The campus is so cute

816 Probing to no avail

Chen Tianyuan definitely wouldn't do that, he has an identity.Besides, whether the woman in front of him is the killer or not is still unknown.

Surya was a little annoyed when she saw the two making gestures and talking about herself.And the old sentence just now made her quite annoying.The good mood that was originally good is gone in an instant.

Chen Tianyuan decided to talk to the woman in front of him alone, so he came to Su Lia and said very politely: "Sorry to bother you, can I sit down and talk to you."

Surya wondered what to talk to me, but we didn't know each other.However, she felt that there must be something going on between these two people, and it probably had something to do with Han Zixuan, so she decided to listen out of curiosity.

"Sit down, talk about it if you have something to say." Surya said politely.

"Miss, what's your name?" Chen Tianyuan asked directly.

Surya frowned: "Why did I tell you?"

Chen Tianyuan was a little embarrassed by the choking, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Do you know Han Zixuan?"

Surya nodded: "Yes."

"What's your relationship?" Chen Tianyuan asked.

Su Lia felt that the two people in front of her were not ordinary characters. She was well-informed and had insight in judging people.She didn't answer this question, but instead asked, "Who are you and why are you looking for him?"

Chen Tianyuan had no choice but to say: "My surname is Chen. I'm here in Beijing. I have something to do with him. How about it? Can you call him out?"

He saw that this woman didn't seem to be very good at communicating, so he simply stopped asking.

"He's tired, you can come back another day." Su Liya said in a very cold tone, she always spoke in this tone.For some reason, she felt that the person in front of her was quite annoying, which ruined her good atmosphere of drinking.

Lin Hong was very angry and said angrily: "Woman, do you know who we are, talking to us like this."

Su Liya glanced at Lin Hong: "Who are you, you dare not show your true face, so you must be an ugly ghost."

Lin Hong was stimulated by this ugly ghost, he suddenly stretched out his hand, intending to grab Surya and teach this woman a lesson.

Su Liya suddenly became extremely nervous. If it was the past, these individuals would not be able to get close at all.But now it is different, she is just an ordinary woman, besides, she has no kung fu to defend herself, so Lin Hong easily grabbed one hand.

Surya screamed in fright and called hooligans.

Chen Tianyuan asked Lin Hong to let go quickly. This Lin Hong was not doing well, and he was getting more and more fucked up.

"Miss, I'm sorry to scare you." Chen Tianyuan apologized from the side.

Xie Wenhao heard the commotion here and saw two strange men surrounding Sister Su, feeling that the situation was not good.He hurriedly went to the private room to find Han Zixuan, Han Zixuan hurried out after hearing this, and when he saw that it was Chen Tianyuan and Lin Hong, he immediately walked over.

Surya looked at these two people angrily, and said in her heart that you just wait for me, and when I recover my abilities someday, I will play you to death.She rubbed her aching arm, her body huddled in the corner of the sofa in fright.

In fact, Lin Hong just tried it on purpose just now. After all, the three women must have skills that day, but today's women can't do anything. It seems that they are not the women of that day.

"You two, is it fun to bully women?" Han Zixuan appeared behind them.

Seeing Han Zixuan's appearance, Su Liya immediately calmed down a lot.

Han Zixuan immediately came to Surya's side, concerned about how she was doing.

Su Lia shook her head: "It's okay, but her arms are a little red." As she spoke, she showed Han Zixuan her plain white arms, looking like a spoiled girl.

Seeing this scene, Lin Hong felt sick to his stomach. An old woman is pretending to be innocent.And this Han Zixuan, who is a scumbag, can play with old women.

Han Zixuan then made a move that surprised everyone. He grabbed Surya's arm, gently kneaded it, and said softly, "I'll rub it for you."

Surya's face turned red immediately, and her actions just now were also unconscious, most of which were due to drinking.

She immediately pulled out her arm, and said in a gentle tone: "Hurry up and get rid of these two people, they are here to trouble you."

Lin Hong finally couldn't stand it anymore, and took a step forward: "Han Zixuan, you are finally willing to show your face."

Han Zixuan stared at him: "Who are you? You don't dare to see people with a mask on. You must not have an infectious disease. Security, get this person out quickly."

Lin Hong was furious: "Han Zixuan, you made my face, I want to seek revenge from you."

Chen Tianyuan stopped Lin Hong and told him to back off. If he had known this before, he should not have been called here.

He looked at Han Zixuan, and he had been sizing him up since he appeared.The first thing is to meet him. He is sophisticated and well-informed, to see what kind of person Han Zixuan is in front of him, and then judge his identity.

However, in a short time, nothing can be seen at all.

Chen Tianyuan told Lin Hong to back off, he looked at Han Zixuan and said, "Han Zixuan, you should know who I am."

Han Zixuan shook his head: "I don't know."

"Okay, let me introduce briefly. I am Chen Tianyuan." Chen Tianyuan had a clear mind, and this kid pretended to be stupid to himself.

