The campus is so cute

8 She is my woman

Liu Likun admired He Lizi's beauty up close, especially when she was drunk. He started pursuing her for a year, since he entered school, but he hit a wall everywhere. Unexpectedly, he finally got his wish today.

In fact, facing He Lizi, he really didn't want to play with her feelings, but wanted to truly own her. However, today, he can only be a hooligan once. As long as he gets her body, even if the two turn against each other in the future, he will also no regrets.

Looking at the slender and smooth legs exposed under the short skirt, Liu Likun's Adam's apple squirmed unconsciously, and his whole body was hot.Stretch out the wolf hand, intending to experience it with your own hands.

When he was about to succeed, Liu Likun suddenly felt something hit him on the face, causing burning pain.He was immediately alert, and looked around nervously. It turned out to be a beer bottle cap.

Han Zixuan cleverly showed his skills, saying that hidden weapons are his strong point, as long as he can use anything, he can become a sharp weapon for killing people.If the other party was his enemy, Liu Likun would have been killed long ago.

Cai Xiaomeng was still confused, he only saw Liu Likun covering his face, but he didn't realize what was going on.Looking sideways at Han Zixuan, still smiling, he looked at Liu Likun's embarrassment playfully.

Liu Likun knew that someone must have manipulated it. How could the bottle cap hit him in the face for no reason? Seeing that the people around him were drinking and having fun, no one paid attention to him at all, and someone secretly tripped him up.

He didn't dare to say anything, he was afraid of alarming He Lizi.

What to do, Liu Likun was a little at a loss, he was not stupid, he knew he was in trouble, someone was reminding him, could it be He Lizi's bodyguard.

He had a brief understanding of He Lizi's family situation. Her father, He Chaohua, was a well-known local businessman. It must be normal for him to hire a bodyguard.Liu Likun looked around, trying to find any suspicious people, but he didn't find anything.

Could it be that if he left like this, the swan meat he got turned into nothing.There is only this chance, and once you miss it, you will regret it for life.

After thinking about it again, I, Liu Likun, am not an ordinary person. My parents are both high-ranking local officials. How can I be afraid? Even if the bodyguards of the He family really show up later, I will be fine, because he was the savior just now, and he saved He Lizi from the bad guys of**.

So, Liu Likun held out his hand again, but he was much more careful, his eyes flicked around, and he was much more cautious.

There seemed to be no movement, Liu Likun was a little relieved, it must have been an accident just now, some bastard accidentally poured beer on his face.Thinking of this, he became bolder, stretched out his sinful hand, and touched He Lizi's thigh.

Cai Xiaomeng held his mobile phone, nervously filming, feeling suffocated in his heart, it's over, He Lizi was bullied.Han Zixuan, you can die if you don't brag, but when it's your chance to perform, you rush forward to fight.

It was too late to say it, but Liu Likun seemed to feel the temperature of He Lizi's thigh with his hand, and his heart was about to jump out.Suddenly, the right hand felt numb, and the back of the hand was stabbed fiercely by a glass shard, blood seeped out.

Finally Liu Likun couldn't bear it any longer, he stood up and shouted loudly: "Damn, what bastard is stalking me, get out of here."

Cai Xiaomeng saw Liu Likun's bloody right hand and saw a piece of glass stuck in it at the same time. He glanced at Han Zixuan in doubt, and saw a gap in the mouth of the beer bottle in front of him. He held a piece of glass between the index finger and middle finger of his slender right hand. debris.

Cai Xiaomeng was dumbfounded, no matter how confused he was, he knew what happened just now. **, Brother Xuan really didn't build it, and he can hit things from the air.

Han Zixuan felt that it was time for him to appear. He slowly stood up from the chair, still holding the glass piece in his right hand, and walked towards Liu Likun.

Cai Xiaomeng was excited all over, holding his mobile phone with a solemn expression, the critical moment has come, the time has come for Brother Xuan to exude the aura of king, he cannot ignore this scene.

Liu Likun saw Han Zixuan, and also saw the glass piece in his right hand.It turned out that he was bullied by the young boy in front of him.

