Nine idlers

Chapter 140 Please God to Slay Demons

Chapter 140 Please God to Slay Demons

"Hero Yan, leave quickly, this place is about to collapse!" At this time, stones have begun to fall from the dome of the cave, and even the underground river outside has begun to show signs of collapse. Xu Changqing then reminded Yan Fengdao loudly.

"Take care, Your Excellency! When we meet again in the future, I will thank you again!" Yan Feng clasped his fists at Xu Changqing, thanked him, stopped talking nonsense, and called everyone to support each other, and quickly left the cave.At this time, Chang Man had no intention of fighting, and rushed into the ruins of the destroyed altar, looking for the body of his brother Chang Yin.

When everyone was moving, Xu Changqing's body didn't move at all. His eyes were always staring at the dust and fog ahead, his face was serious, as if there was something terrifying in front of him.Suddenly, the dusty sky in front of him shrank inward, and then immediately spit it out, punching his chest with a fist from the dense dust.Although he stretched out his hand to resist, but there was nothing he could do about the punch. The bones in his arm shattered at the sound, and his fist hit his chest firmly, sending him flying and hitting the stone wall. Blocks are covered up.

At this time, a huge figure came out from the thick fog, and it was clearly the Lord of Demon Spirits in the Heavenly Demon Banner, but his body was much smaller and less ostentatious, but the demonic energy around him became much stronger. However, his face had been replaced by that of the Xuanhand Heavenly Demon.

At the time of the explosion, the Xuanhand demon was closest to the altar. Facing the powerful explosive force, even his Xuanhand demon body was protected by the demon banner, but he could not withstand such a violent and powerful force, and his body was riddled with holes.Feeling that he was seriously injured, he knew very well that he would die if he didn't use dangerous moves, so he used the same method as Mo Hei, using his Xuanhand demon body as his body, absorbing all the demon energy in the demon banner, and turning into a demon.Because his mind is as stable as a rock, and he is not shaken by the devil's nature at all, there is an essential difference between the devil in his incarnation and the devil incarnated by the black devil. Although the devil is himself, he is not a devil.

Everyone who was still in the cave felt a chill when they saw the current appearance of Xuangang Tianma, and felt that his power was stronger than before.Zen Master Tianyin at the side saw the appearance of Xuangang Tianma, and there was a gloomy look in his eyes, followed by another determined look, as if he had made some difficult decision.Zheng Xuan also speeded up the attack in his hands, beating the seriously injured Xie Yangzi back steadily, and even snatched the Three Beast Swords from him. If there is no accident, his defeat will only be a matter of time.

"You'd better come out! The punch of this king is not enough to hurt you defenseless!" Xuangang Tianmo ignored Xie Yangzi's plight at the moment, and fixed his eyes on the pile that covered Xu Changqing. On the gravel, said coldly.

Just after Xuangang Tianma's voice fell, the pile of rubble moved, and then it was shaken away by a force and scattered.Xu Changqing stood up from the middle, his hands hanging limply by his side, obviously the bronze armored corpse had not fully recovered from its injuries.

"I didn't expect this king to fully confirm your identity until now!" Xuangang Tianmo looked at Xu Changqing coldly, and said: "Xu Changqing, a nine-time idler!"

"It's not too late to confirm!" Although Xu Changqing was disheartened, he didn't seem too nervous or disturbed.He walked forward slowly, and while walking, his body also changed. When he stood opposite the Xuanhand Tianmo, his whole body had changed back to the main body of the Hunyuan Golden Body.Although the injuries he suffered before were not completely healed, they were no longer a hindrance. Even though the Hunyuan Golden Body hadn't reached its peak state yet, it still had the strength to fight against the Xuangang Heavenly Demon.

"It's such an exquisite avatar transformation technique!" Xuangang Tianmo's face was slightly surprised, and then he said: "You and I will have a battle sooner or later, and the karma between us today lies in Solve it here!"

As he said that, he gathered the demonic energy in his body and punched Xu Changqing. Xu Changqing did not show any weakness. He displayed the powerful power of the Hunyuan golden body, circulated his true yuan, and performed the five-element battle decision.There was only a bang, and both sides were beaten back again and again by the opponent's strength, and they retreated seven or eight feet before stopping.

At this time, Xu Changqing felt a trace of surprise on his face, obviously the power displayed by the Xuangang Heavenly Demon was much lower than expected.But the Xuangang Heavenly Demon was not surprised at all, as if it had planned it long ago, it just retreated to Mo Hei's side, turned around and punched Mo Hei who had no resistance.The power in the fist made Mo Hei not even have a chance to scream, and was twisted into a cloud of devil blood mist.The Xuangang Heavenly Demon immediately opened its mouth and sucked the cloud of magic mist into its body, and quickly fused it. The magic energy around it was restrained, and its body became a little bigger, and the scales around it emitted a penetrating light.

When Xuangang Heavenly Demon was devouring Mohei, Xu Changqing was not idle, and displayed the road map, making it bigger to temporarily support the dome that was about to collapse, and at the same time absorb the undissipated stars floating in the cave. After that, he shouted at Zheng Xuan: "Give me the Three Beast Saber!"

Upon hearing the sound, Zheng Xuan immediately threw the Three Beast Saber that he had snatched from Xie Yangzi to Xu Changqing, and then used all he had learned so that Xie Yangzi could not concentrate on taking the Three Beast Saber back.Xu Changqing took the Three Beast Knife, immediately summoned the Yin God stick from his body, stuck the end of the grimace stick on the end of the Three Beast Knife, bit the tip of his tongue, and forced out a mouthful of golden blood on the connection between the two. At the same time, keep your feet on the ground, cast the Shi family's magic strike, and recite the second level of inviting the gods in your mouth, saying: "Please protect me with the dharma body of Emperor Guan, the magic weapon is as urgent as a law!"

I saw a burst of golden light emanating from Xu Changqing's body, Xu Changqing's Jiuliu Dao continuously absorbed the power of the heaven and the earth and turned it into the true power of the gods, instantly forming the golden body of Emperor Guan, wrapping him up.Not only Xu Changqing was wrapped by the true power of the gods, but also the Yinshen stick and the three beast swords in Xu Changqing's hands. Guandi's Qinglongyanyue knife.

Because Xu Changqing's cultivation base has soared recently, Shi Family's God Fighting has also risen along with the cultivation base of the entire Jiuliu Avenue. It is obviously much easier to forcibly cast a second-grade God Fighting than in Pingxiang Township, and the formed god incarnation is also much easier than it was in Pingxiang Township. It is much stronger, not weaker than the genuine Second Grade God.

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