Nine idlers

Chapter 1036 The Peach Blossom Is Still The Same

Jin Gushan is a Manchu, born in the Xianghuang Banner. According to the calculation in the past, he is a nobleman of the Eight Banners, and he will be called a master wherever he goes.It's just that now, these Eight Banners nobles are not as good as phoenixes, they are all beaten from the clouds to the ground, and their status is not as good as that of ordinary people.

Jin Gushan’s family is not bad. Their old man had the foresight to see that the court at that time was unreliable, so he didn’t hang himself on the tree that was about to fall in Manqing. He secretly made many friends who were classified as rebels at the time. The revolutionary party even used his identity to save the lives of many big figures in the revolutionary party.This behavior of forgetting ancestors after the founding of the Republic of China brought many benefits to his family. It not only allowed his family to keep the property accumulated over the years, but also made the old man a government official, making him rich and powerful.

Later, the old man of his family didn't know what was wrong, and he went to Yan'an to start a revolution because he was not a good young master from a rich family.Afterwards, the family members also found that the old man’s move was prescient. It was this behavior that prevented their family from being classified as the group of people who were liquidated after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Instead, they became advanced revolutionaries. Write a letter to their family.It is this level of identity and the character of the leader. Even if there is such a lively scene outside, even if the four olds are broken and the movement is happening, many Eight Banners children with similar backgrounds to their family have been punished miserably, but for them As far as the family is concerned, it does not have much impact. Even the government deliberately transferred their work units to the capital in order to protect the safety of their family. For example, he became a small director of the Forbidden City, in charge of sanitation in the Forbidden City clean.

Jin Gushan is very satisfied with his current life, he is not a person with big ambitions, he just wants to live in peace.But no matter how peaceful he is, after seeing the majestic building of the Forbidden City, he will inevitably have longing for the glory of his clan back then, but due to the current situation, their family rarely mentions the past. The understanding of the past comes from documents such as manuscripts of Qing history.However, the past is the past after all.No matter how glorious the past was, it was just the past. To him, it was just some imagination, and he didn't have much awe. He even sneaked to the Hall of Supreme Harmony and the Palace of Qianqing.When no one was around, I sat on the dragon chairs in those two places.

Although the Jin Gushan family doesn't have any problems now, they are descendants of the nobles of the Eight Banners after all, and those who work with him will have some concerns.So in the office, he faintly showed signs of being isolated.He has no choice but to perform as well as possible, do more when he has something to do, and read this leader's quotations whenever he has nothing to do, so as to completely block some people's gossip.

Because the atmosphere in the office is not very good, Jin Gushan rarely stays in the office as long as he has free time, and more often wanders back and forth in the Forbidden City. , there is an excuse to say.

as usual.Jin Gushan came to the Forbidden City very early. He stayed in the office for a while, talked to his colleagues on night shift, and took a broom and a dustpan to stroll around the Forbidden City as usual.

Although the Forbidden City is not open to the public, the control is not very strict, especially in the early morning, some nearby residents like to come to the front ping of the Hall of Supreme Harmony for morning exercises, even if it is such a cold day, and it only rained last night, There are still many people gathered here.These people often do morning exercises in the Forbidden City.So almost everyone knew Jin Gushan, knew his family's background, and in the past would come forward to bow, say "Sheng Ye", and make fun of this descendant of the nobles of the Eight Banners.But now they don't have this thought anymore, even the few people who were able to get along with him in the past just nodded to Jin Gushan after seeing him, and it was regarded as a greeting.

Jin Gushan could also understand the difficulties of these people, so he didn't feel angry or annoyed. Instead, he passed by Qianping and entered the porch on one side.After passing the last three halls, walk towards the imperial garden where outsiders are not allowed to enter.

In some documents, you can read some descriptions of the scenery of the imperial garden of the Forbidden City. Although it is not as large as the Summer Palace and the Old Summer Palace, the garden architecture here is also very elegant. After all, the emperor came here when he was tired of dealing with government affairs. As soon as you walk away and relax, the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will naturally build this garden to be pleasing to the eye. Whether it is the placement of rockery or the planting of plants, they are all very elegant. A small garden is almost a collection of Chinese gardens from north to south. Dacheng.

However, the scenery of the imperial garden has long since disappeared. After the Qing Emperor was expelled from the Forbidden City, although successive governments have sent people to manage things in the Forbidden City, the focus is on protecting the cultural relics and buildings in the Forbidden City. The protection of the garden is very important. Rarely, let alone, will a landscape expert be hired to take care of the garden.

