Nine idlers

Chapter 1014 Immortal Way Does Not Exist

On the surface, there is nothing strange about the fight between the orthodox immortal Buddha and the evil heretics because of the matter of ascension to the immortal world, but when you think about it carefully, you can feel that there is an invisible force behind this battle. Developing towards the worst situation, it eventually developed into the biggest fight in the practice world for hundreds of years.

After this fight, more than [-]% of the inheritance of the entire secular world of human practice was cut off, and even those who survived immediately ascended to the Kunlun Three Realms, and did not leave the inheritance in the secular world.As for the orthodox sect of Immortals and Buddhas, although there are some inheritances left behind, but those who have the ability to guide future generations to accept the inheritance, those who practice Dharma can say that they do not have it, because those who have a little bit of ability and have already entered the Tao will not let this time go, or it may be The last chance to ascend to the fairy world.Therefore, the source of the non-existence of immortality in the secular world now lies in the ascension that year, and this catastrophe that cut off the inheritance of the practice world is likely to be a man-made disaster dominated by people.

Although this is just a guess made by Xu Changqing based on past memories, current situation and other information, and there is no substantive evidence to prove the correctness of this guess, he is very sure that his guess should not deviate from the facts too far.

However, this guess not only failed to unravel the doubts in Xu Changqing's heart, but instead made him have more questions.According to his speculation, the people who can do this kind of thing without anyone noticing should be some innate gods who survived the prehistoric and broken, and they are likely to hide in the secular world as he guessed. The closest to the perfect world.But he still doesn't understand that if all this is what the innate gods say, and they want to make the secular world prosperous and the immortal way disappear, then what good will it do them?

because.According to Zhen Yuanzi's memory.Xu Changqing learned that Human Dachang will not only suppress the power of immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons.Even the innate gods will be suppressed, and the suppression will be even more severe.Because the human way is the acquired way, and the innate gods are the innate way. Although the two have been passed down from generation to generation, they also punish each other. When the acquired way is strong, it is the day when the innate way dies. From the perspective of the human situation.I'm afraid that the top innate gods like the Nuwa clan fall into this world, and the power they can preserve is very rare, and they won't be any better than him.Even if they live in this secular world, they can only live like ordinary people, not to mention that they have lived for countless years and regard everything in the world as ants, even Xu Changqing who was born and raised in the secular world, It is difficult for people who have been away for only a few decades to adapt to it for a while.

During these four years, Xu Changqing has been thinking about this question for almost an ordinary time, but he still has no answer.but.There are many conjectures. For example, he first guessed that the innate gods would not be suppressed and eroded by the human power of the world.The evidence is that after returning to the human world, he was attacked by a force that should definitely appear in the human world. In his opinion, that kind of powerful force can only be achieved by innate gods or the lord of heaven.It doesn't matter who they are, because this shows that they will not be suppressed by the power of humanity, and if there is one exception, there will naturally be a second exception.But later he found out that his guess was completely wrong, because he knew from the contents of the newspapers read by the old iron man and others that the power he encountered was not at all the power exerted by innate gods or the lord of heaven in the world, but the power of the world. A weapon invented by ordinary humans in the world.

At that time, after Xu Changqing heard the news, he couldn't calm down for a long time, and it took nearly a month for his mood to return to normal.In the past, when he saw muskets and cannons, Xu Changqing already felt that the decline of the practice world was inevitable, because these mortal weapons were not only useful to ordinary warriors, even practitioners could not bear it.And more importantly, an ordinary mortal only needs to train for one month. Holding this weapon is enough to threaten the lives of warriors and practitioners who have practiced for many years. Mortals see no use in spending years practicing martial arts.

It's just that even though these weapons are very powerful, they are not a great threat to those who have successfully cultivated the Tao. Xu Changqing was such an existence at the time, so he didn't pay too much attention to this matter at the time, but felt that this It can help the cultivation world to select disciples, because only the most determined disciples will not be tempted by such foreign objects, and will concentrate on cultivation, and they will achieve success in cultivation.But now the weapons created by ordinary mortals are enough to pose an existential threat to Jinxian, and even threaten the Daluo Jinxian who claims to be immortal. things happen.This incident has almost shaken the fundamental influence of Dao Heart on him whose state of mind has reached half a step, let alone an ordinary practitioner. For this matter alone, the immortality has become a foregone conclusion that cannot be changed.