Seeing Han Zixuan approaching, Liu Likun was afraid in his heart, but he was still domineering on the surface: "Boy, who the hell are you, meddle in your own business."

Han Zixuan pointed to He Lizi lying on the side and said, "She is my woman, do you think I can ignore it?" Although He Lizi didn't agree, he acquiesced in his heart, she could only belong to him, sooner or later he would be his.Confidence, sometimes you don't need to pretend, pretending, sometimes it's very simple.

When Cai Xiaomeng heard Han Zixuan's arrogance, he was so cautious that he jumped wildly. You must record this sentence, and it will become a classic textbook for picking up girls.

Naturally, Liu Likun had inquired about He Lizi's background, but he had never heard that she had a boyfriend. Who was this wild boy who appeared out of nowhere.

"Brother, you are a character. The trick you showed just now is awesome, but don't overdo it. I reserved this woman first. If you really need a woman, I'll introduce you to a few better ones." The guy in the house is an injustice master, just because of a woman.

"No, I just want her." Han Zixuan's attitude was still very calm when speaking, and at the same time, he looked at Liu Likun with disdain and contempt.

Liu Likun was also angry, he fucked, this kid must not be a gangster, otherwise he wouldn't be so shameless.Seeing that Han Zixuan was very close to him, he swung his fist abruptly and hit Han Zixuan on the bridge of the nose, trying to hit him with a punch.

Liu Likun thinks that being a playboy is very important. Not only must he have Pan An's looks, a good family background, but also have excellent kung fu.Therefore, he usually goes to the martial arts hall and taekwondo hall to practice kung fu, in order to show his proud capital when he competes for horses.

However, today he met Han Zixuan, his little ability is not worth mentioning in Han Zixuan's eyes, he can only bring shame on himself.

Han Zixuan took the opportunity to hold his fist with his left hand that was swung up to the tip of his nose, and with his right hand, he held a piece of glass and stabbed it into Liu Likun's chest fiercely.

Because the piece of glass was very short, it didn't cause too much damage to Liu Likun, but his snow-white shirt was dyed red, which made him look a little scary.There was a fight in the bar, the drinkers panicked, and the timid rushed to check out and leave.The waiter watched from a distance, but did not dare to step forward.

Liu Likun clutched his chest with disbelief on his face.

Han Zixuan didn't want his life, because there was no deep hatred between the two of them, so he should be taught a lesson today.

"Fuck off, He Lizi is my woman, don't mess with your mother's mind in the future." Han Zixuan said coldly, his eyes were gloomy and murderous.

Liu Likun nodded: "Boy, you are awesome, leave a name, I will visit you in the future."

"Your name is Liu Likun, right? We will meet again in the future, don't worry."

Liu Likun felt his chest hurt, and he wanted to go to the hospital immediately to bandage it. Seeing what Han Zixuan said, he just stared at him with resentment, and then ran away in a hurry, clutching his chest.

Han Zixuan waved his hand to signal Cai Xiaomeng to come over and help, because drunken women are very heavy.And Cai Xiaomeng is still in a dream, not believing what is happening before his eyes.

Han Zixuan shook his head helplessly, pulled He Lizi up, and patted her pretty face lightly, but she remained indifferent, as if she was letting others bully her.Fortunately, I met me today, otherwise you would have become someone else's dinner.

Carrying He Lizi on his back, Han Zixuan walked towards the door, the people watching the excitement scattered around, they couldn't help pointing, some admired Han Zixuan's heroic rescue of the beauty, and those who knew some things couldn't help worrying for Han Zixuan, they all knew that the Liu family could Not to be trifled with.

Cai Xiaomeng came back to his senses, and came to Han Zixuan with a look of admiration, and complimented him: "Brother Xuan, you are really awesome."

"Okay, save your flattery for later. Let's stop here for drinking today, I'm going to take her home." Han Zixuan put his hand on He Lizi's upturned buttocks, and naturally took the opportunity to touch her.

