The campus is so cute

685 Get lost, I don't believe you anymore

Pan Shaoqi looked at Han Zixuan strangely. It was a new thing that his student wanted to introduce a girlfriend to him.

Although Pan Shaoqi didn't know much about this student, he knew that this person was not an ordinary character. As for his background, he didn't care at all, even though he had nothing to do with him.He is only in charge of the school, and if he does his job well, he feels very comfortable every day.

"Stop smiling with me, you don't have to worry about my affairs." Pan Shaoqi glared.

Han Zixuan did not flinch, and continued to attack, "Mr. Pan, are you gay?"

"You are the one, your whole family is the gay." Pan Shaoqi suddenly became angry.

However, Han Zixuan chuckled: "Since you're not, it's easy to say. Look at you, you're over 30, you're old enough to get married, why aren't you in a hurry at all? Even if you're not in a hurry, your parents must be Hurry up."

When Pan Shaoqi heard this, the anger in his heart immediately dissipated. It seemed that he didn't intend to joke with him.His hometown is not in Nanhai, but in a remote rural area in the south. To be able to be admitted to Nanhai University and stay in school with excellent grades to become a counselor is already very successful for him.

But the reality is still cruel, and it is difficult to get married.First of all, the housing price is a big mountain in his heart, and the school has also noticed his personal situation, and provided him with free dormitories for teachers, but these are just a drop in the bucket, and cannot solve practical problems at all.

Pan Shaoqi is still a strong man, and he wants to buy a house with his own ability, but he has been working for six or seven years. Although he has saved a little money, it is still very difficult to make the down payment.

Han Zixuan sincerely wanted to help him, because Pan Shaoqi's character is absolutely excellent, and everyone in school has a good reputation as a good guy.

"Old Pan, just tell me if you have any difficulties, and I will help you. It's not for anything else, but for the help you have given me in the past three years. I have seen it in the final student summary report every year. You didn't cheat me and saved me face, I am very grateful."

Pan Shaoqi twitched his lips and said, "I wrote that for everyone. After all, I also came from school. There is no need to make things difficult for the students. After all, this is related to your future and will have a great impact on your future employment. But I think about it carefully. Come to think of it, what does this have to do with you?"

"Of course it has something to do with it. You don't know. My family has passed it down from generation to generation. I have been training a college student like me for so many years. I don't want to get bad reviews in school, and I won't be able to explain to my family in the future."

"Okay, don't be poor with me, go back if you have nothing to do, the New Year is coming soon, go home and have a good year." Pan Shaoqi waved at him.

Seeing that he did not accept his help, Han Zixuan had no choice but to find an opportunity to express his gratitude to him in the future.He then asked Pan Shaoqi if he was going home for the Chinese New Year, and if he had bought the bus ticket.

Pan Shaoqi smiled distressedly: "I will definitely go home, but it seems difficult to buy a ticket, and I haven't bought it yet."

Han Zixuan laughed immediately after hearing this: "Teacher, why didn't you tell me earlier, leave the matter of the bus ticket to me."

Han Zixuan immediately took out his phone and ordered to go down. After making the call, he said to Pan Shaoqi: "Teacher, after the matter is settled, they will send you the bus ticket in half an hour."

Pan Shaoqi was stunned for a long while, thinking that you don't know how to brag, there is only one car to go to their house, and the tickets for this car have long been sold out, and there are no standing tickets.For this reason, he also dragged a lot of people, but they couldn't get it done. Could it be that this kid can solve the problem with a few phone calls.

Han Zixuan said hehe, "Mr. Pan, you don't seem to believe me, do you?"

Pan Shaoqi nodded and said, "It's only strange if I believe you."

In less than 10 minutes, Han Zixuan's phone rang. It was a brother under Ling Tao, saying that the bus ticket had been settled and he was at the school gate now.

Han Zixuan ordered him to come in and told him the location of the academy.

Pan Shaoqi was really dumbfounded. When he took the ticket with his own hands, he became stiff.Soft sleeper, lower berth.It is said that he has only done hard berths, and the best one was the middle berth.

