The campus is so cute

687 Clear Rewards and Punishments

Wan Liting just wanted to defend himself, but more violent fists swept across his body like a storm.As I said before, this guy is a rookie in fighting, but he has some skills, and his ability to fight is starting to be very strong.

This guy put his head in his hands and simply threw himself to the other party, let them vent to their heart's content.He felt very happy to be able to die at the hands of Han Zixuan in this life.

Ling Tao felt that it was almost the same, his fists were no better than ordinary people.Seeing that Wan Liting's whole body was basically wounded, if he continued to fight, he might be physically disabled.

Han Zixuan thought it was all right, and nodded to Ling Tao.

Wan Liting reached out and touched his face, except for blood, it was blood, it was genuine, without any moisture at all.

Ling Tao stared at Wan Liting and asked, "Wan Liting, you must know why I beat you."

Wan Liting bowed his head and nodded, and said with difficulty: "Understood, brother Tao, you hit the right shot, I realized my mistake, and I will never dare again in the future."

"How much profit did you seek through fraudulent activities?" Ling Tao asked.

Wan Liting pondered for a moment: "Probably tens of thousands."

Ling Tao said coldly: "Okay, all your property will be confiscated, and you will be fined a year's bonus, and your salary will be halved. From tomorrow, you will go out to do coolie work for me, repair bridges and pave roads, for one month first. Look at your performance, if you are satisfied, you roll back, if not, you can continue to work. Of course, you have another choice, leave here, no one will restrain you."

Wan Liting felt a little desolate in his heart, he had lost all his savings, and the days to come would definitely be tough.To be honest, he really couldn't bear it.Not to mention anything else, even if he was asked to do coolies, he couldn't accept it, and felt that it was too embarrassing.Thinking about how prestige he had been for a while before, now that he fell from the sky to the ground, he would definitely be ridiculed by others.

Originally, he wanted to rely on his special relationship with Han Zixuan to curry favor, but he could see that the atmosphere today was not right, so if he talked too much, don't put his life in it.If he was asked to leave here, he would definitely not choose this path.

Seeing that he had no objection, Ling Tao insisted on this approach.Finally asked Han Zixuan how to deal with this, Han Zixuan nodded: "Let's leave it like this for now, that's fine, I'm going back."

Wan Liting watched Han Zixuan walking by his side like this, feeling unwilling and regretful at the same time, he had let down his boss's trust in him, thinking that he was able to enter this door at the beginning because of Han Zixuan's unique insight into me Treat each other, but I repay him like this, he must be very disappointed in me.

No, he must perform well, let the boss know himself again, he definitely has something to offer, he is a talent.

Through the matter of Wan Liting, Han Zixuan communicated with Ling Tao many times, no matter whether our people have real skills or not, the quality must not be too bad.You work hard these few days, give me a detailed check, those who are unqualified, give them some Chinese New Year severance pay to let them leave here.

Han Zixuan didn't intend to build a gun, it was played by previous people, so it's not interesting.Now there is a nice name called community, organization, or company.

Ling Tao felt that his requirements were a bit too high, after all, these people were not the kind of high-quality talents you were looking for.Besides, it would definitely not work to let those high-level talents come here.

Han Zixuan thought about it and it was the same thing, but he just reminded Ling Tao to strictly manage, conduct regular inspections, and clean up the unqualified ones.

In addition, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and it is not easy for everyone to follow. Let’s do this, you will pay each person 10 yuan for the New Year’s Eve tomorrow.

Ling Tao didn't expect that Han Zixuan was so rich, with a hundred or so brothers under him, the expenses alone would require astronomical figures.

Han Zixuan finally gave Ling Tao a separate check. Ling Tao took it and saw that it was 1000 million.He immediately refused, determined not to accept the money.

Han Zixuan chuckled: "Okay, this is what you deserve. There is no shortage of anything these days, and what is lacking is talent. As the old saying goes, a thousand soldiers are easy to get, but a general is hard to find. Brother Tao, you have worked hard too."

Ling Tao is a majestic tough guy, and he also shed tears of emotion this time.

Han Zixuan thought for a while and said, "Chinese New Year is coming soon, I'll give you a month's vacation, you go home to see your old mother, and visit your brothers and sisters."

Ling Tao didn't refuse this time either, and nodded happily.

It’s just that these people under his command have heard about Wan Liting, and they couldn’t help complaining that Han Zixuan was too cold-blooded, aren’t we just playing tricks, what can we do if we get some extra money? , already very civilized.

The brothers under Ling Tao's various halls glared and scolded: "Remember them all, we are not called gangsters, and we are not gangsters. In the future, I will get rid of all the bad habits I brought before. If I can't change If you fall, then leave as soon as possible. The higher-ups have spoken, and even if you leave, you will be given a severance fee."

Needless to say, some people really chose to leave.After all, everyone has different ideas. Some people have old habits and cannot bear the food here, while others feel that the profit is too small and the work is boring. Anyway, more than a dozen people have left.

For the remaining group of people, Ling Tao conducted a strict investigation and thought that they could stay.Then with a slight smile, he began to give out red envelopes, which are the expenses for the Chinese New Year.And I said that during the Spring Festival, those whose families are far away will be given a one-week holiday, and those from neighboring provinces will be given a five-day holiday.

Everyone looked at the thick stack of red envelopes, and couldn't help but be surprised, it must be waste paper.When they opened it and saw countless RMB inside, everyone was dumbfounded.In the end, everyone waved and shouted, Long live Tao.

Ling Tao then took a part from his own pocket, ranked according to seniority, the ranking in his mind, and distributed individual red envelopes to no one.

He explained at the time that this was his own money, and it was distributed separately to brothers who performed well this year.The 10 yuan just now was sent by our boss. Although I don’t give much money, it represents a little bit of my personal heart.I hope you can perform well in the coming year and repay our boss.

Don't mention how happy you are, all the grievances in your heart have dissipated.People are all the same, no matter what they do, the most immediate need is the satisfaction of money.Although more than [-] is not much, they saw hope and saw the future.

The Spring Festival is approaching soon, and the Han family is decorated with lanterns and festoons, making it extremely festive.At this special time, a special guest came to the villa, Wang Yunzhu.

When Wang Yunzhu appeared, all the women in the room, except Guo Linghua, were dumbfounded.Wang Yunzhu has been on TV, and everyone knows that she is the mother of the country, and her status is extremely noble.

Although these women also knew the true identity of their man, they didn't witness it with their own eyes after all, so they didn't quite believe it.

Wang Yunzhu was also dumbfounded when she saw Yingying and Yanyan in a room, there were too many, so she called Guo Linghua to introduce them.

Guo Linghua would not be proud of being favored, she first introduced Shen Hanyu.Shen Hanyu hurried over, saluted gracefully and called Mrs. Chief.

Wang Yunzhu shook his head and smiled: "No, change the name."

Xie Wenxuan rushed over immediately: "Hello, mom, you are too young, you look like someone in your thirties, and you are well maintained."

Although her flattery was a bit too direct, no one would feel that it spoiled the atmosphere. On the contrary, they felt that the atmosphere was much more relaxed.

Wang Yunzhu met all the women in the family and was very satisfied.Then she explained the purpose of coming, the main purpose is to see everyone, after all, we are all a family, we should meet each other.On behalf of my old Zhao, I would like to express my gratitude to all the beautiful girls, thank you for being able to follow Zixuan and endure hardships with him.

Shen Hanyu took over and said: "Mom, why should the family be so polite. It is our fate that we can meet Zixuan. We should thank you for raising such an outstanding son and allowing us to meet a man who will be happy for a lifetime."

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