Nine idlers

Chapter 1005

In the patio cell of the Blood Pool Purgatory, one person wrote some complex patterns in the air while deepening his memory, while the other devoted himself to remembering the short-lived images in the air.The cell room became very quiet. As time went by, Xu Changqing soon knew that all the Dao divine scripts from the previous world had been drawn, totaling 760 five.Although the number is only more than 3000, the meanings expressed after their combination are endless. These divine characters also represent all the laws of the heaven and earth, and can be said to be the manifestation of the origin of the heaven and earth.

After all, these words represent a divine text representing the law of heaven and earth. The reason why Xu Changqing was able to memorize all of them and write them down at will was not only because the world had been destroyed, but also because Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memory served as an auxiliary memory role.However, Mo Lingzi obviously does not have the qualifications of Xu Changqing. At the beginning, he remembered the pattern very clearly, but when Xu Changqing drew the last pattern, he memorized it according to the previous memory method, and then recalled the content of the previous memory At that time, I found that more than half of the divine patterns that I remembered before were inexplicably forgotten, and only more than 300 patterns barely remained in my memory.

Mo Lingzi felt a little strange, but he didn't think too much about it. After all, even if he memorized the runes of the Kunlun Three Realms, he would forget them, which is not understandable.So he was not polite to Xu Changqing, and directly told Xu Changqing about his situation, hoping that Xu Changqing could rewrite those patterns that he hadn't remembered.

After listening to Mo Lingzi's request, Xu Changqing felt that things were not as simple as Mo Lingzi thought, because he found that all the divine inscriptions remembered by Mo Lingzi were related to each other.And the eight divine inscriptions drawn by Mo Lingzi before are among them.See this situation.Then think of Mo Lingzi's trusting attitude towards the divine script written by Mo Lingzi, who should have been skeptical about the pattern.He understood somewhat that Mo Lingzi had mastered not only the eight displayed characters, but also other patterns. After comparing the two, he found that there were no mistakes or omissions in his writing, so Mo Lingzi would fully believe him. No falsification of writers.However, it is also because Mo Lingzi has mastered some divine scripts, so now he can remember other new divine script patterns related to it. As for the unrelated divine scripts, they are like rootless duckweed in running water.Even if you can leave a little impression, you can't leave a real memory.

After trying to understand this point, Xu Changqing did not refuse Mo Lingzi's request, and continued to write these divine patterns again. This time, in order to prove his guess, he deliberately wrote all the divine patterns except the ones that Mo Lingzi had mastered. All the divine texts were reassembled again.Things really went as he expected, Mo Lingzi didn't notice the change of the patterns at all, these patterns in his memory were only a little familiar, and as for the order of arrangement, they didn't leave any trace in his memory at all.

Compared with the first time writing these divine symbols, Xu Changqing's second writing was much smoother.In the process of writing, he also used some special ways of writing the divine characters that remained in Zhen Yuanzi's memory.This writing method not only makes these divine script patterns more beautiful and attractive, but also makes the patterns more indescribable.As a bystander, Mo Lingzi didn't feel very strongly about this charm.It's just that these patterns seem to be much better than the previous one, but I can't tell what is so good.On the contrary, Xu Changqing, who is a writer, can clearly feel that using this writing method from the previous world to write divine patterns can arouse a kind of power of heaven and earth hidden in this blood pool purgatory, especially When writing more than a dozen of these divine texts, he felt that he could completely control the entire Blood Pool Purgatory in his hands.

Although the divine script pattern gave Xu Changqing an unexpected surprise, he didn't show it on his face, nor did he show any clues when he wrote the divine script, but he had already thought of the dozen or so that could react with the blood pool purgatory. Mark the divine script pattern, and try to find out the mystery when you have time.

Soon, Xu Changqing finished writing the divine script patterns for the second time, and what troubled Mo Lingzi was that he still failed to remember the other divine script patterns, just like remembering these divine script patterns for the first time, this time he Still just left a vague impression in my mind.

Looking at Mo Lingzi with a troubled face, Xu Changqing, who knew what was going on, not only did not show any smile, but seemed to be very concerned, and suggested for him: "Why don't I write these patterns down on banknotes? Take it with you and watch slowly."

Mo Lingzi shook his head, sighed, and said, "It's useless, these patterns can't be written."

As he was talking, he saw Mo Lingzi casually take out the banknotes that he carried with him all the year round, and then write down a divine character pattern that he had memorized on the paper.It's just surprising that no matter how fast he writes, the ink marks left by the pen tip across the paper will disappear completely the moment the pen tip is removed, without leaving any traces. Paper.

