Nine idlers

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Killing All (This chapter is free)

After Xu Changqing regained some of his skills, he didn't think too much. With his sword fingers in both hands, he clamped the two silver nails again, injected real energy, and flung towards the Nine Lives Zhenjun, preparing to take his life.The first rule of the Jiuliu Xianren lineage is to take advantage of his illness and take his life, so the Jiuliu Xianren of all generations have no compassion, and they will go all out to deal with the enemy and kill them.

"Heaven and earth spiritual thing!" Nine Fate True Monarch had already seen the murderous intent in Xu Changqing's eyes, and when he saw him throwing the silver nail towards him, he quickly yelled with all his strength.For some friends or enemies who are familiar with the lineage of Jiuliu Xianren, they are very clear that Jiuliu Xianren of all generations are looking for spiritual objects in heaven and earth. However, since the first generation of Jiuliu Xianren in the late Ming Dynasty, only one Jiuliu Xianren has found it. A spiritual object of heaven and earth, so the attraction of spiritual objects of heaven and earth to Jiuliu idlers is like the attraction of granaries to mice.

Sure enough, when True Monarch Jiu Ming yelled, Xu Changqing immediately pulled the red dust rope that was pierced out at a high speed, and the two silver nails at the end of the rope just stopped on Zhen Jun Jiu Ming's eyebrows and heart, and The forward momentum of the silver nail has not subsided, and it is constantly shaking, trying to break free from Xu Changqing's shackles.

"Heaven and earth spirits! You mean heaven and earth spirits!" At this moment, Xu Changqing's tall man's appearance disappeared, and his eyes burst out with a golden light stronger than Buddha's light. This kind of eyes looked at Jiu Mingzhenjun It's like a jackal has met its prey.I have only seen this kind of look in the eyes of the few old monsters who have practiced for thousands of years in Mang Mountain, and I suddenly feel a chill in my heart. It is undeniable that if I didn't say it well, the people in front of me would be terrified. He hesitated to tear him to pieces.

"It is indeed a spiritual object of heaven and earth, I know where there is a spiritual object of heaven and earth!" Zhenjun Nine Lives swallowed dryly, pulled himself together, and said.

Xu Changqing was stunned for a while, turned his eyes, moved his finger on the red dust rope, exerted his true energy to control the red dust rope connected to the middle finger, turned into a snake, rolled up Jiuming Zhenjun several times, and lifted him to float in front of Xu Changqing, And those two silver nails were always aimed at his heart and eyebrows.

After looking at Zhenjun Jiuming for a while, Xu Changqing's face turned dark, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "You are bluffing me, if there are heaven and earth spirits, how could you Don’t take it? If you take it, how can your cultivation base be so vulnerable? For those who tease me, I will let him suffer the pain of shaving his bones, and slowly torture him to death.”

Nine Fate Zhenjun hurriedly explained: "No, no, I didn't lie to you! That spiritual object of heaven and earth is transformed by the purest masculinity, it is impossible for my body to get close to it, and it is even more impossible to use it to improve my cultivation! "

Xu Changqing looked at Zhenjun Jiuming for a long time, and said slowly: "If you tell me the whereabouts of that spiritual object, I can let you go!"

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, Jiuming Zhenjun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Since he was restrained by the red dust rope just now, he has gathered some of the only ghost energy in his body into the natal true spirit. As long as Xu Changqing kills, He detonated the ghost qi and true essence in his natal true spirit.Although it is impossible to kill Xu Changqing with this level of self-explosion of true energy, it can kill all the ordinary people and people with low cultivation in the entire Chen family's house, so that even if he dies, it is worth it.But now Xu Changqing, a low-level idler, has an extraordinary attachment to the spiritual things of heaven and earth, as rumored, and things have turned around, so he relaxes a little bit.

True Monarch Nine Lives stared into Xu Changqing's eyes and said, "Why do you lie to me, sir? If I tell you the whereabouts of that heavenly and earth spiritual object now, then death is not far away. If you want to know the whereabouts of that heavenly and earth spiritual object If the whereabouts, please swear to the sky with the true soul of your life, as long as I tell the whereabouts of the heaven and earth spirits, how about letting me live? You have been looking for the heavens and earth spirits for a long time."

At this time, Xu Changqing's face was cloudy and cloudy, which made Zhenjun Jiuming become nervous. Finally, Xu Changqing gritted his teeth and looked at Zhenjun Jiuming as if he had made up his mind, and said, "Okay ! I agree to your request!" Then, he swore solemnly: "I, Xu Changqing, would like to swear by my true soul..."

