The campus is so cute

89 Looting you is just a task

Yang Xueyi was still not reconciled, and asked: "Then can I worship you as my teacher?"

Han Zixuan bared his teeth and smiled: "No, I'm afraid of making mistakes. You are so beautiful and surround me every day. If something goes wrong, what should I do? Besides, I'm definitely not a good teacher. If you understand the unspoken rules, you won't be afraid I dived for you."

Yang Xueyi recalled the past, and felt grief and indignation in her heart. Looking at the man with a playful smile in front of her, bursts of anger surged in her heart.Because of this matter, she is making a mess now, and most of the students mistakenly think that she has been raped by him, and her self-esteem has been humiliated by him, and it is not enough just to learn some kung fu.

At this time, He Lizi and Ye Tianyu appeared out of nowhere.Ye Tianyu's eyes were particularly sharp: "Sister Lizi, look at him, he is flirting with beautiful women again."

But He Lizi hit her on the head: "Don't talk nonsense, Zixuan didn't do anything at all, how do you know he's flirting with girls."

Ye Tianyu snorted: "Sister, you started talking to him, I understand, you sleep together, you are a family."

He Lizi glared at her, and came to them with a sweet smile: "Zixuan, have you had lunch yet?" Her delicate and beautiful face blushed inexplicably, remembering the intimate behavior between the two of them yesterday.

Seeing them coming, Han Zixuan smiled at Yang Xueyi: "Sorry, I have something to do, you should think about it and go back to class A."

Ye Tianyu came to Han Zixuan and exaggerated: "Brother Zixuan, sister Lizi is talking to you now, are you very good?"

He Lizi's face was still flushed, and when she came to Han Zixuan, she actually grabbed his hand and held it tightly. There were many students around, and seeing this scene, she felt sad, the school girl was still taken away by the evil wolf up.

Han Zixuan let her hold it, and then said to Ye Tianyu: "Sister Tianyu, can you move away a little bit, I'm dating Baby Lily."

Ye Tianyu is about to squirt, baby Lily, it's really disgusting.However, He Lizi felt that her heart was overflowing with happiness, and she was about to run out. She touched his head lightly, and only then did she realize that his shoulders were so broad.

"Go to the promenade behind the school. It's a place for couples to date. Do you want me to guard you two?" Ye Tianyu smiled. Hey, Sister Lizi is really sad, but Brother Zixuan is on the other side. The wolf was carried away.

Han Zixuan and He Lizi went to a place where no one was around, but they didn't expect this girl to be so courageous that she kissed him openly and even touched him dishonestly.

"Someone peeped." Han Zixuan was a little embarrassed: "It's better to do this kind of thing at home, it's more romantic in bed."

"No, I miss you. When did you leave in the middle of the night last night? You disappeared in the morning."

I have to leave halfway, once Shen Hanyu and the nanny know how bad it is.He Lizi pinched his waist and said in a low voice: "They already know about it, and my parents also know about it. I'm going home tonight. They probably want to talk to me about it."

He Lizi was very excited: "Zixuan, come home with me, and let my parents meet you by the way."

"It's too soon, and I have a lot of things to do recently. When I have a chance, I must see your parents. After all, the girls let me touch them. I should take some responsibility." Han Zixuan hugged She has a lot of thoughts in her heart.

"Hooligan, stinky hooligan." He Lizi tapped the man's chest with her hand as if scratching an itch, her petal-like red lips parted gently: "Zixuan, do you like me, do you love me?"

Girls who fall in love all have this problem, they are very sensitive to love, especially He Lizi.Han Zixuan is a mysterious man to him, handsome, mysterious, sometimes tough, sometimes melancholy, when she encounters difficulties, he descends to her side like a god.

Love it, Han Zixuan couldn't tell.But there is always something to like, he wants to tell her that picking you up is just a task, but he can't, that's easy to hurt the beautiful girl in front of him, she is beautiful without the slightest blemish.

Han Zixuan left school and received a call from Ling Tao.A woman from Xie Wenxuan's family came to assassinate just now, but she was subdued.People are in his hands, ask him to handle the matter.

Arriving at Xie Wenxuan's house, Xie Wenxuan's face was a little more bloody than before, and she looked no longer sick, but her eyes were full of sad thoughts.Didn't this girl get hurt once?

Han Zixuan briefly asked about the situation. At that time, Xie Wenxuan was bored at home and didn't have to go to work. She just watched TV, listened to music, and occasionally exercised to recover quickly.She usually orders takeaway during Chinese food, and today is an exception.

It's just that today's food delivery has become a master of murder. Fortunately, Xie Wenxuan was on guard. After the attack, she was much more cautious than in the past.

However, due to physical reasons, she is not this woman's opponent.Fortunately, Ling Tao appeared in time, and he followed Han Zixuan's instructions to secretly protect Xie Wenxuan's safety.

The woman rested her hands on her back and put on handcuffs.Xie Wenxuan had been interrogated just now, but nothing was gained.

Ling Tao came to Han Zixuan and said that this woman had obviously received special training, and her agility was comparable to that of a general master in the army, so she must have something to do with the previous case.

Han Zixuan asked her symbolically who sent you here, the woman didn't say a word, she just raised her pretty face and looked at Han Zixuan with a very tragic expression, just like when the early spies were captured, they were loyal and unyielding, only No words.