Xu Changqing is very clear that there will be such a result. After all, these divine symbols represent the Dao Law of the previous world, so naturally they will not be allowed to exist in this world.

"What's going on here?" Although Xu Changqing knew what was going on in his heart, on the surface Xu Changqing still pretended to be puzzled, took the white paper from Mo Lingzi's hand, looked at it repeatedly, and took the pen into his hand , casually wrote an ordinary character on the paper, and then wrote a divine pattern next to it. As a result, the ordinary character remained and the divine pattern disappeared as usual.

Facing the questioning, Mo Lingzi was also puzzled, and after putting away the pen and paper, he said, "I knew something about this situation when I was in the clan. , now it seems that this world does not allow these patterns to appear in the world, so the ink can be erased so cleanly and silently."

"No!" Xu Changqing took a step ahead and threw out a key question, saying: "If these patterns really cannot be written, then the patterns you saw on the aristocratic ancestral instructions and the ones I saw on the ancient ruins of Lingshan in the outer gate What's the matter with the scene?"

"This... I'm not too sure," Mo Lingzi was stopped by the question, and guessed wildly: "Maybe writing these patterns requires a certain method, or maybe only by writing these patterns at special times can they be preserved. come down."

Xu Changqing asked again: "So what should we do now? Do you want me to write it again?"

"It's useless, and it's useless to continue writing. Certain conditions must be required to remember these patterns." Mo Lingzi shook his head, as if giving up on continuing to memorize these divine patterns, but after a moment of silence, he was a little unwilling asked: "May I ask Mr. Xu, where are the relics of the wilderness where these patterns were discovered? How did you remember these patterns at that time?"

Xu Changqing had long expected that Mo Lingzi would ask this question, so he directly made up his words and said: "The ruins have been destroyed, and they collapsed by themselves. It disappeared at that moment, and the entire ruins like a small city turned into dust with a gust of wind. As for these patterns, I did not actively remember them. At that time, a large hall was filled with these patterns. When I saw these patterns, I was already Remember, I just didn’t notice this at the time, and after I left the ruins, I realized something was wrong.”

Because of preconceived notions, no matter how vague Xu Changqing's lies are, and how many loopholes cannot withstand scrutiny, Mo Lingzi subconsciously summarizes them as the shocking power of the prehistoric power, just like the current blood pool purgatory, The power to create this place is absolutely unimaginable to him, so it is not inconceivable to him to want to silently leave a memory in the soul of others.

Mo Lingzi sighed slightly, he had completely given up on learning to write these divine symbols in his heart, and he seemed to comfort himself, saying: "Forget it! It seems that I have nothing to do with this thing, but luckily it's not for nothing, anyway It can also memorize more than 300 new patterns, and maybe you can find out the mystery hidden in these more than [-] new patterns." As he spoke, he took out three old and new books from his body. handed it to Xu Changqing, and said: "This is what I have studied on this pattern over the years. Although it may not be useful, you can use it for reference, and it may save some detours."

Xu Changqing took the notebook, and just flipped through the old notebook on the top, feeling that this demon spirit was indeed somewhat similar to himself, and the knowledge he had learned was so complicated that it could be called extensive.

Judging from this oldest notebook, in the past, Mo Lingzi only felt that there might be some mystery hidden in this pattern, so he used the knowledge of various runes and array diagrams to analyze this pattern.Although the direction of its analysis was wrong at the beginning, the various characters, talismans, and formation diagrams used by Mo Lingzi during the analysis process almost covered the entire Kunlun Three Realms practice world. Even the current Xu Changqing dare not say that in this respect Know more than that.Although this old notebook cannot provide any useful inspiration for Xu Changqing to study those divine symbols, the characters, talismans, and formations involved in the notebook can help him understand the practice of the Kunlun Three Realms better. Completing Jiuliu Avenue is of great help.In his opinion, even if he couldn't grasp the power represented by the divine symbol in the end, getting this old notebook would be considered a great achievement.

"I'll put these notes here with you first, and I'll pick them up in a few days." Mo Lingzi saw that Xu Changqing's attention was on the notes, and felt that the purpose of meeting him had almost been achieved, and he wanted to Going back to sort out the gains this time, he got up and said goodbye: "I will also open a passage in the prison to the outside in the past few days, and I will tell you about it at that time, you can use that passage at any time Get in and out of here." (To be continued...)

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