Nine idlers

Chapter 213 Three Buddha Statues

Chapter 210 Three Buddha Statues

"Senior, it will be difficult to make a decision for a while. Anyway, the soul-suppressing nail can still work for more than half a month, so you can think about it slowly!" Xu Changqing didn't say much, turned around and told Shang Zhan to prepare the spell-casting equipment in advance, and took two Box, and the Huang family brothers and sisters left the courtyard and returned to their residence.

"Xiaojuan, what's the matter with you? Is there something you want to say to Master?" Back in the room, Xu Changqing saw a hesitant expression on Huang Juan's face, so he couldn't help asking.

"Disciple, disciple." Huang Juan didn't seem to know how to speak. It took a long time before she knelt down in front of Xu Changqing, lowered her head, and said hesitantly: "Teacher wants to ask Master to give the three-body Buddha of Vajra Wisdom just now to disciple." Son."

"What?" Xu Changqing was taken aback after hearing this, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Little sister, what nonsense are you talking about?" Huang Shan was also obviously anxious about his sister's boldness, and reprimanded him very rarely: "Master is so kind to us, how can you be so bold to ask Master for something? You... ..."

"Xiao Shan, don't talk too much!" Xu Changqing interrupted Huang Shan, turned his head to look at Huang Juan who was about to cry, and was indeed surprised by Huang Juan's boldness, but he was not angry. Instead, he was a little curious. His character should never do such things.So he helped Huang Juan up, patted the dust on her body, wiped the tears that had flowed from her face, smiled slightly, and asked softly: "Xiaojuan, tell me why you want these three Buddhas, If it really happened for a reason, it doesn’t matter if Master gives you this treasure.”

Huang Juan blew her nose, and said in a crying voice: "Master, it's not that Xiaojuan wants that thing, it's that thing that wants Xiaojuan to hold it. Master, don't be angry with Xiaojuan, Xiaojuan just doesn't want that thing." .”

"Don't cry, Master is not angry." Hearing Huang Juan's words, Xu Changqing was stunned, and asked puzzledly: "Tell the matter to Master slowly."

Although Xu Changqing repeatedly stated that he was not angry, Huang Juan was still a little worried. Tears could not stop flowing, and she told Xu Changqing what happened while crying.It turned out that when Xu Changqing took out the three-body Buddha of Vajra Wisdom, Huang Juan felt her Celestial Eye became clearer than ever before, and at the same time there was a voice in her mind asking her to beg Xu Changqing to give her the three-body Buddha.At the same time, she did have an inexplicable intimacy with this three-body Buddha in her heart, so she boldly asked Xu Changqing for this three-body Buddha.

After listening to Huang Juan's explanation, Xu Changqing's face gradually became dignified. It is not uncommon for spiritual treasures to recognize their own masters in the practice world, but it is still rare for such things to affect people's minds.For this reason, Xu Changqing put the box containing the three-body Buddha in front of Huang Juan, and after repeatedly expressing that he would not be angry, asked Huang Juan to take out the three-body Buddha.

When Huang Juan carefully took out the three-body Buddha, a sudden change occurred.The three-body Buddha suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light. Although Xu Changqing was prepared, he couldn't help closing his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, the Three-body Buddha had disappeared from Huang Juan's hand.Huang Juan's gray eyes widened, she looked at the empty hand in bewilderment, Huang Shan also looked at her sister in panic, and Xu Changqing looked at Huang Juan thoughtfully.

"Master, I don't know..." Huang Juan cried again, trying to explain in a hurry.

"It's okay, Master won't blame you! You brothers and sisters don't talk yet." However, Xu Changqing interrupted Huang Juan's words, reached out to touch her forehead, and saw a gentle golden light emanating from her fingertips, which made Huang Juan feel her whole body It was warm and comfortable, and my chaotic heart gradually calmed down.Hearing Xu Changqing's words, Huang Shan, who was worried about his sister's punishment, also fell silent, but when he turned his head to look at Xu Changqing, he immediately became dumbfounded, with a look of awe on his face.

At this moment, Xu Changqing's forehead was slightly bulging, and the eyes between his eyebrows were completely opened, and a burst of purple light was emitted from the eyes to cover Huang Juan.

"Erlang God?" Although Huang Shan also knew from Xu Changqing that his master had such a divine eye, he had never seen Xu Changqing open the divine eye, let alone fully opened it like this. At this moment, Xu Changqing's appearance made him feel Overlapping the statues of gods in the temple, I feel even more revered in my heart.

At this moment Xu Changqing didn't care about Huangshan's situation, he put all his attention on Huang Juan.Ever since I inexplicably acquired an extra Golden Wheel of the Five Qi Chaoyuan, my divine eyes seem to have been raised to a higher level, and I have developed other abilities.As his Dao practice became more and more stable, this new ability of God's eyes gradually took shape. It was not until recently that Xu Changqing fully mastered this ability, and used it to observe the operation of the blood sea formation.Speaking of this ability, it is actually a bit similar to the Buddhist's Celestial Eye. He can see the world through his divine eyes and know the origin of all things, but the only difference from Celestial Eyes is that Celestial Eyes can only observe the secular world, but his divine eyes can see all over the three worlds , and does not require any Dao power Buddha element.

At this moment, although Xu Changqing's cultivation level is not high enough to let the gods see the three worlds, and even the secular world cannot see the whole world, but it is more than enough to see Huang Juan's origin.Under the purple light of God's eyes, all the changes in Huang Juan's body can be seen in Xu Changqing's eyes.The three-body Buddha that disappeared in Huang Juan's hands at this moment has been fused with Huang Juan's mind, and the pure Buddha power contained in it is slowly integrated into Huang Juan's body. disappeared and was gradually replaced by Foyuan.What surprised Xu Changqing the most was that the dharma body of the three-body Buddha gradually turned into Huang Juan's face, and Huang Juan also had a reddish sun brand on her forehead. It seemed that she was about to become the dharma body of Buddhism. Average achievement.

In the two sects of Buddhism, Sutra and Tantra, there are practice methods and theories such as instant Buddhahood, sudden enlightenment and gradual enlightenment. Buddhahood is the highest achievement of Buddhism, but no matter which method of Buddhahood, its foundation is inseparable from Three body achievements.The three kayas are Dharmakaya, Responsive Body and Sambhogakaya. To attain Dharmakaya, one can understand the 'nature' of mind and get rid of self-attachment, and to attain the achievement of Responsive Body, one can overcome the sea of ​​life and death. The dharma body and the response body have the basis for becoming a Buddha.It’s just that achieving Buddhahood in this way can’t transcend karma, and you have to suffer from Nirvana and reincarnation. This is the case for all the Dharma Kings and Living Buddhas of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. The body of the Buddha has attained the fruit of the Mahayana Buddha, transcending karma, and there is no disaster or extinction.

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