Since this mortal weapon can pose a threat to Da Luo Jinxian, it naturally also poses a threat to innate gods.Xu Changqing speculated at the time that regardless of whether the innate gods were in the secular world or not, as long as they existed, they would certainly not allow mortals to hold such a weapon that threatened them and could be mass-produced.

Therefore, there are only two explanations that Xu Changqing can give to this. One is that the development of the power of humanity in the world has exceeded the control of the innate gods, and the suppression of them by the power of humanity has made them unable to control the development of mortals. In the end, they could only watch all this happen.

As for the second type, all of this is in the plan of the innate gods. That kind of weapon is also manufactured by the innate gods secretly. Its purpose is for the prosperity of humanity. It's just a follow-up development of the world.

Although judging from the actual signs, the latter explanation may be close to the truth, but Xu Changqing's feeling is more inclined to the first explanation, because the extraordinary power produced by this mortal weapon reminded him of the feeling he felt on the moon that day. It is an unprecedented thing that the power of human nature in the world counters the laws of heaven.The root of all the existence of innate gods lies in the law of the great way. Although the power of humanity is only transcending the way of heaven in one realm, the way of heaven in this realm is indeed the law of the way of heaven that is most compatible with the way of the three realms. From this, it can be inferred that the power of humanity will eventually reach beyond the way of the three realms It's not impossible. In this case, the innate gods must have no foundation for existence, and their demise is a foregone conclusion.If it wasn't out of control, how could the innate gods do such a thing of digging their own grave?

After more than four years of thinking, Xu Changqing's mind was filled with various problems, and he became more and more at a loss. He didn't know what to do next, and he was cut off from everything other than the secular world. , everything he had done before seemed to be useless, which made him feel extremely frustrated, and at some point he even had self-destructive thoughts of simply dying and not paying attention to anything.

However, a few days before Xu Changqing's body was about to recover, he suddenly seemed to be enlightened. All the previous thoughts that were close to demons disappeared completely, and his state of mind returned to the time when he was in Peach Blossom Mountain. The state of being at peace with the situation, no longer thinking about the innate gods, the three realms of Kunlun, the survival of heaven and earth, etc., but just thinking about how to survive in this turbid world that has become beyond recognition, which is closer to oneself and closer to reality. question.

With the change of mentality, Xu Changqing's mood became extremely relaxed as if a mountain had moved away from it, and his mood was closer to the natural state of Taoism, but the strange thing was that the mana on his body did not rise but fell, and Inexplicably dissipated most of it.

After recovering from physical injuries and being able to move freely, Xu Changqing immediately tried to see what else he could do with his remaining mana.The result is both rejoicing and somewhat disappointing. This mana can barely be used to perform the two major methods of the Dao of Intergeneration of Heaven and Earth and the Dao of Life and Death, so he still has a lot of spells that can be used through this mana.It was only later that he discovered that there was an extremely strong mortal turbidity in the aura transformed from the surrounding world and all things through the two Dao methods.This mortal turbidity cannot be transformed by the way of mutual generation between heaven and earth, and will cause a strong rejection reaction as the aura enters his body, making it impossible for him to fully absorb this aura, and more than [-]% of the aura will die due to this rejection reaction. scattered outside the body.

This kind of situation also existed in the past four years or so, but the turbid qi that could not be transformed was not strong at that time, and the aura scattered outside the body due to rejection could still be controlled by Xu Changqing, so the old man Tie and the three to benefit from it.But the current situation is completely different. The turbid air of the world interferes with his absorption of spiritual energy, making it difficult for his mana cultivation base to improve and recover under this interference.

At first, Xu Changqing thought that it was caused by his transformation of the aura of all things around him, unlike the single aura he extracted from the Guanyin Mountain vein aura to refine mana for more than four years, but his subsequent attempts proved that it had nothing to do with it , Whether it is to transform a single aura or a variety of auras, the turbid air of the world will always exist.

However, when the sun was first born, Xu Changqing, who had regained his mentality in Peach Blossom Mountain, also used the usual method of collecting qi according to the habit of the year, collecting a ray of morning yang qi at the moment when the first sun fell on his body.But this ray of morning yang qi actually gave him a surprise. The effect of absorbing it into the body and transforming mana far exceeds the effect of directly transforming aura and absorbing it into the body. Although the rejection reaction still exists, the morning yang qi itself seems to be able to To resist this kind of rejection, there are not many morning yang qi that are really separated from the body.The only pity is that the current physical body cannot directly absorb the morning yang qi, it must be converted into mana through a special method before it can be absorbed. After this process, half of the morning yang yang energy that is finally integrated into his body is already good. (To be continued..)

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