The campus is so cute

94 Family Gathering

Han Zixuan began to look for an opportunity to get close to Shen Hanyu, but God favored him, because there would be elective courses every semester, and he set his goal on the dance class.

After logging into the course selection system, he found the art dance major, and chose the teacher Shen Hanyu, a smile appeared on the corner of Han Zixuan's mouth.

He has been waiting, and the course selection system is like this. Although you choose a teacher, each teacher only teaches [-] students. If there are more than [-] students who sign up, then the teacher has the right to choose students.

He stared at the computer tightly, sorry, your course selection was unsuccessful, please choose another course.

On my day, Han Zixuan took a look, and there were as many as 300 students who chose Shen Hanyu's course, and the charm of the beauty was really extraordinary.He became the regrettable nine out of ten, and was eliminated helplessly.But it is not the final result yet, it will be finalized after two days.Because there will be many changes in the middle, some students regret the choice and can quit.

Han Zixuan couldn't wait any longer, the chance was too small after all.After dinner in the evening, he decided to talk to Shen Hanyu instead.

Shen Hanyu glanced at him lightly: "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, I want to share my experience with you about academic matters." Han Zixuan couldn't help but look at her a few more times. Even in ordinary home clothes, she still couldn't stop her charming and confusing temperament. If she could be happier , he thought she could be more beautiful and moving.

Shen Hanyu thought for a while: "Go downstairs and talk."

In fact, Han Zixuan wanted to enter her boudoir, but the beauty didn't allow it.Coming to the living room downstairs, Shen Hanyu's buttocks lightly landed on the sofa, and the sofa was inadvertently pushed down heavily.Han Zixuan silently glanced at her plump buttocks. He remembered that He Lizi had secretly told her that Shen Hanyu had a very good figure, especially her breasts and buttocks, which were simply a perfect work of art.

At this moment, Shen Hanyu is wearing a casual sportswear, because the clothes are loose, which completely blocks the curves that should be there, but the slightly melancholy temperament, and at the same time the indescribable provocative style around the corners of the eyes is enough to fascinate all beings.

Seeing his malicious eyes, Shen Hanyu first said: "Han Zixuan, I have something to say, I still have a lot of things to do."

"I want to take your class, why did you kick me?"

Shen Hanyu went to the course selection system during the day, and when she saw Han Zixuan signing up, she decisively kicked him out.This man must have other motives for choosing her class. In fact, she is not the only one who kicks out all boys who sign up.She hated the way those little boys looked at her like wolves and tigers.

"It's nothing, I'm a teacher, I have the right." Shen Hanyu said very simply, without any color on his face.

Han Zixuan knew that she would say that, and he was already prepared in his heart.The rascal said: "If you don't let me take your class, then I will harm the girls in the house, and I will not let Ye Tianyu go."

Shen Hanyu's eyes were wide open, and she couldn't believe her ears. What do you mean, it indirectly shows that he is going to harm her now.Her eyes suddenly turned cold: "Han Zixuan, although Grandpa He let you live here, it doesn't mean you can do anything wrong."

"If I say that Grandpa He deliberately arranged for me to live here in order to seduce you, do you think it is credible?" Han Zixuan kept a calm face and said solemnly. Originally, these were all deliberately arranged by He Tianbei.

Shen Hanyu was speechless for a while, she knew everything about He Lizi, the two had no marriage contract at all, everything was done at the behest of Grandpa He, but He Lizi did not escape from the wolf den.

"I don't believe it. Grandpa He is determined not to do such a thing." Shen Hanyu would never believe it.

Han Zixuan managed to hold back a smile and said, "I know you are protecting He Lizi now, but you have limited energy, and you will always be negligent. If you let me join your dance class, I will stop and won't treat her the slightest Think about it. What do you think of this deal."

Shen Hanyu was slightly stunned for the transaction.She understood everything. Because of He Lizi's family's objection, Han Zixuan began to shift his target and aim at himself.What should I do, in order to protect my sister, I can only abandon myself as a target.Suddenly she thought about it, why not, as long as it can protect the safety of the women in the house, it doesn't matter if she acts as a bait once, and she won't have anything to do with this man.

Han Zixuan continued to attack: "Unless you are afraid, afraid that you will like me." In fact, men sometimes need thick skin.

Like him, he is really confident enough.You think I'm a girl like He Lizi who doesn't know much about the world, but I was broken by your sweet words.But Shen Hanyu wouldn't discuss such boring issues with him, if Han Zixuan started pursuing her, He Lizi would just be able to understand that the man you like has this kind of virtue, he doesn't have any integrity, he's a big carrot.At that time, He Lizi will think about it, and all the troubles that bother her will be solved.

After thinking this day through, Shen Hanyu nodded: "Okay, but you have to keep your promise and don't harass the girls in the house. Of course, you brought Bi Yunxi here, and I have no right to intervene."

After Shen Hanyu returned to the room, he immediately called He Lizi to criticize Han Zixuan's despicable behavior maliciously, and at the same time told He Lizi to keep her eyes open and stop being infatuated with such a bad man.

He Lizi was slightly taken aback, this rascal moved really fast enough.But she couldn't point it out, so she could only echo and call Han Zixuan a jerk.

