The campus is so cute

640 request for help

Lin Xiaolan got into Han Zixuan's car, feeling a little turmoil in her heart.She knew An Ran and Zhuo Ya well, and she would definitely sneak behind them.

They are all women, especially those little women who have desires in their hearts, and they have more or less vanity, but Lin Xiaolan's performance is more subtle.

Han Zixuan turned his head to express his thanks, and claimed that he would treat her to a meal in a while. The location had already been chosen, a five-star hotel in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Lin Xiaolan said a few polite words, then looked at Guo Linghua in the front row and said hello: "Miss Guo, it's so wonderful to see you again."

"Miss Lin is too polite. I want to thank you very much for what happened last night." Guo Linghua smiled and stopped talking.

Lin Xiaolan felt very embarrassed, and Guo Linghua came out to accompany her, with the obvious intention of supervising Han Zixuan.In fact, she is supervising me in disguise, but she can't point it out.

When they came to the restaurant, the waiter led them to the reserved private room.After sitting down, Han Zixuan asked Lin Xiaolan to order politely. Lin Xiaolan seemed a little cautious when she came to such a luxurious hotel.Although I have seen the world, I have been to many high-end places for consumption.But it cannot be compared with today, this is the most luxurious hotel in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Lin Xiaolan declined to push the menu to Guo Linghua, and Guo Linghua was not modest, so she ordered a few things casually, but Lin Xiaolan knew in her heart that the cost of this meal was not low.She remembered that the last time Han Zixuan had tea with them, he couldn't even pay for the tea.

It seems that this Young Master Han has no economic status in his family. Thinking about it, too, a married son-in-law who came to a wealthy family would not have any status.Thinking of this, Lin Xiaolan couldn't help but feel deep sympathy for Han Zixuan.

Guo Linghua saw that she seemed to be thinking about something, so she asked her what she was thinking about.

Lin Xiaolan hurriedly raised her head, showing a mouthful of white teeth, and showed a warm smile: "I'm thinking about my luck. It's my honor to have dinner with the number one beauty in Suzhou and Hangzhou."

Speaking of this, Lin Xiaolan immediately took out her mobile phone and asked the two of them for their opinions. She wanted to shoot the scene of eating today and post it on Weibo to share with her good friends.

Han Zixuan and the two originally wanted to refuse, but Lin Xiaolan had indeed helped them, so they looked at each other and nodded in acquiescence.

Lin Xiaolan was very excited, took out her mobile phone to take pictures, and released it immediately.

At noon, An Ran and Zhuo Ya were depressingly having a delicious lunch in the cafeteria of their unit, and at the same time they were checking Weibo. They saw the news that Lin Xiaolan had just posted, clicked on it, and their original gloomy mood was diluted a lot.

An Ran laughed and said: "I just said, Sister Lan will definitely not go on a date with Young Master Han alone. Young Master Han won't even give him a chance."

Zhuo Ya's face was full of displeasure, because yesterday this stingy rich young man hit him deeply.I didn't expect to invite Sister Lan to a big meal today. The difference in status between the two is so huge, and I feel very dissatisfied in my heart.

An Ran was also upset, no matter how you say it, Lin Xiaolan's actions completely hurt the hearts of her sisters, and she also deliberately posted Weibo to show off to us.

During the meal, Lin Xiaolan asked how they did it yesterday, and all the videos were cleared in just a few minutes. This kind of domineering speed is too surprising.

Han Zixuan said it very easily: "I have a computer expert by my side, so I just asked him to help."

Lin Xiaolan showed an expression of admiration, and exclaimed: "It's amazing. Although I don't know much about this industry, I know that your friend must be a top hacker in China."

Han Zixuan bragged to Qian Zhao: "I feel a little wronged by the top in the country. In my impression, he is considered to be world-class."

Guo Linghua interjected at this time: "Miss Lin, today's meal is to express my gratitude to you first, and the second purpose is very important. I hope you can help us deal with Su Youlun and Lian Chengzhao."

"I, how can I help?" Lin Xiaolan pointed herself with her hands, looking surprised.

"It's actually very simple, but I don't know if you are willing to help." Han Zixuan said.

Of course Lin Xiaolan is willing, that's why she gave the video to Han Zixuan.In the morning, the director also asked her when she would play the video of the first car in Suzhou and Hangzhou to shake the door. She shied away a few words and said that the interview was not over yet as an excuse, and she would play it after she had more information.

"Tell me, I'm willing to pay even if it's dangerous." Lin Xiaolan's eyes were firm.

Han Zixuan said it was a bit dangerous, but I think it should be called risk.I just hope that you can contact Su Youlun, ask him out, and call him to a remote place. In fact, you don't need to show up at all, we solved him directly.

solved him.Lin Xiaolan's eyes were wide open, and she didn't understand what this sentence meant. Could it be that Han Zixuan and the others wanted to kill people.

Guo Linghua lightly said that it was just a small physical injury to him, don't worry, even if Su Youlun survives in the future, he will still be in a wheelchair.

At this moment, Guo Linghua's cruelty and viciousness gave Lin Xiaolan a great shock.

Han Zixuan looked at Lin Xiaolan and said, I don't know how your relationship is now, whether you have the ability to ask him out, if your relationship is cold, I think it will be a little difficult, so it's a bit risky, but I Guess, you are a smart woman, you should be able to do it.

Lin Xiaolan nodded: "It shouldn't be a problem. Although I unilaterally severed the relationship between the two of you, but I took the initiative to contact him, and he should agree."

That's good, Han Zixuan made the move to leave, let's do it tonight, I hope you can keep it a secret, you understand the consequences.

Lin Xiaolan made a request, hoping that she could participate in person, and wanted to see how Su Youlun was dealt with, but neither of them refused, and then left.

Lin Xiaolan did not leave immediately, but sat down again, thinking hard about what she just said and what she did, whether she agreed on impulse.Thinking of the pros and cons of the matter, she strengthened her determination.

So, she immediately called Su Youlun.When she showed her woman's tenderness and debauchery, Su Youlun had long ignored all the previous things, and immediately catered to her. He also heard that Lin Xiaolan asked him to go to Phoenix Mountain to watch the stars at night. He knew that danger was approaching him ahead.

In the afternoon, when Lin Xiaolan returned to work, she couldn't help but look radiant, but she found that An Ran and Zhuo Ya ignored her, and even had hatred and displeasure in their eyes.

Lin Xiaolan didn't care because there were more important things to do at night.

After get off work in the afternoon, An Ran and Zhuo Ya saw that Lin Xiaolan left in a hurry after work, guessing in their hearts, could it be that Sister Lan would continue to date Han Zixuan at night, so they continued to follow secretly.

Lin Xiaolan just wanted to go home and change, and then go to Phoenix Mountain to watch a good show.

Unexpectedly, there was a car she was familiar with parked outside, which belonged to Su Youlun.

Su Youlun had been waiting long ago, and when she saw Lin Xiaolan coming out, she walked over enthusiastically with flowers in her hands.

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