Nine idlers

Chapter 1025 An Embarrassing Journey

After leaving the mountains, Xu Changqing went straight to Shaoguan, preparing to take the train going north.However, after arriving in Shaoguan, he found it difficult to get on the train bound for the capital from here.

First of all, there are no train tickets. Because of the shortage of train resources, most of the train tickets are ordered by local units, and then distributed by the railway department. Only a small number of train tickets are sold in the station, and the train tickets to the capital are the most in short supply. Even if there are scattered tickets, they will be digested internally by the local railway station and will not be issued to the platform at all.Xu Changqing didn't know these ways at all, so naturally he couldn't buy these tickets.

Secondly, certificates are required to buy tickets, especially for national centers like Beijing, which require more certificates for purchasing tickets, such as certificates from work units, certificates from receiving units in Beijing, travel certificates from local police stations, etc., which are very cumbersome.With Xu Changqing's ability, it is not difficult to get a fake work unit certificate and a fake police station travel certificate, but the problem is that the reception unit in Beijing can't do anything for him, even if he gets a fake one, it only takes one phone call , will be dismantled.Of course, in this period, there is a category of people who don’t need any certificates. They only need to wear green military uniforms, red armbands, and hold a simple red booklet to travel north and south unimpeded.It's a pity that although Xu Changqing is a little embarrassed now, he still has some dignity. It is far from being possible for him to pretend to be such a person shamelessly.

Finally, although Shaoguan is an important hub at the junction of Huguang and all travels from south to north pass through here, it is not a key station on the passenger train line from Guangzhou to Beijing, and it is more of a freight train line here.There are very few tickets allocated here.Almost everyone at the station knows who these ticket holders are.If he rashly cast a spell to get a ticket and boarded the train, he would be suspected by the people at the station, which would only add to the trouble.

The experience at the Shaoguan Railway Station and various encounters in the towns of Shaoguan made Xu Changqing understand that even though he had only been away for a few decades, the changes in China now are completely different from those in the past. Everything is different in thinking, behavior, officials and people.In a village like Chenjiachong, where there are relatively few people, his feeling of being out of touch with the whole society is not obvious, but after arriving in a big city.This feeling became very prominent, even if he did not make any movements, walking on the street would make everyone who saw him feel that he was out of place with everything around him.Because of this incompatibility, from the time he entered Shaoguan to the time he left Shaoguan, he was treated as a spy or spy no less than ten times. Especially when he asked about the train ticket to the capital at the railway station, he even called the police from the railway station police station. up.If he hadn't used some magic tricks that didn't require mana but only required words to get away with it, maybe he would have been wanted as a spy and agent by now.

Xu Changqing was not annoyed by this unpleasant encounter.On the contrary, I am a little fortunate to be able to find out the problem in advance, if I wait until the capital.Only then did he realize that he was out of tune with his surroundings, and perhaps even more unexpected troubles would arise.

After that, Xu Changqing learned some details about taking the train from a certain director of the local railway department in Shaoguan through some small means. He got an internal ticket purchase certificate from there, and also knew that it would be convenient and simple to take the train at the starting station in Guangzhou. Some.

Therefore, Xu Changqing decided to go south to Guangzhou and take the train going north, and he could just take advantage of the process of going south to Guangzhou to get acquainted with the behavior of the people around him, so as to avoid any mistakes like Shaoguan.For this reason, instead of avoiding crowds and taking sparsely populated mountain roads like before, he passed towns along the highway, contacting as many people as possible, and deliberately spent two days arriving in Guangzhou.Then, he stayed at the Guangzhou Railway Station for a few days to observe all kinds of people coming and going. Although he still had some behaviors that could not fit into this society, compared to the very obvious sense of incompatibility at the beginning, he has now Much better.

After feeling that he had adjusted almost, Xu Changqing used the certificate of internal ticket purchase, plus some other certificates obtained in Shaoguan, to obtain a sleeper ticket that was digested internally.

The whole process was very smooth. Even though Xu Changqing could not integrate well into the behavior of the current Huaxia people in some places, at least there was nothing wrong with it like at Shaoguan Station.After boarding the train, because there was only one person in the compartment, nothing happened. It was not until the train stopped at a small station that two men and women soldiers in civilian clothes came up. There were some accidents.

