Nine idlers

Chapter 1147 Inheriting Knowledge

After recovering mana, Xu Changqing withdrew the spell used to isolate the movement at the door. At the same time, he sensed the location of another reincarnation tree tribal inheritance hall, and cast the teleportation method to directly transfer there.

Not long after Xu Changqing's figure disappeared from the Hall of Inheritance, the gate of the Hall of Inheritance was opened from the outside, and two left-behind high priests and hunter leaders walked in with puzzled expressions and checked the situation around.

When Xu Changqing cast the spell just now, the isolation spell did completely shield the abnormal movements produced by the inheritance skull, but when he withdrew the spell, the special breath produced by the resonance reaction of the inheritance skull still remained in the inheritance hall, and several of the resonance breaths They reacted with the high priest who stayed outside, which made them feel abnormal.

It's just that they were destined to find nothing. After searching carefully and failing to find any reason, they retreated out with a blank face, but they didn't close the door again.

At the same time, the expression on Xu Changqing's face, who was already in another inheritance hall, was the same as those of the high priests and hunter leaders who were shocked by the resonance but could not find the reason. Dazed, with a look of doubts on his face.

The reason why Xu Changqing did this was because he found that the reincarnation tree under his feet was a bit weird. This weirdness did not refer to the weird inheritance hall formed by interlaced branches around it, nor did it mean the weird shape of the conference hall outside or the tree itself, but the strange shape of the tree itself. The origins inside are quirky.Because he perceives that the origin of this tree is exactly the same as that of the previous tree, or to put it more simply and clearly, the two reincarnation trees are actually one.

The reason why Xu Changqing made such a definite judgment so quickly was because he compared the current reincarnation tree with the root hair placed here by the high priest Luo, and found that whether it was the source of power of the reincarnation tree itself, or The details of the reincarnation trees are all exactly the same.

In order to confirm his guess, Xu Changqing took the risk of breaking off a branch directly from the Hall of Inheritance, then teleported back to the root nest of the high priest Luo, and transplanted it to this reincarnation tree while the branch was still alive. On the root of the tree, and then cultivate it with the way of life and death.

Soon the branch from another reincarnation tree was perfectly fused with the root. Xu Changqing's spiritual sense has been monitoring the fusion process at every moment, and found that there is no obstacle in the whole process. The branch comes from another reincarnation tree His vitality and original strength are perfectly integrated into the current tree of reincarnation, without any exclusion, as if they are all one.

"Overlapping heaven and earth, thousands of real bodies." Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing couldn't help but think of the basic structure of the current world, overlapping heaven and earth, and also thought of a unique supernatural power of the ancient innate gods. body.

In the incomplete memory of Zhen Yuanzi, there is a magical spell that belongs only to innate gods. This method can make the caster change into tens of thousands of clones at the same time, and each clone is the real body. The situation with reincarnation trees is almost the same.

In order to confirm his guess, Xu Changqing went to the inheritance halls of several other reincarnation trees, and transplanted the branches of the inheritance hall to other reincarnation trees in the same way, and the final result was as he expected. The origin of the reincarnation tree is all the same.This proves that they are all the same reincarnation tree, but they appeared in front of Xu Changqing in five different forms at the same time, and by analogy, the most important reincarnation vortex under the reincarnation tree is probably only one.

After confirming this discovery, another great question in Xu Changqing's mind was also solved.

When he first saw the samsara vortex under the root of the samsara tree, he already had a question in his heart. Logically speaking, no matter how different the laws of heaven and earth are in the three worlds, the samsara vortex should be the only existence, absolutely not. There may be five or more samsara vortices like the present one.And now there is an answer to this doubt, just like the reincarnation tree, these seemingly different reincarnation vortexes are actually the same reincarnation vortex, but under the supernatural power of the ancient innate gods, they appeared in different forms at the same time. In heaven and earth.

At this moment, Xu Changqing felt that maybe this supernatural power of tens of thousands of real bodies might be related to the mysteries hidden in this world, but his understanding of this ancient supernatural power was nothing more than that, because Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memory did not contain Without the specific content of this supernatural power, the memory related to the casting process and the after effects is also very vague.The only thing that is clear is that apart from the ancient innate gods, other ancient powers, even the ancient dragons who are powerful enough to rival the innate gods, cannot display such supernatural powers. It seems that this supernatural power came from Zhen Yuanzi and other innate gods Inherited from the previous Three Realms.

At this time, Xu Changqing couldn't help but think of that weird little world full of the power of space. Before that, he never understood why the ancient innate gods would build such a world where the avenue of space was exposed when they created the inverted pyramid. What is the role here?But now, he had an inexplicable feeling that perhaps this world of space avenues was the root of the strange situation in front of him.

