Nine idlers

Chapter 1041

"Xu Changqing, a nine-time idler? I seem to have heard of this name." After all, the stories about Xu Changqing have passed for decades, and with the changes in the practice world, what really happened back then has turned into untestable legends and myths. When Qian Bing heard Xu Changqing's name, he only had a vague impression, and he didn't immediately recall who it was.

At this moment, Qian Weiyi was rather depressed. He thought that the shocked expression on Qian Bing's face would make him feel complacent. After all, he and Xu Changqing were only defeated by one trick back then.Although there is a bit of water in the defeat of this move, after Xu Changqing became the recognized No.1 heretic, and even the No.1 in the practice world, even if such a record is a bit watery, it can definitely make people proud.

Seeing that his grandson hadn't enlightened for a long time, and hadn't remembered who Xu Changqing was here, Qian Weiyi reached out and patted his forehead, then pointed in the direction of the Forbidden City, and pointed out: "Have you forgotten the peach tree mountain god?"

After being reminded by Qian Weiyi, Qian Bing quickly thought of who Xu Changqing was, and with a look of surprise on his face, he said in shock, "Is he the one from the Chen family's Peach Blossom Mountain?"

Now Qian Weiyi is quite satisfied with his grandson's performance. Although it was a bit late, it still made him feel good, and he didn't answer directly. Looks light and breezy.

Qian Bing was able to think of who Xu Changqing was so quickly after a reminder, mainly because the peach tree mountain god in the imperial garden of the Forbidden City was the first major event he participated in after entering Beijing. This peach tree essence has become the Zhengfeng mountain god recognized by the heaven and earth, which shocked him and his colleagues.

Later, in order to transplant this peach tree to the dragon veins of the capital, in order to allow the peach tree to adapt to the illusion of the capital and survive, the leaders of the department did not spend much effort, almost taking care of the peach tree in those few years became a task. As for the most important thing in the department, he also made plans to keep the peach tree alive.Back then, because he was curious about the origin of this big peach tree, he specially investigated the information related to it.But he didn't know Xu Changqing, the Jiuliu idler. He only knew about the Taohuashan Yizhuang, a large peach tree yard, and there was a strange man named the owner of Yizhuang in the Yizhuang, who was the Chen family, the largest family in the south. behind-the-scenes military division.It is also the main reason why the Chen family has been able to stand in the south for so many years.

After being shocked, Qian Bing couldn't help wondering: "If he is so famous, why didn't the country..."

Qian Weiyi was also a little puzzled and said: "Because everyone thinks that if he is either dead, he has already ascended to the fairy world. It is completely beyond everyone's expectation that he is still in the human world. Otherwise, you How could those old fellows in the department have the guts to dig up the mountain guard tree?"

"Immortal world? Is there really an immortal world?" Qian Bing realized that the more he knew, the more questions he had in his mind.

After being silent for a moment, Qian Weiyi said in a deep tone, "Maybe there is? I want to know the answer too."

Just when Qian Weiyi and his grandfather and grandson were talking about Xu Changqing, Xu Changqing, who was the person they were talking to, was walking around a small village called Sanligou on the outskirts of the capital. Famous craftsmen.

Sanligou is not an official name, but a name given by the people who live here. It used to be a slum. The name Sanligou also comes from the fact that the village was built around a three-mile-long stinking ditch.Now there is no shadow of slums here at all, with neat houses and spacious streets. Although the faces of the people living here are a little sick and thin, they are very energetic.

This is just an unknown small place, whose name can't even be seen on the map, but it has a certain reputation in the practice world, because there lives a craftsman who specializes in making magic weapons for casual cultivators. There is only one kind of magic weapon, and that is the copper gourd.Copper gourds of all kinds and shapes.

The gourd is a commonly used magic weapon among practitioners of Taoism-based sects, and the vast majority of casual cultivators often use the gourd as a magic weapon, so all craftsmen who make magic tools must first learn The most important thing is to make gourds, and among these craftsmen, there are only a handful of people who are famous in the practice circle for making gourds.What Xu Changqing is looking for is such a gourd master, or the successor of that master.

The reason why Xu Changqing knew about this gourd master came from his half-teacher paper figurine Zhang, because the paper figurine Zhang and this gourd master are close friends, and the copper gourd magic weapon used by Xu Changqing in Yizhuang is all from Because of that gourd master, so it can be regarded as being friends with him for many years.

When I saw the nine gourds hanging on the top in the apse of Yongsi Hall.Xu Changqing felt that those copper gourds looked familiar, and then he remembered the gourd master. This may be an important clue to find out who set up the gourd bureau, so he came to the place where the master lived in seclusion.

