The campus is so cute

647 Lu's Dinner

This is a very important thing to govern the officialdom in Suzhou and Hangzhou.Han Zixuan decided to go home and discuss it first. Of course, the No. 1 choice was his father-in-law Guo Xiangtao.

When Guo Xiangtao heard about this, his brows were immediately frowned. He was obviously hesitant, and he tried not to get involved in the last opinion he gave.Lu Yuanchu wants to declare war with Lian Henian, there is no need for our family to get involved, after all, our family is a business family, it is best not to get involved.Speaking of which, he himself has a good relationship with both sides.

Of course Han Zixuan understood his father-in-law's concerns, and it was easy for him to say that.But Guo Linghua did not agree with his father's opinion, thinking that Han Zixuan could consider this matter, what was so great about him even celebrating the New Year, it drove me into a hurry, so I killed him directly in the middle of the night.

Guo Xiangtao didn't express doubts about his daughter's not surprising words, but stared at the two of them with a look of sudden realization: "I see, what happened to Su Youlun was done by you two."

Han Zixuan admitted it in front of Lu Fangping, so of course there is no need to continue to hide it.

Guo Xiangtao has also seen strong winds and waves, otherwise his little heart might not be able to accept it.He was very calm about this. He believed that Zixuan and his daughter must have a reason for doing so. Although the two came from special backgrounds, they were not murderers.

"It seems that you did a good job on this matter. It's been two days, and the police don't have any clues at all." Guo Xiangtao had to praise.

Han Zixuan took the opportunity to say that there is indeed no direct evidence left, but Lian Jia is not a fool, and after a little analysis, he will know who did it.Although Lian He Nian may not dare to go to our house directly, but after all, there are conflicts between the two aspects.It's better to take advantage of this opportunity and completely uproot them.What's more, with the support of Lu Yuanchu, there is still a lot of confidence in winning.

Guo Xiangtao carefully analyzed the pros and cons. Although he had a good relationship with Lian He Nian all these years, this guy was a greedy and shameless person. Although he didn't dare to ask for cheap from his family, his colleagues suffered from many major events and complained a lot.

Suhang is very important here, and Zixuan must attach great importance to it, no less than his roots in South China Sea.If there are discordant characters presiding over the situation here, he will definitely not be used to it.Guo Xiangtao knew that his son-in-law had great ambitions, so he simply let them go and work hard.And he was convinced they would be successful.

However, he suggested that Han Zixuan ask the chief what he meant. After all, he is still here now. Although almost no one knows, it is better to let him know.

Han Zixuan talked with Zhao Zekai on the phone, and they chatted for a long time, basically he was talking, and his father listened carefully on the other side.

In fact, since Zhao Zekai came home for more than a month, he has paid close attention to the official circles in Suzhou and Hangzhou. After all, his home is here, so of course he needs to know more about it.Su Bingrong has even heard about He Nian's deeds, and indeed he has many questions.But he can't interfere, and Liu Peng will definitely know that he is still alive.

With Liu Peng's shrewdness, there must be his direct descendants in the official circles of Suzhou and Hangzhou.Thinking about Lian He Nian being so bold and reckless, maybe the ultimate backer behind him is Liu Peng.

Regardless of the reason, corrupt officials must be arrested, Zhao Zekai figured it out, and he will start to do this after he regains power.Now it seems that his son is walking ahead of him.This time is also an opportunity to test his ability.Therefore, Zhao Zekai supports his behavior, but will not provide any help, and let him handle it by himself.

With the words of his father, Han Zixuan's heart is at ease.At night, Lu Fangping called again, telling him not to forget at night, and asked him to bring along the most beautiful woman in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Han Zixuan asked Guo Linghua's opinion, Guo Linghua smiled and said that of course he was going, since the secretary personally invited him, how could he not attend.

Guo Xiangtao said that he would not go, so as not to be criticized by the outside world, and it's okay for you young people to move around more.

At six o'clock in the evening, Han Zixuan and his wife drove to the home of Lu Yuanchu, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.Unexpectedly, Lu Yuanchu's home was still an old house. When he entered it, he found that the decoration was not as rich as he imagined, and he looked like a local tyrant.Could it be that this Lu Yuanchu is really a clean and honest official, Guo Linghua whispered in Han Zixuan's ear, it must be too low-key.

Just pretending, Han Zixuan said quietly.

Lu Fangping and his future wife, Qin Yurou, came out to greet him in person. This Qin Yurou lived up to her name, with a soft and gentle appearance, and she looked like she came from a scholarly family.Unexpectedly, Lu Fangping was seriously watched by such a seemingly weak woman.

Qin Yurou is a woman who speaks very pleasantly. Seeing Guo Linghua and Han Zixuan, the couple, she kept pouring out her compliments.Han Zixuan and the two of them couldn't be stingy with their mouths, and they also praised them both.

Lu Fangping slapped Han Zixuan's chest: "Okay, don't be foolish with me, hurry up and invite me inside, my old man has invited you."

Lu Yuanchu was actually busy in the kitchen at this time, and only came out when he heard the movement outside.Seeing Han Zixuan and the two of them, he couldn't help being amazed, but he reached out to shake hands with them one by one.

Mrs. Lu is a modest woman, she looks kind and wise, which is also in line with the status of the first lady of Suzhou and Hangzhou.

The meal was very pleasant, because with Lu Fangping in the middle, this kid is a talkative guy at home, quite good at talking.On the contrary, Qin Yurou basically didn't speak, and was very well-behaved.But she sat with Guo Linghua, and the two occasionally had some private conversations.

After dinner, of course they won't talk about things, and of course Han Zixuan also knew that Lu Yuanchu would not invite him to dinner for no reason.But Lu Yuanchu was not in a hurry. During the meal, he talked about some trivial matters of family life.

At the end of the dinner, Lu Yuanchu hoped that his son would have more contact with Han Zixuan and learn more, and finally asked Lu Fangping to personally pour wine to Han Zixuan.

Qin Yurou also immediately joined in, expressing her respect to the most beautiful lady in Suzhou and Hangzhou, it was quite happy anyway.

After the dinner was over, Mrs. Lu presented fruit tea and other recreational items and then left. Qin Yurou pulled Guo Linghua to talk about women's private care, and there were three men left in the living room, which also meant that today's theme has come.

Lu Fangping poured water to wait for the bureau, looked at his father furtively, and sent a signal.

Lu Yuanchu did not procrastinate, but made the point.Lu Fangping added in the middle, his eyes full of earnest hope: "Brother Han, I believe you must have considered it well and will definitely bring good news."

"Why do you say that."

"Because I believe you." Seeing his relaxed expression, Lu Fangping felt confident: "So, you agree."

Han Zixuan nodded, looked at Lu Yuanchu and said, "Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, I am very puzzled, why do you want to join forces with me?"

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