The campus is so cute

67 You are jailbroken

Xie Wenhao felt that what happened tonight was obviously premeditated. Their target was Han Zixuan. He didn't dare to relax, so he went to his grandfather immediately.

Xie Zhongxian nodded after listening to his grandson's report. Zixuan must have offended someone.Xie Wenhao analyzed that the only person who had conflicts with Han Zixuan was Liu Likun. Liu Likun was hospitalized some time ago, and it is estimated that this time it was their act of revenge.

"Wen Hao, you handled this matter very well. Call Wen Xuan immediately and ask her to come back."

Xie Wenhao suddenly remembered that Han Zixuan was also in the police station, so he explained the situation.Xie Zhongxian patted him angrily: "Nonsense, let Wenxuan come back quickly, and tell her to bring Zixuan back together."

But before Xie Wenhao called, the doorbell rang.He went to open the door, and it turned out to be Xie Wenxuan. He looked behind for a long time, but there was no sign of Han Zixuan.

"Sister, where is Zixuan, has he returned home?"

"Go home, why go home, I threw him in the police station, I will interrogate him tomorrow." Xie Wenxuan changed into a police uniform, a very ordinary dress, jeans on the lower body, an apricot yellow floral shirt on the upper body, and took off After she took off the police uniform, the majesty on her face also dissipated a lot.

Xie Zhongxian heard the conversation between them, trembling with anger, pointed at Xie Wenxuan's nose: "Wenxuan, how can you mess around. Han Zixuan is our guest of honor, I told you before."

"I know, but that's a matter between you. I have nothing to do with him. He got into a brawl in a bar. I have no problem arresting him. It's too late, and it makes sense to interrogate him tomorrow. Why are you making such a fuss. "Xie Wenxuan sat on the sofa casually, then picked up the remote control to watch TV.

Xie Wenhao hurriedly appeased the old man: "Grandpa, my sister has such a temper, you calm down."

Xie Zhongxian's forehead was sweating: "No, how can I not be angry. This damn girl is going to make me mad."

Xie Wenxuan turned off the TV and came to grandpa: "Grandpa, what kind of person is Han Zixuan? With our family's strength, I don't understand why he underestimated him." Then he pointed at Xie Wenhao: "Useless things , your girl was robbed by him, and now you are still following his ass like a pug, with no future at all."

Xie Wenhao was said to have no temper at all, and he thought that old lady, you have to be jealous, this time you got into trouble, and Han Zixuan was angered, you will do no good.Smiling inwardly, just wait, Young Master Han will definitely deal with you in the future.

"Grandpa, Han Zixuan will stay in the prison for one night. I will release him tomorrow. Don't worry about it. He will be fine. I will bear all the consequences." Xie Wenxuan challenged her in her heart. To fix this man.

Han Zixuan scolded Xie Wenxuan thousands of times in his heart, and when he goes out in the future, he must take revenge.In fact, if he wants to leave here, it can't be difficult for him, but he knows that there are electronic eyes all around, and the slightest movement of him will alarm the other party.

He thought about it for a while, and be quiet for a while. He probably won't stick to it. I'm not a criminal, so there's no need to keep a close watch on me.

After waiting for another hour, Han Zixuan was not sure if anyone was watching, so he took off his pants and peed in the interrogation room, first to vent his anger, and secondly to judge whether someone was watching.

After waiting for a while, no one paid any attention to him, Han Zixuan smiled, took out a silver needle from his pocket, and came to the door.In fact, he could have kicked open the door, but doing so made too much noise. When Xie Wenxuan came back tomorrow morning, he had an excuse to arrest him, saying that he destroyed public property.Han Zixuan felt that he had to set a bottom line for the other party, just pee, it was enough for them to drink a pot.

After prying open the door lock, Han Zixuan left the interrogation room.In fact, Xie Wenxuan was also to blame for his negligence, and since it was night, there was no one guarding her at all.Han Zixuan knew that there were security guards at the door, so he chose to climb the wall.Quietly left the police station, Xie Wenxuan, you wait, let me meet you next time, I will cross you first.

It was past eleven o'clock when Han Zixuan returned to the villa. He thought they were all asleep, but he never expected that all four women would be there.It's just that Shen Hanyu was a little tired, lying on the sofa, and Bi Yunxi was rubbing her stomach.

"Yunxi, how is she? Is she serious?" Han Zixuan hurried over with a concerned look on his face.

"It's nothing, Sister Yu has been a little tired recently, and her menstrual period is coming, so her lower abdomen is bloated and painful. I took medicine for her just now, and I am massaging her abdomen, but my technique is not as good as yours, so you should do it Bar."

Shen Hanyu shook her head: "It's okay, I'm much better, thank you for your concern." She especially thanked Bi Yunxi, if she wasn't by her side, she would definitely die of pain tonight.

But He Lizi hurriedly stopped in front of him, and said ferociously: "You are too heartless, all the women in the family are sick, and you still have the mind to spend and drink outside, and you came back so late at night, are you sorry for us?"

Han Zixuan gently pushed her away, and then came to Shen Hanyu, and without waiting for the other party's consent, he grabbed her wrist and pressed on her pulse.

Ye Tianyu had great confidence in Han Zixuan's medical skills, so he hurriedly approached and asked, "Brother Zixuan, what's going on, please tell me quickly."

Han Zixuan thought about it and said, "According to my years of experience, this is a symptom of pregnancy."

Puchi, Bi Yunxi covered her mouth and snickered, Shen Hanyu's face was pale: "Han Zixuan, don't talk nonsense, I'm still a virgin."