Hearing that Xu Changqing began to swear by the true spirit of his own life, the Nine-Life True Monarch immediately showed joy, and a relaxed feeling of the rest of his life permeated his whole body.However, before he could think about it again, he felt a pain between his brows and heart at the same time, and then two forces penetrated into the true soul of his life, surrounded it, isolated it from his body and spiritual consciousness, and was completely crushed. trapped in it.It wasn't until then that he realized that Xu Changqing's two silver nails had pierced his body at some point, and Xu Changqing's face still had a solemn and solemn expression, without the slightest bit of murderous intent.

"You..." Nine Lives True Monarch stared at Xu Changqing in horror, not knowing what to say.

On the other hand, Xu Changqing changed his expression of indifference, "manipulated" the red rope to pull him closer to his face, and said, "Do you think I don't know that you have been trying to blew yourself up just now? The reason why I told you that So much nonsense is just to make you think that you have a chance to survive, so you can relax your vigilance, withdraw your spiritual consciousness from the true spirit, and use Yuanhua silver needle to catch it completely. Now you can still have What is the means to die with me?"

"What a deep scheming! I didn't expect you to be able to hide your thoughts so deeply. It seems that you are not a kind person!" Seeing Xu Changqing's murderous intent that he no longer concealed, True Monarch Nine Lives knew that he was a dead end, so he broke The jar broke, put away all the weak expressions on his face, glared at Xu Changqing, and said: "You can do it anyway, anyway, I have lived enough, and I have enjoyed all the things that can be enjoyed in life, even death is worth it! But , It's ridiculous that you have a long line of idlers, and you will never find a heaven and earth spirit until now!"

"Who says you can't find it, don't you know?" Xu Changqing sneered coldly, stopped talking nonsense, urged Jindan Zhenyuan to rush into the body of Jiuming Zhenjun, and rushed his ghost energy and spiritual consciousness in an instant His body was shredded by the ever-tightening Hongchen rope, and the real soul the size of a copper coin locked by two silver nails flew towards Xu Changqing with the pull of the Hongchen rope, and was caught by the sword finger of his right hand.

Afterwards, the spiritual consciousness of Zhenjun Jiuming, who was dispersed by the golden core and true essence, began to gather again under the influence of ghost energy and true essence.Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart. The method of ghost cultivation does have its own unique features. If it is an ordinary practitioner, when he loses his true spirit and loses his consciousness, he would already be dead. The technique of ghost repair can also make him continue to struggle.If you give him some time, maybe the Nine Fate True Monarch will really be resurrected, after all, as long as the divine consciousness is not destroyed, the natal true spirit can be re-cultivated through the brand of the divine consciousness.

Although Xu Changqing admired True Monarch Nine Fate's tenacity, he was not prepared to give him any chance. He picked up the Five Thunder Talisman that he had just written in his left hand, threw it into the air, pointed at it with his sword, and read: "Majestic righteousness, five thunders to punish evil, and the magic weapon is as urgent as the law!"

The Five Thunder Talisman floating in mid-air was instantly ignited, and then a lightning bolt as thick as a bathtub flashed from the clouds above Zixuan Pavilion and fell from the sky. Under the guidance of the sword finger, he rushed straight to the shattered corpse of the Nine Lives True Monarch and the spiritual consciousness that was trying to condense in mid-air.As a result, there was no suspense. After a flash of light, the wreckage of the Nine Lives True Monarch disappeared completely, only a burning smell lingered in the air, and there was a burnt mark on his face.

Xu Changqing couldn't help being a little stunned to see that a five-thunder talisman could exert such great power. Originally, according to his estimate, the power of the five-thunder talisman would increase by three or four times at most, but he did not expect that the actual situation would increase by more than ten times. Among them, the fine cinnabar also played a lot of roles.He still has lingering fears at the moment, and he is glad that he didn't strike directly on the Shangqing Nine Palaces Bagua Formation on the ground, otherwise, he is afraid that this formation with more than 100 years of spiritual energy will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Xu Changqing wiped his sweat and saw that the real soul of Nine Lives True Monarch in his hand became weaker and weaker due to the disappearance of its body, and knew that he couldn't wait any longer.So he took a piece of pure copper gossip mirror from the incense altar, leaned it on a piece of startled wood, and faced himself obliquely.Then he gathered a little golden liquid essence in his heart on the tip of his tongue, bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed this mouthful of golden blood on the Bagua bronze mirror.He quickly tapped the mirror with his right hand holding the true spirit of life, and the golden blood sprayed everywhere immediately gathered on Xu Changqing's fingertips, and the true spirit of Jiuming Zhenjun also merged into the fingertips at this moment. In the pointed ball of golden blood.