In dance class, Han Zixuan was so happy that he wanted to die. He was the only boy in the class, surrounded by Yingying Yanyan, and a group of girls with different looks.These girls are of course more curious about Han Zixuan, how did he get in here.Teacher Shen has his own selection criteria, and the boys are determined to give up.Could it be that Teacher Shen was negligent and mistakenly treated his name as a girl.

There is this possibility, the name Han Zixuan is a bit neutral, and you can't tell whether it is a man or a woman without looking at the person.

Han Zixuan looked at the girls around, and suddenly found that Yang Xueyi was among them, and Yang Xueyi was also looking at her with a half-smile expression on her face.

During the dance class, Shen Hanyu changed her clothes to show her slender body curves, and the students couldn't help but praise her.No wonder all the men in the school are obsessed with her, she is the dream lover of all unmarried men.

Han Zixuan stood at the back of the crowd, quietly watching Shen Meiren teach, but at this time she showed another posture, occasionally a smile bloomed on her face, her fair and beautiful face was bright and moving.

She should be like this, but Han Zixuan understands that when she is alone, she becomes another person, hiding all her worries and keeping her sadness to herself, which really fits the lyrics.

After class, Shen Hanyu left in a hurry and ignored Han Zixuan during the whole class, as if he was a stranger.

At this time, all the girls in the class gathered around. At first, many students didn't know Han Zixuan's name, but when they saw Yang Xueyi casually chatting with him, they remembered who Han Zixuan was.

A girl asked him: "Zixuan, what happened to you and Yang Xueyi? It is rumored that you touched her." This girl is really bold.

Han Zixuan smiled embarrassingly, like an unscrupulous young lady: "No, I'm not that bad, I'm a good person."

Yang Xueyi had already changed her clothes at this time, seeing these girls surrounding Han Zixuan and discussing things between them, her face was full of anger.

When the girls saw Yang Xueyi coming, they all evacuated.

Yang Xueyi sneered: "You are quite welcome."

"I can't help it. I'm just a man, so I will be popular." Han Zixuan was about to leave, but Yang Xueyi stopped him.

"Can we talk." Yang Xueyi took a few steps to keep up with him.

Han Zixuan turned his head: "Tell me, what is it?"

"You really can't teach me kung fu." Yang Xueyi has been thinking about this matter in her heart.

Han Zixuan's face was in pain, this woman is really persistent.

"Don't teach, let alone we are not brothers and sisters at all. I asked my master. He will never have other disciples besides me." Han Zixuan said again: "Your Yang family has power and power, find a martial artist Master is still very easy, why do you insist on pestering me."

Yang Xueyi's face was slightly angry, and I pestered him.Well, since that's the case, she can only take the worst course of action.

"Han Zixuan, because of the incident during the military training, my personality and reputation have been severely insulted. Those girls were still discussing that incident just now. You should make it up to me."

Han Zixuan chuckled: "I don't care if you ask for compensation. I used to be an upright and kind person, but now someone says bad things about me, saying that I flirt with girls and I'm a flirt. This hat is put on my head. I still feel wronged in my heart, who should I ask for reasoning."

Yang Xueyi stared blankly at the man in front of her, she was so shameless.

Xie Wenxuan's injury finally healed. Only now did Xie Zhongxian know the ins and outs of the matter. He looked at his granddaughter with trepidation: "Wenxuan, how can you hide such a big matter from me."

"Grandpa, don't I want you to worry? Besides, I'm basically cured now, and my body is fine. I can work in a few days."

In order to thank Han Zixuan, Xie Zhongxian decided to entertain him at night.He hopes to take this opportunity to improve the relationship between the two.

Xie Wenxuan did not refuse and agreed to attend the evening dinner.Han Zixuan had nothing important to do at night, so he left with Xie Wenhao.

Xie Wenhao also just found out what happened to his sister, so he pestered Han Zixuan to explain those things. For him, he has been living the life of a free and easy son-in-law, never thinking that the crisis is around him.

Han Zixuan just said a little bit, even so.Xie Wenhao was extremely excited, and said that he would call him the next time he had something to do, and he wanted to feel it for himself.

When eating at night, Han Zixuan was slightly stunned, because he saw some strangers, and only after introducing them did he know that they were all from the Xie family.

Xie Zhongxian has three sons and two girls.The two girls were not present, both married elsewhere.

The eldest son served in the Southeast Military Region and did not appear.

The second son and the youngest son attended tonight's event, that is, Xie Wenxuan and Xie Wenhao's father attended tonight's family gathering.

During the dinner, Han Zixuan learned that Xie Wenxuan's father worked in the driver's agency, and Xie Wenhao's father had his own independent company, which was very large and rivaled He Hongchao.

After Han Zixuan saluted with them one after another, Xie Wenxuan couldn't help but glanced at him. She thought that this man was timid sometimes.

Xie Zhongxian briefly said the opening remarks, welcome Han Zixuan to today's family gathering, family gathering, it shows that Han Zixuan is not an outsider.

The Xie family brothers knew that their father was seriously ill that year, thanks to Han Zixuan's master who rescued him, so they treated Han Zixuan sincerely and sincerely.

After that, the topic talked about the shooting incident of Xie Wenxuan. Thanks to Han Zixuan's help, otherwise today's family gathering might have become a funeral.

Xie Zhongxian said to Xie Wenxuan: "Wenxuan, you should respect Zixuan for a glass of wine, you should understand the rules."

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