Han Zixuan smiled slyly, and said, "I know, I know even if you don't tell me."

Shen Hanyu knew that he had been fooled, and immediately shook off his hand angrily, and stopped talking.Ye Tianyu was hooked, brother Zixuan is so powerful that he dared to moles Sister Yu.Who is Sister Yu, she is a goddess.

He Lizi was still going on and on: "Han Zixuan, I called you just now, who are you going to get angry with? You also said that your wife is sick and can't even answer the phone. What's going on?"

Shen Hanyu's glamorous face turned away, wanting to get angry, but she didn't have the strength to argue with him.

Han Zixuan hesitated for a long time, and decided to explain the matter, telling them that I didn't eat, drink and play, I was flirtatious, and I was wronged and humiliated and entered the police station.

After hearing this, the girls were immediately petrified.Bi Yunxi left Shen Hanyu in a hurry, came to him, looked up, down, left, and right for a long time, and said softly: "You are not injured, the police didn't bully you, did they?"

He Lizi sneered: "Bi Yunxi, you underestimate Han Zixuan too much. If you fight, he will still suffer."

She saw the mobile phone video, and she had a taste of Han Zixuan's demeanor.It turned out that this man was so handsome when he was fighting, and he was even more attractive than when he was drinking.Seeing that Bi Yunxi cared so much about him, the sour taste in his heart became even stronger.

Shen Hanyu's anger towards Han Zixuan eased a lot, she asked: "How did you get out, you probably didn't escape."

"Smart, even if he fell ill, his brain is still so bright." Shen Hanyu gave him a cold look, this man is getting bolder and bolder.

Ye Tianyu regained his energy immediately, and Pi Dian came to hold his hand: "Brother Zixuan, you escaped from prison, tell me quickly, how you escaped."

"Elder Sister, can you stop being such an idiot? Zixuan's place is not a prison, but an ordinary interrogation room." He Lizi blackmailed her head severely, this girl, when will she be smarter.

It's all the same anyway, aren't they all escaped?

Han Zixuan started to brag, how to piss and pee, how to pick the door lock, and then swaggered away from the police station, jumping over the wall to leave.The four girls are quite stupid, but Bi Yunxi is okay, gets along with Han Zixuan day and night, and understands this man's style of work.But the other three were different. Ye Tianyu was drooling and looked envious, wishing she could transform into Han Zixuan to play the role just now.

He Lizi thought that he was bragging more, but she was very sure that she must have done all of this.

After Shen Hanyu listened to them, she didn't bother them like nymphomaniacs, but reminded: "It's over, our family really has a fugitive this time." Then she went upstairs, too lazy to hang out with them, and made no progress at all.

Han Zixuan hurriedly shouted: "Does your stomach still hurt? Do you want me to massage you? My technique is definitely the best in the world."

No, I don't even need to die.Shen Hanyu said in his heart.

Alright, everyone, hurry up and go to bed, I'm busy tomorrow.Bi Yunxi followed behind him, it was obvious that the two of them were going to sleep together again.

He Lizi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and pulled Bi Yunxi: "Bi Yunxi, where is your room, don't go wrong."

Bi Yunxi narrowed her eyes and said, "No, I'm going to sleep with him."

You are shameless.

I have no face, Bi Yunxi provocatively said: "If you have the guts, follow along."

He Lizi trembled all over, and rushed back to her room angrily.Ye Tianyu followed closely: "Sister Lizi, why don't I sleep with you."

"Go away, little idiot."

Xie Wenxuan hadn't woken up in the morning when she was woken up by the disgusting ringing of the phone.She picked up the phone, and after listening to it, her complexion changed drastically, and she cursed: "Trash, idiot, idiot, why did the police station keep you? This group of scum."

She came to the police station angrily, and the face of the scolded person was pale: "Captain, please watch the video, anyway, I can't bear it, it's too fucking humiliating."

After Xie Wenxuan finished reading it, her anger became even stronger. She couldn't help saying that she gave each of the two men on the night shift a big mouth. The two men didn't say a word at all, thinking that the captain's lesson was very correct.Once this matter was reported to the superiors, they would be too embarrassed, and the majesty of the police station would be completely lost.

The two men endured the pain and said: "Captain, don't worry, we will bring Han Zixuan back to you right now."

"Okay, just the two of you, can it be done." Xie Wenxuan carefully studied the video, from prying the door to jumping off the wall, the whole movement was quick and quick. Even if they were aware of it at the time, Han Zixuan probably could have easily escaped.This man is really surprising.Xie Wenxuan showed a rare smile: "This matter must be kept secret, and no one is allowed to leak the secret."

Liu Qi waited all night, but still did not get a call, so he called Wei Baoshuai and asked, "Bao Shuai, what's the matter."

Wei Baoshuai said confusedly: "I'm waiting for Mao Biao's call, please wait a moment."

After a while, Wei Baoshuai called Liu Qi back: "Minister, there was a little accident in this matter. The person who taught Han Zixuan a lesson yesterday entered the police station. See what to do about this matter."

Oh, Liu Qi didn't expect things to change, he said calmly: "Don't panic, you should find out what happened as soon as possible and report immediately."

Wei Baoshuai hastily expressed his opinion that he must find out.

He Hongchao was sitting in the office, listening to the report: "Boss, Han Zixuan was attacked by hooligans yesterday, and later I heard that they entered the police station. Then he came back safe and sound, and stayed in the villa last night."

He Hongchao let his subordinates go out, thinking to himself, Han Zixuan, how divine are you.

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