"The gods of the four lands arise, and the true spirits of the eight directions appear!" Following Xu Changqing's incantation, the golden blood was driven by the fingertips, and a psychic symbol of Dragon and Tiger Mountain was drawn on the mirror.

After finishing the last stroke, the dao talisman drawn by Jinxue disappeared in the mirror, followed by a flash of white light in the mirror, and flashing images appeared one after another in the white light.Xu Changqing saw Jiu Ming Zhenjun chasing the old Taoist priest all the way, saw him absorbing the living souls of a village to feed the life souls to increase their viciousness, and saw him throwing some gold, his ghost cultivator, etc. before chasing the old Taoist priest. Where are the secret books and a few unrefined evil weapons hidden and so on.Although the screen flashed quickly, Xu Changqing had been staring at the regressing life trajectory of True Monarch Nine Lives, looking for the whereabouts of the heaven and earth spirit thing he was talking about.

Soon he saw a flashing picture, and told him in his heart that this was the clue.So he forcibly reversed Longhushan's psychic soul search technique with his true essence, allowing the time image in the true spirit to appear in a normal way.Time went back to a few years ago, when the Allied Forces of the Eight Nations invaded the capital of the Qing Dynasty, burning, killing, looting, and committing all kinds of crimes. The Nine Lives True Monarch seemed to take the opportunity to follow behind and restrain the souls of the dead.Afterwards, he collected enough dead souls, and before the Allied Forces of Eight Nations entered the Summer Palace, he took a step ahead, hoping to find some treasures from the Garden of Ten Thousand Kingdoms, which the Qing Dynasty spent a huge amount of money to build.

Nine Lives Zhenjun searched for a long time and finally found a piece of cyan jade in a very ornately decorated room. This piece of jade was oval in shape and the size of the palm of your hand. There were nine fiery red lines on the jade, which looked like nine It looks like a wandering dragon, but there is a slightly protruding white dot with a slightly golden color at the gathering point of the nine wandering dragons.Although he didn't know what it was, this small piece of jade brought him great pressure and made him tremble uncontrollably. Just based on this, he knew that this thing must be a rare heaven and earth spirit .However, when he reached out his hand and was about to touch the jade stone, a powerful white flame suddenly burst out from the jade stone, which instantly refined the ghost energy and true essence that he was protecting in his hand, and at the same time burned his hand, and it was white The color'fire light also penetrated into the body of True Monarch Nine Lives, causing him great harm, forcing him to stay in this room temporarily to recuperate.

Not long after Jiuming Zhenjun hid, several soldiers from the Eight-Nation Allied Forces broke in. They robbed the gold, silver and jewelry in the room wantonly, and one of the soldiers picked up the strange piece of jade and put it in his pocket. inside.The foreign soldier had blond hair, blue eyes, and a mustache. His face looked very resolute, and a knife wound at the corner of his eye was very eye-catching.

When Xu Changqing saw this, the bronze mirror could no longer bear the pressure brought by the reversal of the psychic search technique, and it instantly fell apart. Nine Lives True Monarch is this person.With the complete disappearance of Nine Fate True Monarch, Xu Changqing could clearly feel that his body, which had been a little overloaded with repeated attacks, was recovering at an extremely fast speed, and his original soul and spiritual consciousness had also strengthened a lot at the same time.At this moment, the realm of Dao Xin seems to have increased a little. Originally, it could only be repeated about [-] times, but now it should not be a problem to perform it [-] times.This is very good news for Xu Changqing. As long as the realm of Dao Xin improves, he can use repeated deduction in the realm of Dao Xin to integrate more superior Dao methods into his natal exercises.

"It seems that this Nine Lives True Monarch has done a lot of things that are harmful to nature, otherwise God would not have given me so many merits." Xu Changqing looked at the fragments of the bronze mirror, and he looked like a solemn treasure. He looks like a human, his face is shining brightly, and he just needs to add a halo at the back of his head to pretend to be a Bodhisattva.

Xu Changqing picked up the pair of Sanyin thorns that were not damaged in the Taiji Golden Lotus from the ground, thinking that he could fuse the silver nails at the end of the red rope with the thorns and refine them into a new fate needle. How strong is it.After thinking about it, he put the Sanyin poking thorn into his waist pocket, then checked the loss and physical condition, frowned, and said involuntarily: "I lost a top-grade five thunder talisman and a hundred-year-old psychic. Bronze mirror, three dragon beard incense sticks, 21 first-class talisman banners and formation banners, and also lost a mouthful of golden blood, and the golden 'liquid' that had been accumulated with great difficulty was also lost. Only a genius can cultivate the Shi family's god fight! Sigh, I always feel a bit at a loss this time..."

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