Nine idlers

Chapter 1149 Mysterious Bloodline

"Is it the gods who left the Heavenly Palace? Or..." Xu Changqing couldn't help feeling suspicious after seeing the power utilization skills displayed by the three warrior leaders.

Although judging from the situation, the spellcasting methods owned by the three warrior leaders or the god-descendant group behind the three warrior leaders probably came from Tiangong, but thinking about it carefully, this inference is not so possible.

If it is the spellcasting method recorded in the Tiangong, which for some reason leaked out and was learned by the god-descendants of the Dixu, then the reincarnation and other god-descendants who are not in the Dixu will definitely learn it, even if it is only a part of it. fur.

Moreover, if Tiangong is really so important, and if there is a method of casting spells related to strength, then those god-descendant groups in Dixu will definitely not want this news to leak out, and will definitely cover Tiangong tightly. It will not allow other groups of gods to enter the Heavenly Palace.You must know that every time the people who enter the Heavenly Palace during the God’s Descending Festival, there are not only sacrifices provided by various ethnic groups, but also high priests, chief leaders, and great shamans sent by various ethnic groups. They can enter the Heavenly Palace, and they can also leave freely. If a little clue is found, those spell-casting methods can no longer be concealed, so these spell-casting methods must have nothing to do with Tiangong.

The more critical point is that it is impossible for the reincarnation tribe and other god-descendant groups to fail to notice that those god-descendant tribes in Dixu have unique spellcasting methods, but their overall strength is superior, and these god-descendant tribes are half-imprisoned in the It is unreasonable that they in Dixu did not force these god-descendants to develop spell-casting methods, nor did they take the initiative to improve their own spell-casting methods.

Obviously, the only reasonable explanation is that apart from the few god-descendant groups in Dixu, the other god-descendant groups in the inner ring sky all think that this method of casting spells is contrary to their own traditions, core strength, etc., and disdain to use it. Learn this method of casting spells.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Xu Changqing to deduce that this kind of magic-like method is not actually the method of Tiangong itself, but a foreign method.Looking at the past history of these god-descendant groups, there is only one mysterious existence that is so closely related to those god-descendant groups in Dixu and can influence these god-descendant groups to fundamentally change their customs. The so-called Endless Heavenly Visitor who ruled those god-descendant groups and tried to enter the Heavenly Palace.

Thinking of this, Xu Changqing couldn't help but think of the materials of the foreign gods living in the Holy Ruins, and quickly filtered the content, but when the last god's data disappeared from his mind, he still couldn't find one that matched it. image of.

"Could it be that the foreign gods didn't come from the Holy Ruins?" Xu Changqing couldn't help but have another suspicion in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the suppression of divine power in this world. Obviously, if the foreign gods of the Holy Ruins came here, their own power would definitely be suppressed to the extreme, and only the physical power of the god body could be relied on. How much better than an ordinary reincarnation hunter.This kind of strength is not to mention ruling a few god-descendant groups, even a non-god-descendant indigenous tribe in this world may not be able to be controlled by it.

After quickly eliminating the foreign gods in the Holy Ruins, Xu Changqing couldn't help but think of an ancient god society of secular human forces that was somewhat impossible but felt very possible.

If it is said that besides the Holy Ruins, there are also people or forces that have a close relationship with the foreign gods in the prehistoric period, and the person or force who has the most profound mastery of the magic of the foreign gods, it is naturally the Ancient Gods Association.Judging from various signs, the actual controllers of the Ancient God Association are real gods. Maybe some of them are acquired gods who inherit the blood of God Fire and God, but there are also ancient gods from other lands that have existed since ancient times. The understanding and mastery of knowledge will definitely not be much worse than that of Shengxu.

Since it is possible to find a star gate array leading to this world in Florence in the mortal world, it is possible to find other star gate arrays leading to this world in other countries and other realms in the mortal world.

After being suspicious, Xu Changqing also recalled the manpower sent by the Ancient God Association to participate in this trip. That person seemed to be the most inconspicuous existence among the staff in terms of strength and wisdom. Now he may have died in a certain place. A monster of heaven and earth is in the stomach.

In terms of the background and strength of the Ancient God Society, it is absolutely impossible for no one to be sent, but when other mysterious forces all send some elite personnel for this so-called Nazi relic and myth maze, they just send them casually. It is obviously unreasonable to invite individuals to participate.The only thing that could explain it was that they already knew in advance where the Star Gate God Formation would eventually lead, and they also knew something about this world, so they didn't have to spend a lot of time and manpower on a thing they already knew.

At this moment, Xu Changqing felt that he should be able to find a lot of things that interested him when he went to the Dixu and Tiangong this time, and he was also more curious about the ancient gods.

