Nine idlers

Chapter 122

Chapter 120 II

At this time, on the stage downstairs, a young girl was singing Jingyun Dagu. The script was obviously newly compiled, and it was about the death of Cao Cao. Although the singing skills were a little immature, the script was very well written. The old men in the audience were shaking their heads, without any dissatisfaction.

When the little girl sang the opera to Cao Cao's Jianyi Tomb, there was a small commotion in the lobby below.Xu Changqing opened his eyes and looked down, only to see an old man slowly walking into Guanghe Building with the support of a young man.Although the old man's face is thin and his expression is sluggish, his eyes are piercing, as if he can see through everything in the world. Even though his body is bent, his steps are still steady. It can be seen that he has been in the army when he was young. .

After the old man came in, all the big and small stewards in Guanghe Building popped up and bowed to greet him. The old theater fans sitting in the lobby seemed to know the old man, and they got up one after another to greet him.Surrounded by a group of people, the old man walked to a well-arranged lobby teahouse at the corner of the lobby. The large mahogany armchair was covered with a layer of soft velvet cushions, and the dishes and teapots on the table were all antique jade. The experienced tea master has already sat at the table, carefully brewing tea for the old man, while the owner of Guanghe Building is loudly calling for Mingshexi Lianchengshe to play.

Xu Changqing seemed to know the old man who was surrounded by everyone, with a rather mysterious smile on his face, then stopped the boy who was running past the door of the private room, took out a very broken iron plate from Qiankun in his sleeve, Hand it over to the young man together with two taels of silver, and ask him to hand over the iron plate to the old man.The guy hesitated for a moment, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation of money. He stuffed two taels of silver into his pocket quickly, and walked downstairs towards the old man with the iron plate.

"You old man, what play do you want to hear today? Little one, let the backstage prepare." The boss of Guanghelou said with a flattering smile, lowered his head, bowed his waist, and looked like a full-fledged slave.

"There's no need to deliberately arrange, just let them pick and act on their own. Casual dramas are sometimes much better than excerpts." The old man took a sip of tea, leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes slightly, and the young man behind him Fan him lightly, then he waved to the people around him, and said, "Everyone, get out! There is always an old man around me, it's not good for others to see."

"Okay! You always listen to the opera slowly!" The people around also knew the old man's temper, and they turned and left one after another. The boss of Guanghe Building ordered a few clever lobby stewards to wait on the side, and ran to the Backstage, let the backstage prepare Dingjun Mountain, which the elderly like to see most.

Seeing the boss leave, the young man next to the armchair ordered the stewards around him to step back, but said to the old man with a smile, "Old man, it seems that this man is going backstage to prepare for Dingjunshan again, Sanbao is a little puzzled, Why is he always so sure that you like the play Dingjunshan?"

"Some people just like to speculate on others so self-righteously, thinking that young people like to watch Jin Pingmei, and old people like to watch Dingjun Mountain." There was a sneer of disdain on the old man's face. At this time, he saw that something seemed to be happening not far away Happened, nodded there, turned his head and said: "Sanbao, what's going on?"

"Yes." The young man walked forward, only to hear the lobby steward admonishing a fellow: "Is it possible for a cat or dog like you to meet me, sir? You don't even think about who you are? It is also worthy of being within ten feet of the boss!"

Seeing the panic-stricken guy, the young man couldn't help but think of his previous experience, and felt a sympathy in his heart, so he stood behind the steward in the lobby and said with a sneer, "I'd really like to know that you ordered an appointment for our old man." What rules, what kind of person do you need to see our old man?"

Hearing the sudden voice behind him, the manager in the lobby was startled, turned around quickly, and said with a smile on his face: "Master Sanbao, look at what you said, how dare a person like me set any rules for the old man? "

"Speak carefully in the future, don't just say what comes to mind!" The young man gave him a cold look, then turned to the boy, and asked, "Why do you want to see my lord?"

"Someone wants me to give this iron plate to the boss." The boy with his head down was cursing Xu Changqing in his heart, complaining that he caused him to be scolded for no reason. When he heard the young man ask After saying that, he immediately and honestly handed the iron plate in his hand to the young man.

The young man took the iron plate and looked at it suspiciously, and found that there was nothing special about it, except that the words Wujing layman were engraved on one side of the iron plate.The young people are still very clear about the title of Wujing layman, it is a self-deprecating nickname given by the old man when his career was frustrated in his early years.So, he told the boy not to go away, then turned around and took the iron plate, walked up to the old man, told the matter, and handed the iron plate to the old man.

At the beginning, the old man didn't see the appearance of the iron plate clearly. When he put on Western glasses and looked carefully, a trace of surprise appeared on his face, and then he stood up abruptly, ignoring the young man's support, and quickly Stepping up to the boy, he asked anxiously, "Where is the person who gave you the iron plate?"

The guy was obviously frightened by the old man's posture, and he didn't think of how to answer for a while, until the old man asked impatiently for the second time, he said: "Return to your old words, the man who gave me the iron plate Upstairs in the Laurel Room."

"Reward him with 100 taels! It will be counted on the old man's account." The old man gave instructions to the steward next to him, then turned to the young man and said, "Help me up quickly."

Seeing that the old man became so abnormal, the young man couldn't help but feel very curious about the person who handed the iron plate. With both hands supporting the old man, he walked upstairs quickly and came to the outside of Yuegui elegant room.At this moment, the door was open, and it was clear at a glance when I looked inside, I saw a businessman who ran a single gang sitting in the room. The queen was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of disappointment and regret flashed in her eyes.

Xu Changqing had already guessed the old man's reaction, so he smiled and said, "Could it be that the old man doesn't know me, an old man?"

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, the old man was even more puzzled. He walked into the room slowly, sat opposite Xu Changqing, frowned and said, "An old man? I do have a student who is an old man, but..."

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