Xu Changqing was not worried that the master or his descendants had moved to another place, because the master was cursed by witchcraft and could only stay in a special place and could not leave.Although the location of this Sanligou is not very good, it is a rare place where a white tiger holds a corpse. The gourd master can use this dangerous place to attack poison with poison and suppress the curse on his body. More importantly, this curse is a bloodline curse, a direct bloodline All descendants will be infected by this curse, so even if the master dies, his descendants must also stay here to survive.

At the beginning, the paper figurine Zhang thought about asking Xu Changqing to help the master touch the curse on his body, but after Xu Changqing asked about the details, he thought that he could not remove the blood curse with his cultivation ability at the time, so he was helpless.Although Xu Changqing hadn't reached the No. 1 position of heretics at that time, he was already considered one of the top existences in the world of secular practice, so the witch curse that he couldn't break was naturally impossible for others to break.

From the moment he entered the village, Xu Changqing clearly felt that although the surrounding houses and other places have been rebuilt, the overall terrain has not changed, and even the three-mile-long stinky ditch has only been dug deeper. , Pollution control, built an artificial river, but did not landfill it.This cost-intensive reconstruction method is very different from the way of tearing down old houses and rebuilding new houses in most other areas. Some of them must have secretly influenced the authorities to do so deliberately.Although Xu Changqing had never been here before, he was able to find out the location of the most dangerous tiger's mouth corpse in the place where the white tiger was carrying the corpse from the relatively well-preserved terrain. The gourd master must have lived in this location.

Soon, Xu Changqing came to a dilapidated small courtyard, which was still an old quadrangle courtyard without any renovation.This kind of blue brick courtyard house should be regarded as a very good house when this place was a slum in the past, but it is so old and dilapidated when placed in the neatly planned red brick houses now, which is very eye-catching.

Xu Changqing looked at the shy copper gourds hanging on the door, and knew that he had found the right place, so he went forward and knocked on the door knocker, and shouted into the room: "Is there anyone in the room? Is Master Fan there?" ?”

After shouting twice, he heard footsteps coming from behind the door, followed by the door creaking open, a young man looked out, looked at Xu Changqing, frowned and said: "Who are you? Why are you looking for my father? "

The young man's tone was not very good, he seemed impatient, and had a trace of inexplicable hostility towards Xu Changqing.Xu Changqing didn't care so much, but said directly: "Master Fan is a famous maker of copper gourds, I think..."

"It's useless to even think about it, your hands are broken, how can you make a gourd?" The young man yelled at Xu Changqing before he finished speaking, and then closed the door with a bang, as if he didn't intend to say more to Xu Changqing nonsense.

Xu Changqing was stunned when he heard the words, frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and patted on the door lightly, a force knocked down the wooden bolt behind the door, pushed the door and walked in.

At this time, the young man had just turned around and was about to walk into the back room when he heard a strange noise behind him, looked back and saw Xu Changqing pushing the door in, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.He clearly remembered that he had put the bolt on the door after closing it just now, but now the door was opened, which made him feel a little puzzled.

The young man turned around immediately, stopped in front of Xu Changqing, and yelled at Xu Changqing fiercely: "What's the matter with you? You just enter other people's homes. Don't think that if something happens to my house, you can just come and bully you. Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry."

"Young man, don't be so angry, be careful and be very sad." Xu Changqing patted the young man on the shoulder casually, and the young man who was about to push him away in anger seemed to see some terrible scene, and screamed, Then he jumped to the side and got out of the way.

At this time, Xu Changqing looked at the frightened young man suspiciously, because he found that this young man was just an ordinary person, who had neither the magic power of a practitioner nor the blood curse power that should exist on his body.He looked at the young man's hands again, and found that although the young man's hands were rough and full of calluses, they were the hands of ordinary porters, not the hands of craftsmen.

Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing asked with some doubts: "Your surname is also Fan?"

"My surname is not Fan, what is your surname?" The young man seemed to have recovered now, and he didn't realize what happened to him just now, but he was sure that Xu Changqing was definitely responsible, so he yelled at Xu Changqing angrily.

Just as Xu Changqing continued to say something, a slightly weak voice suddenly came from the room, saying: "Qu Bing, don't neglect the guests, please come in."

The young man went into the house with a look of grief and indignation to argue: "Father, you just listen to me. This kind of people is rare in the future. They come and entrust you with errands, and then leave, but leave all the troubles to you. The suffering you have suffered Isn’t Tao enough?” (~^~)

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