Nine idlers

Chapter 1001 Temporary Cooperation

Although he has not seen Li Jie again, Xu Changqing has been inclined to cooperate with Guan Lingzi after getting Mo Lingzi's notebook.In the next two days, some plans for cooperating with Guan Lingzi and the others gradually formed in his mind, and he even planned to use them as bait to distract Li Jie's attention while cooperating, so that Li Jie would not keep staring at him.

On the eighth day after the Devil Emperor avatar was sent to this blood pool purgatory, Li Jie came to this purgatory again, and went directly to the prison where Xu Changqing was.Because Xu Changqing made some disguises in advance to make himself look a little embarrassed and weak, Li Jie didn't see any abnormalities at all. On the contrary, he thought that the environment here had left a deep impression on Xu Changqing, and he had a great deal of confidence in his lobbying. s help.

"Elder Jingshan, how are you thinking?" Li Jie asked straightforwardly without talking nonsense.

"You're wrong. It's not how I think about it, but how you think about it!" Xu Changqing, who was pretending to be listless, looked at Li Jie indifferently, as if he saw something, a little headless No brains, and said with some words: "You should already feel that the problem is getting worse? How long do you think you can last? One year? Ten years? Judging from your situation, it is definitely impossible to last Over 20 years."

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, Li Jie's originally calm face became a little gloomy. Although his armor blocked his expression, people could not see his expression, but from his slightly disturbed breath, it could be judged that his heart was a little confused at the moment.

It turned out that Li Jie's plan was to imprison Xu Changqing for a year or two, thoroughly polish his temperament, and then subdue him.Let it help me solve the problems that have plagued me for many years in shamanism.

In fact, Li Jie thinks from the heart.He doesn't really believe that Xu Changqing has a way to solve his problem.After all, what he practiced was ancient shamanism.It doesn't have much connection with the Taoism of all the immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons in the three realms of Kunlun, and even the surviving witchcraft, unless it is someone who also practices ancient witchcraft and has a profound knowledge of witchcraft. Otherwise, it would be difficult for ordinary people to help him.But Xu Changqing is the only one in so many years who told him that he had a problem in cultivation just the first time he saw him. This also made him maintain a little expectation for Xu Changqing even though he didn't really believe in the other party's ability. .

What's more, Xu Changqing revealed his identity in a single word, and his tone made it appear that the two were old acquaintances, but they were both people who had ascended from the secular world.All kinds of circumstances made Li Jie curious about his identity, especially his speech, demeanor, etc., which made Li Jie feel familiar, and gave birth to an inexplicable sense of trust, feeling that his problems might not be considered by the other party. thing.Although Li Jie is not a person who is easily swayed by emotions, the inexplicable sense of trust still has some influence on him.

It's just that this matter is related to his own family and life after all, so Li Jie has to be cautious. In his opinion, only when he completely subdues the other party can he rest assured that the other party can help him solve his cultivation problems.

pity.Li Jie's plan is very good, but changes are always faster than planned.Yesterday, when he practiced witchcraft secrets routinely, he found that the hidden dangers that had been stable all along had changed, not only shifted their positions, but also showed a tendency to expand.Although he immediately made the safest solution, the spread of hidden dangers still hasn't been eliminated, it just slowed down a little bit, and the time left for him to solve the problem has also been reduced exponentially, thus forcing him to give up the original plan to subdue it , came to see Xu Changqing again in advance.

Compared to being exposed by Xu Changqing for the first time about his own problems, now that he heard Xu Changqing's accurate judgment of his situation again, Li Jie was already mentally prepared and did not show too much surprise. Therefore, he was in a mess, and yesterday's accident made him unable to maintain a stable state of mind, which made him a little unsure how to respond.At this moment, he understood that he was already at a disadvantage, and if he continued to talk, he would only lose his initiative more and more. The best way to deal with it was to turn around and leave, let him hang out for a few more days, and come back after his mentality recovered.However, Xu Changqing only took a look at him before revealing his situation again, which made him feel that Xu Changqing might not have just been lucky and accidentally guessed once. His problems have changed, which also doubles his expectation of solving the problems for many years, so he is naturally unwilling to leave like this.

"Who are you?" Li Jie couldn't help asking an old question again, but he seemed to know that Xu Changqing would not give an answer, so he didn't wait for Xu Changqing to speak, and continued to ask: "You can really solve the problem that has been on me for many years. Hidden danger?"