Jin Gushan himself is very fond of Huaxia gardens. After working in the Forbidden City, he would take time out to tidy up the imperial garden of the Forbidden City every day, as if treating it as his own garden. After several years, he finally tidied up the imperial garden. He could barely take a look at it, but the only thing that made him look a little obtrusive was the big peach tree in the middle of the imperial garden that didn't match the surrounding landscape at all.

This big peach tree itself is not a plant in the imperial garden. It was transplanted here before Jin Gushan came to work in the Forbidden City. It is not very clear who transplanted it and which department transplanted it. I just know that this tree was transplanted. When Da Taoshu was in operation, many soldiers were used, and they had the approval of Zhongnanhai.After the big peach tree was transplanted here, someone took care of it for a period of time. It was not until the big peach tree was completely transplanted and survived that the person who took care of the big peach tree was removed.

Although Jingushan saw this big peach tree as very unpleasant, it was only because its existence destroyed the overall layout of the imperial garden, making the originally harmonious garden layout fragmented, as if there were some strange things on a mirror. It looks like there should be cracks, which makes people feel an eyesore.

However, as far as this big peach tree itself is concerned, Jin Gushan likes it very much. Even after such a long time, he is still shocked every time he sees it, thinking that such a big peach tree will definitely be regarded as a god in the past. things to worship.

This large peach tree is more than ten meters high. It takes five people to open their hands to barely hold the trunk. The unfolded trunk, branches and leaves almost cover half of the sky in the Royal Garden. In spring, the branches are covered with pink peach blossoms. , With a gust of spring breeze, it fell to various parts of the Forbidden City, like a peach blossom rain.Everyone who has seen the scene of peach trees blooming can't help but compare it with the red leaves of Xiangshan Mountain, and feel that these two places are the most beautiful scenery in the capital.

Jin Gushan once heard an old man in the Forbidden City talk about the magic of this peach tree. The size of the peach tree now is actually quite different from when it was first transplanted. According to the old man’s description, the peach tree was originally more than ten Zhang Gao, the separated branches and leaves almost completely covered the imperial garden, but the peach tree continued to wither later, most of the surrounding branches and leaves withered and fell off, and the trunk also shed a layer of several inches thick every year like a snake sheds its skin The outer skin finally became the current size before it completely stabilized.

Regarding what the old man said, Jin Gushan listened to it as a story, and did not take it seriously at all, because if it is true that this big peach tree is more than ten feet high, and its branches and leaves are so luxuriant, how to move it from the south to the north is a problem. The big problem is that even if you go to the north and enter Beijing, it is almost impossible to move to the imperial garden of the Forbidden City without destroying the surrounding buildings.Although rationality tells him that such a thing is impossible, and it is impossible to have such a tall and luxuriant peach tree, every time he sees this big peach tree, he can't help feeling that the What the old man said may be true.And those questions about transporting, transplanting, etc. can be explained with one answer, that is, this peach tree is a sacred tree, and it can move here from the outside by itself.

Although this absurd idea has appeared in Jin Gushan's mind for many years, he has never told others about it, because even when he thinks about it afterwards, he finds it ridiculous. He is a madman.

As usual, Jin Gushan entered the imperial garden through a side door, and was going to temporarily put the broom and dustpan in the small utility room aside, and then took out the scissors used to trim the flowers and plants there, and trimmed the flowers and plants in the garden.But before he reached the utility room, he was startled by the scene in front of him, and he froze in place, unable to react for a long time.

Although it is already spring, it is only in the south, and it is still bitingly cold in the north. It is impossible for this big peach tree in the imperial garden to bloom at this time. In violation of this natural law, the time of each flowering can be estimated.

But now this large peach tree, which was bare and without leaves and flowers yesterday, is now full of branches and leaves. The peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the petals all over the sky are blown into the air with the biting north wind, giving people a feeling of being in a dream.If it was just the peach tree blooming out of season, or the branches, leaves, and flowers growing out of nothing overnight, these would not have shocked Jin Gushan so much. What really shocked him was the shape of the big peach tree. The body shape was just like what the old man had described. The branches and leaves covered the entire imperial garden, and the trunk alone was more than ten feet high. It was like a shocking colossus.

I don't know how long it took, but Jin Gushan's arm seemed to be numb, and the broom and dustpan in his hand fell to the ground, and there was a noise, breaking the tranquility of the surroundings, and awakening Jin Gushan from the shock.

"Impossible! How is this possible?" Jin Gushan muttered to himself, although his mind had become extremely confused, he still instinctively thought of a flaw and muttered. (~^~)

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