The campus is so cute

703 You and I Are Horny

Seeing Ye Feng suddenly appear, Xu Wenqiang was stunned for a while.But he reacted quickly, and immediately rushed over, licking his face and calling Feng brother.

Han Zixuan had never met Ye Feng, but only communicated with him on the phone.But Hong Ying said she had seen this person herself.He is about fifty years old, with a handsome appearance, and he is a very particular person at first glance. Although he is out of society, he has not done too much out of the ordinary in recent years.

Moreover, this person has a good relationship with her father. Ye Feng knew that Duan Fengchen had retired completely, so he restrained himself a lot. He used to do some illegal business, but now he doesn't do it anymore. He only focuses on real estate and tourism.He has reached middle age, there is no need to continue to work hard, so he simply took a break.

At the same time, Ye Feng also strictly restrained his subordinates and prohibited illegal activities. Once found out, he would be severely punished.The brothers under his command knew about the change of the boss, and everyone was in favor of it in their hearts. After all, everyone has a family and a family, so there is no need to hang your head on the waistband of your trousers every day.Who doesn't like living a peaceful life.

Seeing Ye Feng appearing, Han Zixuan wanted to go up to say hello, but gave up after thinking about it.He didn't want to make too much noise, and he had told Ye Feng before that we wouldn't meet and talk in public, and we could communicate well in private.

So, taking advantage of the chaos in the crowd, he took the two beauties back to the upstairs room.

Ye Feng had been paying attention to this young man just now outside the door, he did not expect the person recommended by Duan Fengchen to be so young, he laughed and scolded with a freehand style just now, which is admirable.After dealing with the matter in front of him, he will pay a visit immediately.

Xu Wenqiang looked enthusiastic: "Brother Feng, what fragrance brought you here, why didn't you tell me beforehand, I will prepare well."

Ye Feng looked at Fatty Xu in front of him. Speaking of which, this Fatty Xu didn't have too much evil intentions. He didn't dare to do murder and arson. He just guarded his stall and liked to play with women for nothing.

But this time you are unlucky, because you moved someone who didn't change.

"Fatty Xu, what a fucking good thing you did." After Ye Feng said this, he stretched out his hand and slapped him several times.

Xu Wenqiang was a little stunned by the beating, and he didn't dare to fight back.After being slapped a few times, Ren Ren asked with a droopy face, "Brother, what's wrong with me, why did you hit me?"

"You bastard knows that, how many times have I warned you, don't provoke beautiful women, this time you will get into trouble." Ye Feng said with a cold face.

Xu Wenqiang hurriedly asked: "Brother, what do you mean by this sentence? Could it be that you know this kid, he is really your brother."

"If you say yes, what should you do?" Ye Feng squinted at him.

Xu Wenqiang patted his chest: "Brother, if this is the case, then I will apologize immediately and let them punish me."

"Okay, that's what you said." Ye Feng nodded in satisfaction: "Xu Fatty, you're not too young anymore. If you have a wife, don't fuck around doing such things in the future. Otherwise, you won't die no matter what." Know."

Regarding Ye Feng's reminder, Xu Wenqiang accepted it humbly, but he didn't understand what the relationship between Brother Feng and them was.

Fatty Xu followed Ye Feng and asked stickily, "Brother Feng, who is that kid? What's his name? Is there anyone like him in Hainan?"

Ye Feng glared at him and said, "Stop talking nonsense, and apologize later."

Ye Feng called Han Zixuan himself and explained that he brought Xu Wenqiang up.How could Han Zixuan tell the room number.

Xie Wenxuan smiled all over her face: "My husband, you are really amazing." As she said that, she was about to throw herself into Han Zixuan's arms, but she flew in vain and almost hit the wall.

Chu Yueshan covered her mouth and burst out laughing.

Xie Wenxuan pouted and looked at Han Zixuan with aggrieved expression.