He expressed his gratitude to Han Zixuan, and immediately wanted to pay, but Han Zixuan refused.But Pan Shaoqi wanted to save face. If Han Zixuan didn't pay, he would report to his superiors that he had bribed.

Han Zixuan was completely speechless, no wonder you can't find a partner, you don't know how to work around, I don't care about you, just stay a bachelor for the rest of your life.

Han Zixuan left school depressed, and went to drink some wine with Xie Wenhao.

When Xie Wenhao heard that he had just come out of school, he showed a frightened expression: "Brother-in-law, are you alright? I won't go to school, so what kind of green onions are you going to pretend to be?"

"Xie Wenhao, it's no wonder that Pan Shaoqi has a problem with us. It's because we don't want to make progress. Forget about this semester, you can study for me next semester." Han Zixuan ordered.

Xie Wenhao pulled his face. Now he is used to being a fool, and when he goes out, he is always greeted by everyone around him. This feeling makes him feel that his life has reached its peak.So how could he be happy to let him return to the world.

But Han Zixuan didn't show face: "If you don't go back, I will completely beat you back to your original shape."

Xie Wenhao had no choice but to agree: "Okay, let's make an agreement, and I will hang around until I graduate from senior year. I have to come and visit this stall every week, otherwise my brothers will forget who their boss is. "

The house has been very lively recently, and there is a sense of joy everywhere, because everyone can get together during the Spring Festival this year, and Han Zixuan can finally be at home safely.

The people and women in the family are very happy every day, three or two people get together, go to the beauty treatment, go shopping, or simply play mahjong at home.Anyway, there are too many people, not afraid of not enough, if not enough, so the cowherd Han Zixuan is brought in.

Han Zixuan seldom relaxes, so he treats it as a vacation for himself, temporarily forgetting all his troubles, and waits until the Spring Festival is over before starting a new journey.

The next goal of his life is to break the seal.There is also a powerful organization, Tianxing, but Tianxing is a problem for high-level people to solve. With his own father, he doesn't need to worry too much.

There was less than a week before the Spring Festival. On this day, Han Zixuan was playing cards with his wives at home. When he lost his clothes, he lost his clothes. When the game was exciting, a discordant phone call came.

Han Zixuan took it and saw that it was the counselor's, and smiled inwardly. Don't Ask must be thanking me, thank you for buying him the bus ticket.

"Hey, counselor, let's get on the train. How's it going? It's not bad." Han Zixuan said cheerfully.

But Pan Shaoqi was furious and said: "Han Zixuan, the ticket you gave me is fake. Now I am at the train station police station, and they force me to ask the source of the ticket. I have no choice but to confess you. Hurry up and get rid of the fake ticket." Come and save me, or I won't let you graduate smoothly."

Han Zixuan was quite angry when he heard this, and immediately called Ling Tao, who had arranged the tickets for the previous two days.

After Ling Tao understood the whole story, he immediately appeased Han Zixuan not to be angry. He also entrusted this matter to his brother. He immediately investigated and promised to return your counselor's innocence.

Han Zixuan didn't have time to wait for their investigation, he had to go to the station police station to fish out Lao Pan first.But he didn't know anyone at the police station, so he asked Xie Wenxuan.

Although Xie Wenxuan left the police station, she still has a wide network of contacts. She said that she went to the station police station together, and they have been in frequent contact with the chief there.

Han Zixuan bid farewell to the poker field, and then drove to the station.

When I came to the station police station, I saw that Pan Shaoqi was still being questioned by the police, while Lao Pan hung his head.

Han Zixuan immediately pushed the door open and entered, the policeman saw the stranger barging in, immediately got angry, stood up and stopped him and asked who he was and what he was doing.

Han Zixuan came to Pan Shaoqi and asked with concern: "Teacher, are you okay, have they bullied you? If so, tell me, and I will seek justice for you."

"Fuck off, I don't believe you this time."

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