Cai Xiaomeng's heart was itching unbearably, and he said with a look of embarrassment: "Brother Xuan, how does it feel to carry a beautiful woman on your back, it must be very pleasant."

"It's okay, but the chest is a little smaller, and the back doesn't feel at all."

Cai Xiaomeng almost fell down, but Brother Xuan was really extraordinary.

Outside the door, Han Zixuan helped He Lizi to the back seat, Cai Xiaomeng was about to get into the front seat, but was blocked by Han Zixuan, he said with a wretched face: "Xiao Meng, take a taxi home by yourself, I won't take you back. "

Cai Xiaomeng was stunned: "Brother Xuan, do you know He Lizi's home? Maybe you took her to open a room."

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be busy." Han Zixuan waved his hand: "Okay, let's meet again some other day."

As the car left, Cai Xiaomeng stared at the shadow of the car, feeling restless for a long time. Just as He Lizi left the wolf's den, he fell into the tiger's mouth again.But Brother Xuan is definitely better than Liu Likun. Seeing how awesome Brother Xuan is when he tramples on people, he must be good at bedtime.He secretly prayed that brother Xuan must take good care of the beauty.

Back at the villa, Han Zixuan's car had just driven into the yard when he saw a car coming out of it.

Shen Hanyu had just returned home, seeing that Han Zixuan and He Lizi hadn't returned, he was naturally worried.She wanted to call to inquire, but He Lizi's cell phone couldn't be connected, and she didn't know Han Zixuan's phone number.Tell Tian Yu to wait for the news at home, she will go out to find He Lizi.

Just as Shen Hanyu started the car, she felt a little relieved when she saw Tian Yu's Porsche driving back.Hastily turned off the car, then got out of the car and ran to Han Zixuan, patted the car window and shouted: "Han Zixuan, did Li Zi find it?"

Han Zixuan rolled down the car window, saw the melancholy face of the beautiful woman outside the car window, and nodded slightly: "Don't worry, everything is fine."

Shen Hanyu finally breathed a sigh of relief, opened the back seat, and smelled the smell of alcohol, she cursed in her heart, and stretched out her hand to pull He Lizi.But He Lizi didn't move at all, she just clung to the car.

Han Zixuan hurriedly got out of the car and said softly: "I'll come, people get heavy after drinking, I'll carry her up."

Shen Hanyu stepped aside and said with rare tenderness: "Thank you for your hard work."

Han Zixuan came upstairs with He Lizi on his back. Seeing He Lizi's appearance, Ye Tianyu couldn't help clicking his tongue, but he avoided Han Zixuan's gaze, left in a hurry, and went back to his room.

Everything was fine, just as He Lizi was put on the bed, who would have expected her to get drunk, opened her small mouth, and spat it out with a wow.

Han Zixuan was unlucky, his neck, chest, and even his face suffered.

Seeing this scene, Shen Hanyu couldn't help frowning, but seeing Han Zixuan in such a mess, she felt ashamed in her heart, and hurriedly handed a tissue to Han Zixuan, apologetically saying: "Han Zixuan, I'm so sorry, Lizi drank too much, please take care of me." .”

Han Zixuan gritted his teeth, what else could he say, he could only secretly call it unlucky.

Shen Hanyu had an idea: "Han Zixuan, go to the bathroom and take a shower, I'll take care of it here."

Han Zixuan naturally agreed wholeheartedly, but then said: "No, I can't come to the second floor according to the terms and conditions. I have already offended you today. If I go to your bathroom to take a shower, it will be a crime."

Seeing Han Zixuan's seriousness, Shen Hanyu thought to himself that you are an honest person, and my worries before seemed exaggerated.She calmly said: "Today's situation is special, special circumstances are handled specially, so don't refuse, just wash up and sleep, you've been tired all day."

Am I tired? Han Zixuan was puzzled. He was indeed very tired. Since the beauty allows it, let's not be reserved.He said thanks and went to the bathroom.

Shen Hanyu secretly stared at Han Zixuan's leaving figure, and then looked at He Lizi, shaking her head helplessly, feeling fortunate that having a man in the family is not a bad thing.

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