Nine idlers

Chapter 1038

After the Chen family child left the government building, he passed through several streets and came to the intersection of the western suburbs and the urban area.Originally, there should have been a city wall here, but now it has been demolished, and a small building has been built, surrounded by cement walls on the outside, forming a large courtyard. There is a sign at the main entrance, which says XX Army Military Region Compound, etc. typeface.

Compared with the government building full of humanity, the military compound in front of him is easy for Xu Changqing to deal with.Although there is a strong force of humanity in the compound of the military region, it is not as majestic and domineering as it is felt in the government building. As long as you do not touch them on purpose, such as doing things like casting spells in the compound of the military region, Xu Changqing was barely able to resist the suppression of this force of humanity, and even used his own small method to borrow this force of humanity to do some magic-like things.

In the compound of the military region, the power of humanity mixed with the power of the country, the power of heaven and earth, etc. can only take the second place. What really dominates the compound is a kind of iron-blooded aura unique to soldiers, and it is also what Xu Changqing is most familiar with. A form of heaven and earth conquest and killing spirit.

For ordinary practitioners, this kind of iron and blood can suppress even the power of humanity. The martial arts in the army who condensed the power of iron and blood in ancient times can even turn it into mana, slay demons and demons, and break immortals. Cracking Buddha, the lethality is strong enough to rival any top-grade spirit treasure.The only flaw is that the power of iron and blood condensed on the battlefield also has the erosive effect of all the conquests and killings of the world. This kind of erosion is not only aimed at the enemy, but also against the practitioner himself. Usually, people who condense this kind of iron and blood power There are only two results, one is to rebuild one's merits, abolish the power of iron and blood, and focus on other methods, and the other is to be completely eroded by the power of iron and blood, becoming a lunatic who only knows how to kill, and finally dies under the catastrophe.

However, the erosion of iron and blood is not a big problem for Xu Changqing.The innate supernatural power of Zhu Yan's avatar is to control the killing of heaven and earth. To him, the aura of conquest and slaughter is like the aura of heaven and earth. Absorbing and using it can only be beneficial, not harmful.Although now Xu Changqing's body is just a mortal body.It's not Zhu Yan's avatar, but he knows the details of Zhu Yan's innate supernatural powers very well, and there are ready-made methods at hand that can be used to allow mortals to use such a huge iron-blooded power.

only.Xu Changqing didn't intend to directly absorb these iron-blooded powers into his body. After all, he could barely use these iron-blooded powers with his strength, but it was obviously difficult to absorb and refine them.Fortunately, he has a suitable magic weapon on hand that can be used as a container for iron and blood power. Since he can use this iron and blood power to improve the quality of this magic weapon, and he can also condense this iron and blood power in the magic weapon. When it is used, there is an extra killer weapon.

Having thought in his heart, Xu Changqing immediately put it into action, and the mana in his body was secretly circulating.Injected into the painting of Zhong Kui, a layer of human-shaped light glowed all over his body, as if possessed by Zhong Kui.

After leaving the Chen family compound in Tong County, Xu Changqing did not refine the spirit god in Zhong Kui's painting into the seven-star bracelet in his hand, because he found that the spirit god in Zhong Kui's painting and the day-traveling god were somewhat repulsive. Rejection is not the rejection of the original power of the spirit god, but an instinctive rejection derived from the spiritual wisdom of the spirit god. It is estimated that these two spirit gods have fought because of certain things in the past, and it was very fierce, and they were even damaged by it.In the end, this combative rejection was imprinted on the spiritual instinct of the spirit god itself.

Because of this, Xu Changqing had to find another way to refine this Zhong Kui spirit. After all, he always had a painting scroll in his hand, let alone now, even in ancient times.It also feels very weird.However, Xu Changqing's method of refining this spirit god used a kind of esoteric mandala method and Shijia's god fighting, turning himself into a god mandala, absorbing Zhong Kui's spirit into his body, and when using it.As long as you use the method of fighting with the gods, you can directly invite the upper body of the gods, which is very convenient to perform.The only flaw is that when using it, you need to be distracted and restrain the spirit god from invading the natal soul, otherwise, the spirit god will turn against the guest and return the soul from the corpse.However, because of Xu Changqing's seven-star bracelets, the God of Day and Night, plus Xu Changqing's own understanding of the gods and the strength of the Dao Heart realm, Zhong Kui's spirit can't make waves at all, and this shortcoming will naturally disappear. exist.

If it was at the government building, Xu Changqing might not have cast spells so blatantly.After all, as long as the cultivator is approved by the ruler, even if he is enshrined in the court, the power of humanity that is extremely repulsive to the cultivator will also weaken his suppression, and there is no big problem in casting some ordinary spells.When he was in the hospital, Xu Changqing saw that among the entourage around the old man were three practitioners who were regarded as top-ranking practitioners in the secular world, and it was unknown how many practitioners similar to them were enshrined in the government building. If Xu Changqing Casting spells there is like a bright light in the dark night, and it is bound to be discovered.