While Xu Changqing was thinking about the problem, the high priest Luo Na had already ended the battle, and the final result was as Xu Changqing expected. The high priest Luo captured the two enemies alive at the cost of being injured.

At this moment, High Priest Luo's condition is not very good. There are as many as [-] to [-] wounds on his body, and several of them are located in important places such as the heart and head. None of them could be preserved intact and several pieces were cut off.Just like the two enemies caught by him, he was also unable to stand up, so he could only sit on the ground, took out some special plasters from the medicine bag, applied them on his body, and slowly recovered the consumed ones in his own way. strength.

Although Xu Changqing's main attention was on the warrior leaders of the god-descendant tribes, he was not indifferent to High Priest Luo's side.

After the high priest Luo captured the two enemies alive, Xu Changqing controlled the power of the fog array, condensed into a temporary white mist clone, and appeared beside the high priest Luo. Before he could react, he raised his hand and pressed the on his forehead.A spiritual energy transformed by the way of mutual generation between heaven and earth poured in from his head, and quickly spread to his limbs. The wounds on his body also healed quickly under the nourishment of the pure spiritual energy, except for the broken Except for a few hairs that could no longer be connected, the wounds on other parts had healed and scarred.

When the high priest Luo appeared in Xu Changqing, he was startled, thinking that he was being attacked by someone, and couldn't help but want to cast a spell immediately to avoid it.But when he found out that it was Xu Changqing, he immediately let go of his nervousness, and then felt a cool breath pouring in from the top of his head, which quickly spread to his whole body, making him feel that the pain of the wound on his body was instantly relieved. It was almost negligible, which made him feel extremely relaxed.However, the itching that followed as the wound healed soon replaced the previous pain as his torment.

Fortunately, this period of suffering did not last long. When he finally couldn't bear the strong itching feeling on his body that was so strong that he wanted to commit suicide immediately, and stretched out his hand to scratch, the itching feeling quickly weakened and disappeared, and the scars on the wound were very painful. It was easily scratched off, and the wound that was open a moment ago with visible flesh and blood has completely disappeared, leaving only a white mark that is slightly different from the surrounding skin color hanging on it.

"How did you do it? This..." The high priest Luo saw that the injury was fully recovered in the blink of an eye, and the power consumed in the body had also recovered [-]%. He couldn't help being curious about the spell Xu Changqing cast, and it was natural Putting it on the practical side, ideas like how useful this spell can be if I got it came to my mind.

Before the high priest Luo asked, Xu Changqing blocked his thoughts and said, "You can't learn this, and you will never learn it." Then, he looked at the man lying on the ground with a look of panic and fear. The two reincarnation clan members of the blood piercing department asked, "How are you going to get them to say what you want to know?"

"This..." The high priest Luo seemed to be dumb for a while, and opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

The reincarnation clan has never had the habit of taking prisoners for interrogation. All captured prey and enemies will be killed immediately and sacrificed to reincarnation.Even if they didn't kill them immediately, they would be locked up and wait until a certain ceremony to make a more formal sacrifice. As for things like interrogation, they never thought about it.

Now that Xu Changqing asked about the interrogation, the high priest Luo didn't have a clue at all, and stood there with a dazed look on his face.

Xu Changqing, who has a lot of inheritance knowledge of the reincarnation clan, naturally knows the habits of the reincarnation clan very well, so before the embarrassment appeared on the face of the high priest Luo, he introduced a divine thought related to interrogation and injected it into the soul of the high priest Luo, Then he dissipated his body and retreated into the mist, observing the actions of High Priest Luo, waiting for the final result.

The high priest Luo was completely stunned by the knowledge that Xu Changqing introduced into his soul at this moment. He never thought that there are so many tricks in the interrogation, let alone using many of the methods. I couldn't help but feel numb, and my body trembled slightly involuntarily, and I couldn't hide a trace of fear in my heart.

Also because of these interrogation techniques from ancient and modern countries in China and the West, the high priest Luo's fear of Xu Changqing increased a bit.

Although the high priest Luo couldn't confirm where Xu Changqing was, he could guess that Xu Changqing was paying attention to him. If he didn't behave well, the consequences would not be what he wanted to see.

So, he stepped forward to separate the two enemies, then sealed the hair of one who used to speak, and performed the interrogation technique taught to him by Xu Changqing on the other.

The subsequent developments were within Xu Changqing's expectations, but also beyond Xu Changqing's expectations. The two reincarnation high priests and warrior leaders of the blood piercing department had never seen such cruel interrogation techniques, and the high priest Luo had just begun. , the two couldn't bear it anymore, and they all said the answers that the high priest Luo wanted.


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