Nine idlers

Chapter 174

Chapter 170 Four Infighting in the Ancestral Temple (Part [-])

Seeing that Zhou Ranfeng was 'pressing' every step of the way, Zhou Ranyan turned his head and glared at his cousin, objecting: "No, you found all these people, who knows if they will..."

"Niece Qinglan heard that she can do some spells. You can ask her to come and watch to see if she's cheating." Zhou Ranfeng didn't wait for her to finish speaking, but pretended to be generous and said: "Never mind, please come over with the two little gods. Presumably with the eyes of a little fairy, there will be no mistakes!"

Zhou Ranyan stood up abruptly, rushed in front of Zhou Ranfeng, and snorted coldly: "You clearly know that girl Qinglan and the two little gods are trapped in the alchemy room and cannot get out, otherwise how could you be so relieved?" Let those monsters of yours show their faces!"

Zhou Ranyan's action to fight for his son's chance of survival reminded Mrs. Zhou that she was also protecting her daughter in this temple back then. When her expression darkened, she wanted to delay this matter as much as possible. I thought for a while, wait until the Huang family brothers and sisters come out, and then make a decision.

"Namo Maitreya Supreme Buddha!" ​​Suddenly, a Buddha's chant sounded in the hall. Among the few outsiders, the fat monk who was always smiling at the head came out, raised his hands, and waved from the air. Zhou Ranyan only felt a A force was in front of him just now, shocking him back a few steps.Then the fat monk smiled and bowed to Mrs. Zhou, saying: "The poor monk Pu Guang is originally from a foreigner, because he saw that the Zhou family village was disturbed by evil spirits, he couldn't bear to lose his life, so he 'intervened' in this worldly matter! Forgive me, right now the Zhou Family Village is completely surrounded by the grievances of that evil ghost, if the resentment cannot be dispelled in time, the entire Zhou Family Village will probably die!"

Just when the Puguang Ancient Buddha, the head of the Eight Buddhas of Huang Tiandao, stood up to confuse people's hearts, the Great Patriarch Yugong behind him quietly pushed down the door of the main hall, knocked on the door, and a person standing outside the house After the Zhou Family Nursing Home heard about it, they immediately left their posts and walked into the crowd outside the ancestral hall.It didn't take long for the people in the Zhou family's village to become extremely excited, shouting loudly for the Zhou family to hand over their people, and began to attack the courtyard wall of the Zhou family's ancestral hall sporadically.Seeing that the gate of the courtyard was about to fail, the housekeeper of the Zhou family who was in charge of the courtyard hurriedly sent someone outside the main hall to report the situation ahead, and the atmosphere in the ancestral hall became extremely tense for a while.

"Let's do it according to Ranfeng's idea!" Mrs. Zhou knew that it would be very detrimental to the Zhou family to procrastinate, so she made up her mind and made up her mind to give up her youngest grandson. She nodded and said to the monk: " Please ask the master to summon the soul and admit the murderer!"

"Mother..." Hearing Mrs. Zhou's words, the two masters of the Zhou family all stepped forward to persuade her to take back her promise.

However, Mrs. Zhou raised her hand to stop the two from continuing, shook her head slightly, and said coldly to Zhou Ranfeng, "Let's begin!"

Zhou Ranfeng showed an imperceptible smug smile on his face, and then led the people on his side back to the side, and then signaled to the monks that they could start.Pu Guang walked to the center of the hall, and then formed a seal with his hands, chanting words in his mouth, and several of his brothers and sisters also stood behind him and recited the mantra.Not long after, although the candles in the hall were not extinguished, the light dimmed, and the surrounding temperature also dropped. It seemed that late autumn had entered ahead of schedule, and there were gusts of cold wind blowing in the hall for no reason.All these visions shocked everyone back again and again, even Zhou Ranfeng, who had known what he knew, couldn't help shrinking into the crowd.

At this time, a puff of green smoke suddenly rose from the ground, and then the smoke gathered into a vague ghost. The ghost was wearing some accessories that could represent his identity, but his hair was disheveled and he couldn't see his appearance clearly.

Although the scene in front of me was not as exaggerated as everyone thought, it was also very terrifying. Everyone in the hall couldn't help but screamed out, while Zhou Qingwen, who had been kneeling on the ground, looked pale and rolled and crawled towards My family moved closer and tried to stay away from this figure.

At this time, Pu Guang stood up and walked to the side of the ghost, the cassock on his body moved without wind, quite powerful.He still kept a smiling face and said: "I called you here today to resolve your grievances! The so-called wrong has its head, and the debt has its owner! As long as you identify the person who harmed you, we will make the decision for you. Give you justice, but after this incident, you can no longer harm the villagers of Zhoujiazhai!"

Hearing the words, the ghost nodded slightly, and then slowly floated in front of the terrified Zhou Qingwen, pointing at him with pale fingers.Just when everyone thought that the matter was over like this, the ghost turned to the side again, and pointed to several capable uncles in the Zhou family's direct line who assisted Zhou Zhenglin to support the entire Zhouzhuang.

"No, I haven't done such a thing before!" These uncles were all surprised and bewildered, and stood up to explain the strange eyes around them. Among them, there was a bold uncle who was very angry. With all his courage, Going forward quickly, you will face to face why the ghost wants to frame him.

Seeing this scene, Pu Guang's face changed slightly, and his handprints changed slightly. The ghost suddenly let out a scream, and rushed towards Zhou Qingwen with its outstretched claw-like hands. It looked like it was furious. As if wanting immediate revenge.At this time, Pu Guang seemed to have expected such a thing, he had already stopped in front of the ghost, and after saying a word of evil, he hit the ghost's forehead with the hand-knot seal.A burst of dazzling light erupted from Pu Guang's handprint, and everyone couldn't help but close their eyes for a while. When they opened their eyes again, everything around them had returned to normal.

Pu Guang, who had attracted everyone's attention, turned around and pretended to be exhausted. After saluting Mrs. Zhou, who was still in shock, he said, "This evil spirit is only temporarily repelled by me. She will recover in a short time and become even stronger. It's fierce, I hope the old lady will make a decision early, so that the evil spirit will not harm me for no reason."

Although Pu Guang's words were righteous, deep down he was still 'pushing' Mrs. Zhou.Right now, it's not just a matter of handing over a Zhou Qingwen, it also involves a few uncles of the Zhou family. They are now the mainstay of the Zhou family's direct line. If they are gone, the Zhou family's direct line will also collapse. .In addition, Mrs. Zhou is also very aware of the personalities of her sons-in-law, knowing that they are definitely not people who do evil, and they will not do such harmful things.

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