When he was in Shaoguan, Xu Changqing took a leader’s quotations from the home of a certain leader of the railway department. The reason why he took it was that this quotation, like the badge on the young cadre in Taohua Township, contained a sense of humanity that was different from other similar items. It can be seen that this quotation should also come from the hands of extraordinary people.At that time, when he was flipping through the quotations, he saw that the first page was written with a pen in the words "Gift to Brother Gufeng" and "Brother Xiangyu". From his perception, it is not difficult to see that these eight words are the whole quotation. The source of the special power of humanity in the world.It is also these eight characters that make this quotation a magic weapon based on the power of humanity, and this magic weapon is very powerful, and the power of humanity contained in it gives people a sense of uprightness and pure yang, which is definitely The only weapon to destroy evil spirits.Like things on Peach Blossom Mountain, you don’t need to go to any lengths at all. You only need to build a grass pavilion next to the reservoir, and put this quotation there for a few days, and all the evil spirits will disappear.

Xu Changqing doesn't know who the person who signed this quotation is, but he can guess that this person's status in China is absolutely high, and his popularity is also very high. This ordinary book makes such a difference.

The power of humanity contained in this book is definitely the nemesis of the mana in Xu Changqing's body. From the day he got this book, the mana in his body has been completely suppressed, like a pool of stagnant water. It takes a lot of divine sense to mobilize even a trace.

But in Xu Changqing's view, this is actually a good thing, because he can rely on the power of humanity in this book to make him adapt to the discomfort of suppressing mana faster, and even through repeated attempts, he can master it. More ways to cast spells under this suppression.

In a few days, Xu Changqing has gotten used to casting spells under the pressure of human power, and has created some countermeasures, the most effective of which is to use his own blood power to cooperate with spell casting.It's just that there will be some abnormal movements more or less during the attempt, and after entering Guangzhou City, he has to stop this attempt.It wasn't until he boarded the train that he was alone in the carriage without outsiders, and then he started to try to create this kind of spell-casting gate that matched the power of blood.

After many times of matching and trying, Xu Changqing found that using the Xingyi twelve forms of Neijiaquan combined with the concept of Buddhism and Taoism and the method of inviting gods can make his body still produce extraordinary effects under the suppression of human power. general strength.The effects of this kind of power are very complicated, like a hodgepodge, the most prominent of which is to double the strength of its physical body.Under the blessing of this kind of power, his physical strength has reached the level of a physical cultivator in the Golden Core Realm of the Kunlun Three Realms. Although this kind of strength is not enough to resist the destructive force that injured him in the secular world, ordinary guns But it has been unable to cause too much damage to his body.

At that time, when Xu Changqing was completely immersed in the further mastery of this new method of casting spells, he did not notice that the train crew had arranged two more passengers for this carriage.If the two passengers stayed by themselves and didn't contact Xu Changqing, there wouldn't be any trouble.But the woman among the two passengers seemed to be very curious, and also a little familiar. When she saw that Xu Changqing ignored them, she came up to say hello to Xu Changqing, and even called a few times but did not get Xu Changqing. When giving feedback, he slapped Xu Changqing's arm with his hands.

At that time, Xu Changqing happened to be displaying the tiger form among the twelve forms. At the same time, he used visualization to visualize a kind of demon tiger he saw in the three realms of Kunlun, and also used the magic method to transform his divine thoughts into tiger spirits to bless himself. The whole body is completely in a state where strangers should not enter.When the woman slapped his arm, he immediately woke up. Although he quickly controlled the self-defense blood power in his body, a small part of it still acted on the opponent's hand, killing her whole body. He flung it out and bumped into the other man.Fortunately, the man has a lot of martial arts skills, and he has also practiced kung fu such as the jackhammer. After catching the woman, he did not fall down. He stabilized his body and transmitted his strength to the train by leaning against the train wall.

If she just inadvertently hurt the woman with the power of blood, she would not be too angry with Xu Changqing because of her heart, but would admire Xu Changqing and take the initiative to make friends with him.But the problem is what happened next, not only the woman didn't expect it, even Xu Changqing didn't expect it.After bouncing the woman away, Xu Changqing opened his eyes and looked at the other party. At this time, he happened to meet the other party's eyes full of surprise. At this moment, the charm of the tiger spirit blessed by Xu Changqing's thoughts has not dissipated. In the other party's eyes, Xu Changqing It was like an extremely ferocious man-eating demon tiger, which directly scared her to the point of fainting, and what was even worse was that she passed out.

For a woman to have sex in front of a strange man, let alone a woman, even a man would feel ashamed of such embarrassing things.If the train hadn't started when she woke up, I'm afraid she would have jumped off the train.Afterwards, she wanted to change carriages. As long as she didn't stay in the same carriage with Xu Changqing, her shame would be relieved. Unfortunately, the other carriages had already been booked, and she also had some concerns and dared not use her identity. Forcibly change carriages with others.In the end, she could only stay in this carriage, and the shame in her heart gradually turned into hatred towards Xu Changqing until Ning Shuhuai arrived. (To be continued..)

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