Xie Wenxuan said stop talking nonsense, I have already called Bureau Tan, and he will bring someone here in a while.

Soon, Tan Chunqing came in person without bringing anyone.He comforted Xie Wenxuan first, then turned his gaze to the woman.

"You should be Sun Hong." Tan Chunqing's eyes were sharp, and there was a terrifying chill in his deep eyes. Han Zixuan beside him couldn't help feeling secretly that the director is the director.

The woman was still silent, Tan Chunqing said in a slow tone, "You can tell, if you arrive at the police station later, you will inevitably suffer."

The woman trembled when she heard that she was going to the police.Then he said with difficulty: "You guys kill me, I won't say anything."

Han Zixuan couldn't help sighing, who was behind this woman, and why did she loyally work for them.

"Sun Hong, just confess honestly. I know that you deliberately arranged your new home next to Ju Tan's house. Obviously, you have an ulterior purpose to assassinate Ju Tan one day. I'm right, but you changed your action plan. You have been hiding it very well, but unfortunately there was an accident in the last operation, and your address was exposed."

The woman glanced at Han Zixuan and nodded: "Since you all know, why bother to ask. I was arrested only because I'm not good at learning. Don't talk nonsense, do it quickly."

Xie Wenxuan saw that this woman had a bad mouth, she didn't know where to find a whip, and it was crackling in her hand.Han Zixuan glanced at her, damn it, it's really perverted.

Clap, clap, the whip hit the woman's face, and the originally fair skin was instantly stained with streaks of blood, and she was in a state of embarrassment.

Ling Tao was also slightly stunned, turned his head and whispered to Han Zixuan, "I never thought Officer Xie would have this side. He didn't even blink his eyes when whipping people."

"Old pervert, don't look at it, it's too bloody." Han Zixuan frowned and looked at Tan Chunqing. The old guy didn't say a word, he just took out a cigarette and lit it for himself, then sat aside and watched quietly.

There was a leather whip in her house, Han Zixuan didn't dare to think about it anymore, no wonder she didn't have a boyfriend, who could resist her hobby.

The woman finally couldn't bear the suffering, her voice was full of pain and moaning: "I'm recruiting, my name is Sun Hong."

Han Zixuan was speechless: "You are a punishment, so you are not afraid."

Xie Wenxuan glanced at him: "This is my home, what am I afraid of."

My day, Han Zixuan stopped talking, no wonder Tan Chunqing didn't talk either.

"The last time I assassinated Tan Chunqing, I was at my house all the time. Xiao Kefan was arrested. I was afraid that he would leak the secret, so I shot him. Today I am here to assassinate you. The purpose is very simple, let you die." Sun Hong said very simple.

Xie Wenxuan asked coldly: "Who is your boss, and who assigned you the task."

Sun Hong said: "It's just that someone gave me a note asking me to do this, and I followed the order."

Tan Chunqing said at this time: "Oh, someone handed you a note, is the note here?"

"I was burned. There are strict disciplines in the organization, and minor mistakes cannot be made." Sun Hong said.

Organization, Han Zixuan immediately raised his eyebrows. This word has a special meaning to him, and he looked at Sun Hong sharply.

Tan Chunqing was also puzzled: "Organization, what kind of organization are you?"

Sun Hong said: "Anyway, it's an organization. I'm just an ordinary member inside, and I perform tasks outside. When I don't have tasks, I work in a supermarket. If there are tasks, I will act. It's as simple as that."

Tan Chunqing took a breath and looked at the other people in the room.He felt so unbelievable, and was shocked at the same time, he was fighting against a group of powerful forces.But he is not soft-boned, since he has touched each other's fur, he must continue to dig deeper.

"Who is your upline?" Han Zixuan couldn't help asking.

"I'm not online, I just follow the note, and they will slip in the door of our house." Sun Hong still insisted.

Han Zixuan felt that domestic technology is not advanced enough, unlike foreign countries that have testing equipment for lies, if there is such an equipment, it will definitely be able to judge the truth from the fake.

Xie Wenxuan asked Tan Bureau: "Director, how to deal with this matter."

"Take it back first, and take care of it strictly." Tan Chunqing immediately arranged manpower, and a group of policemen came after a while, led by Xia Limin.Xia Limin was startled when he saw the woman was bloody and bloody, and even used lynching. This woman must be watched carefully, she is definitely a first-degree felon.

Tan Chunqing looked at Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, I may be too young to know that there is an organization in our country. Please tell me what it is."

Xie Wenxuan said with a sneer: "Director, they are actually high-level underworld gangs. This is a big case. If we can get rid of it, we can definitely become famous."

This girl is all injured, and she still wants to get promoted and get rich.

Ling Tao said at this time: "Tan Bureau, Captain Xie. As far as I know, there are many various organizations in foreign countries, such as mercenaries, assassin alliances, iron hand groups, mafia, etc. There are too many. They have money, talents, and weapons, and as long as there is a buyer willing to pay, they will do things for others."

Tan Chunqing was puzzled: "But our country doesn't seem to have such organizations."

Han Zixuan said: "Yes, it's just that you don't know about Tan Ju."

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