The campus is so cute

666 The Sudden Mission

Although Liu Peng would not take Han Zixuan seriously, this person was always a problem. Now that he had arrived in the capital, the next step was to search the whole city to find this person.

In order to provide more detailed information to everyone present, Liu Peng specially called Liu Qi, who had just failed in his mission, to the conference room, and asked him to make a correct judgment on the current situation.

Liu Qi felt flattered, because today's occasions are all minister-level leaders, and people with his status are not qualified to participate at all.Moreover, the task failed, and the chief did not severely blame him, which made him feel a little relieved.

Many of the people present were unfamiliar with this Liu Qi. After all, Liu Qi came to the capital for a short time, but he climbed very fast.Moreover, the chief entrusted him with such an important task, so it was obvious that this person was a favorite.

Truth be told, it does.Liu Peng still admires Liu Qi very much. As for what he appreciates about him, the most important thing is his loyalty.

If Liu Peng asked him to play the role of a dog rolling on the ground at this moment, Liu Qi would not have any hesitation.Although this kind of person has no ability, he is definitely easy to use.He will not betray himself at any time, and he knows that Liu Qi has a deep-seated conflict with Han Zixuan, so it is more reliable for him to deal with Han Zixuan.

Liu Qi talked about the battle that day. Although this person was tactful, he didn't dare to take the responsibility for not killing Han Zixuan on his own head. This was the result of his own mistakes and his contempt for the enemy.But in the future, he will definitely not make similar mistakes again, and must thoroughly find out this person, so as to restore the stability and unity of the people in the capital.

Liu Peng ordered him to find out this person. You must know more about this person than me.Since he and his accomplices are still active in the capital, we must find a way to eliminate them.

At this moment, one of the people present stood up excitedly and said, "Chief, I also want to participate, please allow me to join in too."

Liu Peng glanced at this person, it was Zheng Rong.He knew that he had a son named Zheng Hongtao who had been lurking beside Han Zixuan before.However, there is no progress, and the other party has already noticed it.Fortunately, Zheng Hongtao was clever and got out early, otherwise he would have fallen into a difficult situation.

He knew that the Zheng family had some grudges against Han Zixuan, so it didn't hurt to let him participate.Liu Peng nodded: "Okay, Zheng Rong, I'm very happy. Then you and Liu Qi will serve as the temporary commander-in-chief for this operation. If you encounter problems, you two can agree to resolve them."

After hearing this, Liu Qi immediately came to Zheng Rong, bowed in salute, and offered to extend his hand to express his hope for a happy cooperation.No matter what, Zheng Rong is an official of the Beijing government after all, and his position is a head of the military region, and his military rank still bears the halo of a senior colonel.He would not dare to offend this kind of person, and this is also an opportunity to take advantage of this stage to establish a good alliance of interests with some high-ranking officials in the capital.

After this matter was implemented, Liu Peng talked about the next very important topic.

In the first half month or so, he received calls from many European countries. They wanted to visit China during the New Year. The purpose of course was to promote the further development of China and the European Union.

Moreover, the mission to China this time is unprecedentedly large, and basically all EU countries will arrange for important figures to be present.Such a large-scale visit can be described as the first time since ancient times.Liu Peng originally wanted to express his refusal. After all, he had more important things to do during the New Year.But he changed his mind and couldn't do that. In the future, when he takes over, the European Union is a very important cooperation body, and he can't easily plant future troubles for himself.

Everyone knows about this matter. Liu Peng put forward the following requirements. Security work, service work, etc. must be implemented one by one, and there must be no mistakes in any link.These two things can be combined. After all, getting rid of Han Zixuan is to clear up hidden dangers for the country.

After the meeting ended, Liu Peng left several core figures behind, including Yang Hong.The core topic Liu Peng talked about was whether he wanted to declare himself the No. [-] figure in China, and the European Union could be a perfect witness.

Many people expressed their opposition, after all, it is not appropriate to do so.

Liu Peng nodded: "I know it's inappropriate, but they asked what to do about Zhao Zekai. After all, he is still the No. [-] head of our country. We have been blocking the news of his death. There must be a lot of friends of Zhao Zekai, if they keep hiding it, it will be a problem."

Yang Hong exclaimed inwardly, suddenly recalling the conversation between him and his son Yang Tianjun yesterday.Liu Peng conspired to kill Zhao Zekai. At that time, he just laughed it off and didn't care.From this point of view, this matter is true.

Gao Sen, secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, said at this moment: "Chief, your previous plan was to announce the death of Zhao Zekai during the New Year and succeed in taking office. I don't think there is any need to change this plan. It just so happened that the EU mission came. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Our Huaxia It’s a big country, so there can’t be no number one person. Don’t worry about that, the most important thing is that you get to the top first, and then think about other things.”

This topic aroused controversy, and Liu Peng said in his mind: "I'll go back and make a decision on this matter. The important thing is to do a good job in the reception, and there must be no mistakes. I explained everything at the meeting, and you must keep an eye on it when you go back. "

Everyone dispersed, but Yang Hong did not leave.Liu Peng was not in a hurry to leave, he guessed in his heart that he probably had something to tell me.

When no one was there, Yang Hong looked at Liu Peng with a stern look.

Liu Peng was a little terrified by his eyes, and deliberately forced a smile: "What's the matter, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Number two, I want to know if you conspired to kill Zhao Zekai." Yang Hong's eyes were cold, as if he wanted to pierce the other person's heart directly.

Fortunately, Liu Peng was a big shot, otherwise he would have been intimidated by his gaze.He didn't panic: "It seems that you know about this matter, and I won't hide it from you, it does happen."

Yang Hong said in a reproachful tone: "How could you do this? Zhao Zekai has been sick for many years, and he is not your opponent in frontal competition. Why do you take this kind of method? Once it is exposed in the future, it will not be a good thing .”

Exposure, who can expose it, only Fang Zhixin knows about it, and now he is spending the rest of his life in prison.Liu Peng suddenly remembered that there is still someone who knows about this matter, and that is Yang Tianjun.He understood everything.

"Yang Hong, I was also forced to do nothing. Although Zhao Zekai's health is failing, he has found his long-lost son. This is a booster for him, stimulating him to make a comeback. I have to be careful. As for I admire Tianjun very much for this mission, I like this young man very much, and his future is sure to be limitless." On the one hand, Liu Peng washed himself off, and on the other hand, he bribed his good ally.

Hearing this, Yang Hong was very angry in his heart. To put it bluntly, you Liu Peng is a shameless villain who values ​​interests. No wonder Tianjun has never had a good impression of you.

Yang Hong left without saying anything more.Liu Peng didn't mind too much, but Yang Hong's heart slowly changed at the moment.

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