Han Zixuan said, "Hello, if you need me, please tell me."

"I know you are Yang Qihua's grandson-in-law, and you are well-known in the South China Sea. Your grandfather should have told you about my family. I don't know how your investigation is going." Chen Tianyuan decided to take a roundabout strategy and not take the initiative to attack.

Han Zixuan made an expression of sudden realization, and came to Chen Tianyuan: "You are Grandpa Chen, I know everything about your family, and I'm investigating. Don't worry, I will tell you once the results come out."

Lin Hong rolled his eyes angrily, this grandson still wants to act.

"I don't know what progress you have made now." Chen Tianyuan asked.

"There are so few clues, it's hard to find out who is behind the scenes. May I ask Grandpa Chen, did your grandson Chen Yu offend someone, otherwise the other party wouldn't be so ruthless." Han Zixuan opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Chen Tianyuan said that it is not clear, but there should be no enemies, after all, our family is in the capital.Even if there is, it will not be in the South China Sea.

"That's very likely to be the enemy of the capital. They don't dare to fight in the capital again, so they took advantage of your grandson's coming to the South China Sea to do it here." Han Zixuan's analysis is quite solid.

Chen Tianyuan had already analyzed this possibility well, but it was absolutely impossible.

"Maybe, but I hope you can help as much as you can."

Han Zixuan said that this is no problem, and for my grandfather's sake, I will try my best to help.

Chen Tianyuan asked a few questions, but left without any progress.

Leaving the bar, Lin Hong was very dissatisfied. The murderer was right in front of him, but he couldn't do anything. He was so useless.

"Old Minister, are you planning to give up and not avenge Chen Yu?" Lin Hong said angrily.

Of course, Chen Tianyuan will not give up just yet, but he has no perfect solution yet.

Lin Hong felt that he was not so scrupled, so he just killed this person directly. Although he is not the three women, he must be the mastermind behind the scenes.

Chen Tianyuan said to go back first, discussing and researching.

Su Liya asked Han Zixuan what happened, the matter should not be that simple.

Han Zixuan said it's nothing serious, I'll take you back.

Seeing him, Su Liya didn't say anything, and she didn't ask too much, since it had nothing to do with her anyway.She had been out for a day and was indeed a bit tired, so he asked Han Zixuan to take her back to rest.

Before getting out of the car, Surya asked, "Where are we going to play tomorrow?"

"Still playing." Han Zixuan was stunned.

"Yeah, anyway, I'm fine if I stay, so I can have fun while I can live for a few more days." Surya said calmly.

Han Zixuan immediately corrected her thinking and attitude, such thinking is wrong, what does it mean to live for a few days.Surya smiled slightly: "You don't understand, I don't have witchcraft, and I feel that the world is already dark."

Han Zixuan immediately retorted: "This view is wrong. You are a wizard, but you are also a woman. In fact, the easiest way for a woman to live a wonderful life is to find a man. A woman who does not experience a man is incomplete."

Su Lia glared at him: "Look for a man, let me find you if you want." She suddenly remembered that this kid and his subordinates arranged the relationship between the two.

"By the way, what is the relationship between us, and how did you tell your people?" Surya asked.

Han Zixuan scratched his head: "Sibling relationship, what's wrong."

"That's good, I can warn you, don't take my idea, I'm not your type." Surya dropped this sentence and left.

Han Zixuan drove home bored, I don't want to take you as a dish, but fate forbids it.

Chen Tianyuan thought over and over again, but there was nothing he could do. Could it be that he really had to take the last resort and do it directly.He didn't want to do this, it was against the law after all, but for the sake of his grandson, he went all out.Even if he offended Yang Qihua, it was already like this anyway.

He then took out his phone and dialed a number, and soon four men came.Seeing these four men, Lin Hong immediately became excited, and the old minister was ready to do something.

He knew these four people, they were masters secretly cultivated by the Chen family, and if they wanted to gain a foothold in the capital, they must have enough capital.The reason why Chen Tianyuan was able to gain a foothold was because he had his own secret power.

These four people were all carefully selected by him from the army. They have first-class abilities in all aspects, and they have also undergone special transformation training.

Lin Hong recommended himself, and he also participated in this operation.Chen Tianyuan acquiesced: "Lin Hong, this is the last chance, we must not miss it."

"I understand, old Minister, that you must live or you must die."

"Live, catch alive. But there is one thing, look for the opportunity, one blow will kill you, don't drag your feet." Chen Tianyuan looked at Lin Hong, you are in command of this operation, don't disappoint me.

Lin Hong had already suffocated and nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, he will never be given any chance."

Just after dawn in the morning, Han Zixuan received a call from Su Lia, asking to take her out for a walk. Yesterday, he went shopping and watched movies and felt bored, so he wanted to go to the suburban mountains to have fun.

Han Zixuan said in his heart that you are really an aunt, and you will come out as soon as you think about it.However, he couldn't refuse either.Taking advantage of his wife's going to work and school, he hurried to pick up Suria.

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