Following the thoughts in his mind, Xu Changqing also stepped out, and his body instantly moved to the periphery of the small world where the avenue of space was exposed. Looking at the fragments of land in front of him in a disorderly manner, showing the law of the avenue of space, he felt the power of this world. The mystery is right in front of him, he only needs to use a little more force to tear away the fog that hides the truth.

It is a pity that with his current ability and knowledge, it is still very difficult to tear through the fog. No matter how hard he tries, the mystery of the inner space of the pyramid, the tree of reincarnation and the mystery of reincarnation are still like looking at flowers through the fog Hazy, vague, unpredictable.

"Forget it! There will be opportunities in the future, so it's important to get down to business first!" After standing here for an unknown how long, Xu Changqing felt that the thoughts in his mind were not only not cleared, but became more chaotic. The high priest didn't have much time left for him, so he could only temporarily give up exploring the mystery in front of him and complete what he had planned.

Because of the successful experience of absorbing the reincarnation clan's inheritance of skull knowledge in that inheritance hall, the casting of spells in several reincarnation tree inheritance halls has become very simple and easy. The only thing that makes Xu Changqing a little overwhelmed is the inheritance knowledge he absorbed at one time There were too many fragments, so many that it had already had a bad effect on his mind.

After he absorbed all the knowledge of the inheritance skulls in the last inheritance hall, when he returned to the residence of the high priest Logan's nest, his face had become extremely pale, and the tiredness in his eyes could not be concealed.For this reason, he didn't care about recovering mana, but directly put his soul into the realm of Dao Xin, concentrated on sorting out the inherited knowledge fragments, and erased the redundant parts, so as to alleviate the negative impact of these knowledge fragments on the mind. .

As time passed, the fragments of inherited knowledge that caused Xu Changqing a headache have been cleaned up little by little. Except for most of the content related to the customs and laws of the reincarnation tribe, Xu Changqing eliminated the rest. Xu Changqing absorbed all the knowledge about the conditions of the various worlds around the sky into his own memory, and stored them separately in the sea of ​​consciousness just like Zhen Yuanzi's memory fragments.

With the absorption of the memories of so many high priests of the reincarnation tribe, the reincarnation tribe that Xu Changqing transformed into is no longer just a pair of identical skins, but his heart and source of power can also be perfectly imitated, let alone go outside. There are reincarnated people who can see anything wrong with their behavior.And just in terms of his mastery of various rituals and his understanding of the various worlds of the Inner Ring Heaven, he definitely surpassed the Chief High Priest of any tribe.It is no exaggeration to say that if he wanted to, he could easily become the Chief High Priest of any Samsara tribe, but it is a pity that he does not have this ambition.

In addition, another advantage of obtaining so many high priests of the reincarnation clan's inherited knowledge and memory is that he already knows the location of the Dixu, even if there is no high priest Luo to lead the way, he can go there by himself.

It's just that it's one thing to go to the Dixu, but it's another thing to participate in the God's Descend Festival and enter the Heavenly Palace.

According to the records of inherited knowledge, only those recommended by various god-descendant groups are eligible to participate in the God's Descending Festival, and those people must pass through a special star gate array to reach Tiangong, and the prerequisite for the opening of this star gate array is the The terrifying existence that the reincarnated people couldn't even mention by name was sealed into the Tiangong Hall.

That is to say, even if Xu Changqing went to the Dixu now, he would not be able to enter the Tiangong without a recommended quota unless there was a big fight on the day of the God's Descending Festival.

Thinking of this, Xu Changqing, who was a little restless, calmed down again. In the room of the root nest of the high priest Luo, he checked the inherited knowledge repeatedly, and quietly waited for the arrival of the God's Descent Festival.

In the past, Xu Changqing has never been clear about the timekeeping methods of the various ethnic groups in this world, and through observing the daily life of the reincarnation people, he has not found anything related to timekeeping.But through the inheritance of knowledge, he discovered that the reincarnation tribe actually has timekeeping, and the person in charge of the timekeeping is not the reincarnation tribe, but another ethnic group of gods.

Even the high priest of the reincarnation tribe doesn't know how this god-descendant group keeps time. He just knows that this god-descendant group will give every tribe of the god-descendant a stone plate for timekeeping. Changes in will be displayed differently on the disc.

In addition, according to Xu Changqing's estimation, the timekeeping method of this god-descendant group is also very similar to that of ancient China. It also uses twelve hours as a day's timekeeping, but the length of the hours is somewhat different.

Xu Changqing found the stone plate given to the Reincarnation Tree Tribe here by the God-descendant group. Through observation, it was found that the pattern on the stone plate would change once in about four and a half hours, or about nine hours of secular time.


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