"No." Xu Changqing casually said an answer that annoyed Li Jie, but then said: "But if you give me the ancient witchcraft you got, maybe I can help you find out the problem. , As for whether you can solve the problem, it depends on yourself, after all, you are the only person who has practiced ancient witchcraft for so many years, and you have no other way but to save yourself."

"Hmph! If that's the case, why should I rely on you?" Li Jie rejected Xu Changqing's proposal without even thinking about it, and walked away as if very disappointed.

Not to mention someone with unknown background like Xu Changqing, even if he is a close relative or friend, it is impossible for Li Jie to tell the whole story about the ancient witchcraft he practiced, not to mention whether the other party can practice ancient witchcraft like him, even if he can't practice, The other party may also be able to find a way to know his natal shamanism from this ancient shamanism. That would be equivalent to creating a nemesis for nothing, and the degree of danger is even higher than the hidden dangers encountered now.

Xu Changqing knew that there would be such a result a long time ago. He knew very well that with Li Jie's character, if it was not a last resort, it would be impossible for him to agree to such an excessive request of his own.As for the fact that he was sure that there was a new problem in Li Jie's cultivation, it was not because he saw anything. In fact, Li Jie was covered by armor containing demonic energy. It is difficult for thoughts to penetrate into Li Jie's body.And the reason why he said those words was entirely based on the fact that Li Jie appeared much earlier than he expected.

After Li Jie left, Xu Changqing knew that Li Jie would not come to see him again in a short time, unless Li Jie had tried all the self-help methods to no avail, then he would come to see him again.He had already decided to cooperate with Guan Lingzi, but he didn't go to see Guan Lingzi immediately, according to his estimate, Guan Lingzi would come by himself in a short time.

Sure enough, two hours after Li Jie left, when the tormenting power inside the cage receded again, Guan Lingzi came to the outside of Xu Changqing's cell, but this time he didn't bring anyone else over, but was alone .

"Elder Jingshan, how are you thinking?" Seeing Xu Changqing, Guan Lingzi asked exactly the same thing as Li Jie before.It's just that this question is not a coincidence. From the smile on Guan Lingzi's face, it is not difficult to see that he said this on purpose. , but he knew all the movements in the Blood Pool Purgatory, which seemed to be a bit of a showdown.

With Xu Changqing's wisdom, how can he fail to see the trick of the other party, he just smiled lightly, and then stopped talking about it, and directly made a condition: "I want to see all the things left by Mo Lingzi. Collection of books, including his notes."

"Okay, it will be delivered right away." Guan Lingzi smiled when he saw Xu Changqing talking like this, and said unambiguously.

Xu Changqing continued: "I need a way to leave here at any time."

Guan Lingzi replied: "Elder Jingshan, as long as you swear by your own demons to let me leave the Blood Pool Purgatory safely, we will immediately provide a way to leave this prison."

Xu Changqing nodded and said: "It's not a problem to swear by the demon of my own destiny, but before that, I have a question and I hope fellow Taoist Guan Lingzi can clarify it."

"Do you have any questions?" Guan Lingzi frowned slightly and said.

"If my predictions are correct, fellow Taoists, you should have bought the jailers of Purgatory City above, so you can freely enter and leave this prison. I am afraid that there are many people who were bought by you in the Blood God Sect. They can provide you with the most accurate information. outside news." Xu Changqing asked curiously: "Since you have reached this point, why don't you escape by yourself?"

"Hmph, do you think we didn't do anything, just look at the opportunity in front of us and don't try it?" Guan Lingzi snorted angrily, and said, "If you want to leave here, you have to go The road that came in, and both sides of that waterway are guarded by strong men. There are sharp weapons such as thunder cannons, and there is bloody water below. The suzerains of the nine sects are all invited, and they may not be able to pass there." He paused for a while, and said in a slightly annoyed tone: "And not everyone is willing for us to leave."

Hearing Guan Lingzi's words, Xu Changqing could think of some kind of situation. It was nothing more than some uncontrolled existences among the people they bought. It is much better to act as a treasure mine that can be mined for a long time than to let them out, just to make a deal, and to continue to be threatened by them.

It's just that, in order to avoid any accidents in the Jinshan Treasure Mine, those members of the Blood God Sect who were bribed by Guan Lingzi and others will try their best to cover up the fact that Guan Lingzi and others can leave the prison.From this, it is not difficult for Xu Changqing to guess that among Li Jie's cronies, there must be one or more members of the blood god sect who were bribed by Guan Lingzi and others, otherwise it would be impossible for Li Jie to ignore them at all. The abnormality in the purgatory of the bleeding pool made Xu Changqing think that he might be able to make a fuss about this matter. (To be continued..)

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