give my woman breast enhancement, bye, I'm going out."

You, Han Zixuan, you are an asshole.He Lizi was about to go mad with anger, she scolded this guy in her heart for being too wretched, obviously asking me to take the initiative to admit being his woman, why.

Liu Likun didn't find anything cheap at the football field, but instead felt humiliated, and was depressed all the way back home.

His father, Liu Qi, had been observing his son for several days, and found that something was wrong with him recently.Especially the last time someone stabbed his chest, but his son said he didn't see who the other person was. He has been secretly investigating this matter, and now he finally has a clue.

"Kun'er, what's the matter, I've been downcast recently." Liu Qi asked with concern.

Liu Likun said it was fine, maybe he just went to school and was a little tired.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Liu Qi caught his eyes suspiciously: "You are really fine. I have been investigating since you were hospitalized last time. It turns out that the matter is not simple. You are familiar with Han Zixuan, right?"

Liu Likun knew that this matter would be exposed sooner or later, but he didn't want to disturb his father, thinking that he could settle this matter.With his social experience in recent years and the many friends he has known, it is more than enough to deal with Han Zixuan.

"Kun'er, tell me what happened in the bar that day."

Liu Likun had no choice but to confess, because since his father already knew, there was no need to hide anything. After the lecture, he said that I can solve this matter myself without your intervention.

Liu Qi shook his head, complaining that he was reckless in doing things, and there was nothing wrong with chasing girls. Do you think He Lizi is a girl from an ordinary family, even if you raped her, she would even be grateful to you.

However, he was slightly relieved that it seemed that the He family didn't know about this matter, otherwise He Hongchao would definitely come to him if he knew about it.Presumably He Lizi would not tell her family about this matter, after all, it is very embarrassing for a girl to go to a bar and meet a hooligan.

However, a Han Zixuan was caught on the way, because Han Zixuan went to military training on the way, and went to Beijin, so he just caught this person out.At present, a detailed investigation has been done on this person, and it is known that he is from Beijin and came to Nanhai to study.Currently living in the He family, it should be related to the He family.

Although the He family is different from him, Liu Qi is a politician, he is cautious in handling things, and he is afraid that if he makes a mistake, it will cause endless disasters.

Liu Qi knew He Hongchao, the real estate king of South China Sea, and a well-known entrepreneur.In fact, when his son pursued Li Zi, he agreed with both hands.But in the current situation, I'm afraid it won't work.But don't make enemies with the He family, too many enemies is not a good thing.

He persuaded his son not to act rashly.Tomorrow I will go to He Hongchao to find out the details of Han Zixuan and see the attitude of the He family.

Liu Likun knew that what his father said was reasonable, but he was young after all, so he couldn't help but said: "Dad, you are completely unnecessary. In fact, my request is not high. He stabbed me, and I just pay him back the knife."

"Be careful. Take it easy these two days and wait for my news." Liu Qi stroked his head: "Son, it's not easy for our family today, so be careful sailing for ten thousand years."

Liu Likun understood everything, so he kept silent.

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