And the air of iron and blood in this army rejects external forces more seriously than the power of humanity. Even if it is enshrined in the court, it will also be rejected, and the effect will not be weakened in any way, so it must not exist in the compound of this military region. No one who is a practitioner will see his abnormal situation.

After Xu Changqing was ready, he walked towards the compound, and when he just stepped into the gate of the compound, he felt the iron and blood force from all around swarming over, forming a powerful force on the image of Zhong Kui blessed by him. shock.Even if he had prepared in advance, the impact force was so strong that it almost shattered the statue of the divine spirit.

At this time, Xu Changqing began to promote the divine power of Zhong Kui's Dharma Body itself, displaying the supernatural powers of thousands of incarnations, imitating a part of the aura of Zhu Yan's avatar.Although Xu Changqing's current strength is somewhat reluctant to use the supernatural power of thousands of incarnations, but with his mastery of this ancient supernatural power and his familiarity with Zhu Yan's avatar, the effect after using it is surprisingly good, and the surroundings are full of aggressive iron blood Immediately, the power seemed to be tamed, and he was very close to Zhong Kui's dharma body, wanting to blend into his divine body.

Xu Changqing was not polite either, directly absorbing the power of iron and blood, and then according to the refining method of Zhu Yan's avatar, part of it was integrated into the divine body of Zhong Kui's dharma body, and the other part was integrated into the flesh and blood, and merged with the power of blood. .

Zhong Kui is originally a god of catching ghosts, and he can barely be classified as a god of killing. Although he can't perfectly absorb the energy of iron and blood killing like Chi You and Guan Gong, he puts the power of iron and blood into his body and seals it up. Slowly refining, it can still be done.As for the power of iron and blood blending into Xu Changqing's mortal flesh and blood, it is even easier, because after the power of iron and blood passes through Zhong Kuifa, all the killing aura in it has been stripped out. On the contrary, it will change Xu Changqing's temperament, making him more like a soldier, and the greater advantage is that it will also have a great auxiliary effect on Xu Changqing's blood power, and his worldly martial arts will be even more powerful.

Just as Xu Changqing walked past the guard post at the main entrance and was about to walk through the open side door and formally enter the compound, a middle-aged man in the reception room suddenly poked his head out of the window and said to him: "Secretary He, here is your In addition, Director Wang next door has a package from his hometown, please take it to him."

Because the power of iron and blood has the effect of breaking spells, the usual tricks of blinding the eyes cannot be used at all. Now Xu Changqing is using the power of blood to change his appearance, turning himself into a follower beside the old man.This kind of force of blood that promotes changes in the bones, muscles and skin of the face is not magic, so the power of iron and blood has no effect on it. As long as it is not suitable for acquaintances, it is difficult to distinguish the real from the almost identical appearance.

Xu Changqing disguised himself as this entourage because this entourage seemed to have some identity, and he could use this identity to enter this well-guarded military compound. However, he did not expect that the person he transformed actually lived in this In the compound of the military region, there was no reaction for a while.

"Uh! I have something to do now. I'll put the letter with you first, and I'll get it when I get back." Xu Changqing came back to his senses, and responded vaguely, then walked into the compound without saying anything.

The person in the reception room was stunned, looked at Xu Changqing's leaving back, and muttered to himself: "Is it really strange?"

"Close the window quickly, it's freezing!" The other people in the reception room yelled, and after the person came back, they asked meddlingly, "What did you say was strange just now?"

"Oh! It's Secretary He from the central office." The man put his hands on the fire and roasted them, driving away a little chill, and said, "When he left yesterday, he reminded me that a few letters are very important. Notify him immediately after we get it, but just now he went to say that he has something to do and has no time to get the letter."

The staff in the other communication rooms gave each other a blank look, and said, "What's so strange about this, the people in their central office are busy with state affairs, and my letters are just private matters, how can they be compared?"

"No, that's not the only thing I'm strange about. What I'm strange about is that Secretary He feels something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Others felt that the colleague in front of them was troublesome, so they responded disapprovingly and said.

"What's wrong? Ba..., I can't tell what's wrong there!" The man paused, frowned, as if trying to find a suitable word to describe his feeling.

Someone sneered and said, "I see! It's just that you are troublesome. Competing pacesetters in the compound have nothing to do with our reception room. No matter how well you perform, it's useless, and what's the use of your performance in front of us? Only by performing in front of Director Zhang can we be seen."

When the others heard the words, they also mocked their colleagues in a hurry.

Then the face of the staff in the communication room also became a little ugly. They didn't quarrel with their colleagues, but just muttered a few words in a low voice, and sat next to the brazier, warming their heads. (~^~)

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