Han Zixuan glared at her: "Your matter hasn't been dealt with yet, you should go back to your room and reflect on yourself."

Xie Wenxuan nodded: "Oh, hurry up then." She cast a wink and returned to Cu Fang's bedroom.

The room that Han Zixuan booked was the presidential suite, which was included in the living room and bedroom.He and Chu Yueshan were waiting for Ye Feng's arrival in the living room.

Soon there was a knock on the door, and Chu Yueshan opened the door, inviting them in.Seeing that there were family members present, Ye Feng expressed his respect for Han Zixuan. He didn't let his brothers follow him in, but asked them to wait outside, and only brought Xu Wenqiang in.

Xu Wenqiang followed Ye Feng, saw the young man sitting on the sofa leisurely, saw the boss from Hainan coming, but didn't come to open the door himself, fuck, who is he, Brother Feng gave him face like this.

Ye Feng came to the opposite side of Han Zixuan's sofa, and offered to extend his hand to say hello.At this moment, Han Zixuan stood up from his seat and invited him to take a seat.

As for Chu Yueshan, she habitually stood behind Han Zixuan, acting as a bodyguard.This is her professional sensitivity, and she is deeply afraid that the other party will take unfavorable means.

Ye Feng took the initiative to say: "I can call you Zixuan, your father-in-law Duan Fengchen is my brother-in-law."

Han Zixuan nodded: "Okay, you are my senior, you can call me whatever you want."

When Duan Fengchen and Xu Wenqiang heard these three words, their crotch almost got wet, and they immediately felt tired and sat down on the ground with a plop.

When Han Zixuan saw his bird-like appearance, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Feng gave Xu Wenqiang a hard look, and then got into the topic: "Zixuan, Fatty Xu came to apologize to you in person. I'm just following the guide. As for how you want to deal with him, you can do whatever you want, don't look at me."

Then, Ye Feng shouted loudly: "Fatty Xu, hurry up and apologize."

Xu Wenqiang slowly came to his senses, knelt and crawled in front of Han Zixuan, with snot and tears coming out: "Brother, brother, I have eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and I offended an expert, please forgive me." Then, he walked towards the floor He knocked his head loudly.

Ye Feng scolded angrily: "Bah, is that your name brother? It's called Young Master Han."

Xu Wenqiang was stunned for a moment and hastily changed his words: "Young Master Han, I know I was wrong."

Han Zixuan glanced at Ye Feng: "I can call you Uncle Ye."

"Of course there's no problem. I'm glad to have such an excellent nephew like you." Ye Feng frowned and smiled.

"Uncle Ye, about this Xu Wenqiang, I know some things about him. He did a lot of bad things, but he didn't do anything particularly harmful."

After Xu Wenqiang heard this, he immediately descended from a high altitude in his heart, looking forward to what he would say next.

Ye Feng also said: "Yes, Fatty Xu's only shortcoming is lust, and everyone in the industry knows it. He is not too bad, and he is quite loyal to his brothers."

Han Zixuan nodded: "Speaking of which, I'm also lustful, but we have similarities."

Fatty Xu heard this, and immediately echoed: "Young Master Han, you are so right. You are a man, there is no reason to be lecherous. But Young Master Han, your taste is higher than mine. Look at your woman, it is really enviable." As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately slapped himself, regretting the last sentence.

Han Zixuan smiled, but there was a hint of insidiousness in his smile: "Boss Xu, it is a primitive instinct for a man to be lustful, but if he is lustful, he would steal other people's women and daughters, this kind of thing would be too inhumane. "

Xu Wenqiang was stunned for a moment, then immediately nodded and said, "Yes, Young Master Han, you are right to criticize education. I will definitely correct this shortcoming in the future."

Han Zixuan looked at Ye Feng and said, "Uncle Ye, let me tell you about my solution. Someone also tried to get my woman's attention before, but that person can only lie on the bed for a lifetime. So, you understand the result."

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