Nine idlers

Chapter 226

Chapter 220 Six Secular Chaos

This method is to allow the imperial court to take advantage of the power of the victory of the Qing Revolutionary Army to promulgate a railway state-owned policy, to nationalize the road construction rights of the Sichuan-Han and Guangdong-Han railways that had been sold to the people, and then resell them to foreigners .In this way, only one decree needs to be promulgated to enrich the national treasury. As for those who are dissatisfied with this, they will be directly arrested in the name of the 'rebellious' party, which is enough to suppress public grievances.

Since the memorial was full of hype, and the national treasury was indeed empty, and the Beiyang faction did not object to this, the elder faction headed by Prince Qing Yikuang strongly advocated the matter, and dispatched the most capable people to deal with it. Officials went to Huguang and Sichuan to supervise the matter.This capable official is named Duan Fang, who once served as the governor of Zhili. He also participated in the Reform Movement of [-] and the Constitutional Amendment Movement. One of the important texts of the movement.At the time of Cixi's funeral, he had doubts about Cixi's determination to give up, so he stopped the funeral team rashly, and used the pretext of taking pictures to check. Zaifeng, who was under the control of Xuangang Tianmo, dismissed him as an official and stayed at home all the time.

Such a rare and capable official in the Qing court should have reassured the veterans, but it was a pity that Duanfang was eager to show himself and regained his high position. Compete for merit.He nationalized the local private railways in Sichuan with extremely strong means, and the governor of Sichuan, Zhao Erfeng, who was also a veteran, also cooperated with all his strength and massacred those petitioners, which aroused great public indignation for a while.

The Tongmenghui, which had been suppressed by the Qing government during this period, immediately felt that this was an opportunity to turn around, so they asked members of the Tongmenghui from all over the country to use the excuse of protecting the road to organize the people and set up the Baolu Comrades Association. Landlords.Among the many road protection comrades' associations, Sichuan, the center of the state-owned railway policy, is the most powerful, with more than [-] members. The former constitutional party member Pu Dianjun and others served as the chairman and other important positions, while the members of the Tongmenghui were in the dark. 'Control' control.

In order to prevent the situation from spreading, Zhao Erfeng took the initiative to arrest Pu Dianjun and more than a dozen other well-known gentry and celebrities in Sichuan without discussing with anyone.However, what he didn't expect was that this incident made the situation even more intensified. People from the Tongmenghui secretly ordered the people to destroy the power lines in various places, set up checkpoints along the road, cut off the connection between the Sichuan government and the outside world, and completely isolated Sichuan. .Later, members of the Tongmenghui organized mass gatherings, workers' strikes, businessmen's strikes, students' strikes and other intense movements, which would completely intensify the contradictions between the Qing court and the people.

The methods of the Tongmenghui were indeed very successful. With their agitation, various movements were launched in Liangjiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Lianghu, Fujian, Yunnan and other places. The Qing court immediately panicked and ordered the governors' offices to suppress all kinds of gatherings and movements.When the tough measures of the Qing court aroused public anger to the extreme, the Tongmenghui made a decisive decision and decided to launch the largest uprising in history, and the center of the uprising was Wuhan, the center of the military industry of the Qing court.

The reason why Wuhan was chosen was that apart from being an important military center of the Qing court, the most important point was that the Qing court sent Neng Duanfang to Sichuan in order to suppress the riots in Sichuan.He also went to Sichuan with Ruicheng's most elite New Army Eighth Town, No.16, No.30, No.32, and No.[-]. Zhang Xun was also transferred to Liangjiang. Arguably the weakest ever.Although the Qing court was aware of it in advance, the governor of Huguang, Ruicheng, had also issued a martial law order and searched for members of the revolutionary army throughout the city, but he did not know that many of the people he sent were also members of the revolutionary army.

With a gunshot, the Eighth Battalion of the New Army Project under the control of the Tongmenghui first launched an uprising in Wuchang, captured the Chuwangtai Ordnance Station near Zhonghe Gate, and confiscated a large number of guns, ammunition and other weapons.Subsequently, members of the revolutionary army lurking in the new army, such as the supply team, the artillery battalion, the engineering team, the eighth town) and the 30th, launched uprisings one after another and gathered at the Chuwangtai Ordnance Station.

After obtaining the guns, all the troops of the Revolutionary Army immediately marched towards the Governor's Mansion. Although they encountered a strong counterattack from the Governor's Mansion in the middle, they were finally unable to resist under the fierce firepower of the Revolutionary Army.In less than two hours, the governor's mansion was breached, followed by the governor's office and the town headquarters. Ruicheng, governor of Huguang, and Zhang Biao, commander of the eighth town, escaped from Wuchang, and Wuchang fell into the hands of the revolutionary army. .Two days later, Hanyang and Hankou successfully revolted respectively. At this time, all three towns in Wuhan were under the control of the revolutionary army. The revolutionary army immediately overthrew the banner of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, established the Revolutionary Army Hubei Army 'government', and changed the name of the country to Republic of China.

With the victory of the Wuhan Uprising, uprisings were launched across the country one after another, and the senior officials who held real power in the eight southern provinces of Hunan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangxi, Anhui, Guangdong, Jiangxi, and Fujian surrendered without resistance. Zhang Xun , Zhang Renjun and other Qing troops were defeated and fled back to the capital in a hurry.On the Sichuan side, Duanfang was killed by his generals when he was halfway there, and those troops were also encouraged by members of the Revolutionary Army to defect to the current revolutionary army 'government' in Sichuan.Cai E, commander of the No. 19 Town No. 30 Seventh Association in Yunnan, launched an uprising in Kunming, and soon took control of Yunnan's military and political affairs, and then sent Tang Jiyao, an effective general, to Guizhou to take control of Guizhou's military and political affairs. He and Tang Jiyao were divided into Yunnan and Guizhou The two military 'government' governors.Following the successful uprisings in the southern provinces, Shaanxi and Shanxi, two northern provinces close to the capital, also launched uprisings one after another and established military 'governments'.

The reason why the Revolutionary Army's uprising was so successful and quickly took control of the southern provinces was that Hu Yueniang of the Waidao League played a vital role.Over the years, Hu Yueniang has made every effort to develop secular power, and through various means of practitioners, she has gradually mastered most of the officials with real power in the southern provinces.Later, because of the relationship between Huang Jinrong and other Shanghai tycoons, Hu Yueniang got in touch with the top management of the League through Chen Qimei, who had a good relationship with Huang Jinrong.With the industry of the Chen family's lineage moving out and the collateral lineage of the Chen family squeezing out the revolutionary army, the alliance urgently needed a strong ally, and the appearance of Hu Yueniang just echoed their wishes.The two hit it off immediately, and immediately launched close cooperation in various aspects. Many disciples of the Waidao League became members of the Tongmenghui, and the members of the Tongmenghui gradually infiltrated into the Jiangnan officialdom and army through the Waidaomeng.

This uprising was actually the result of discussions between the Tongmenghui and the Waidao League. In order to gain the support of the Waidao League, the Tongmenghui had to give up part of its interests and promised to hand over some of the real power to the Waidao League after the uprising was successful.After the success of the Wuhan uprising, the newly established Hubei military 'government' immediately elected Li Yuanhong, a member of the heretic alliance, as the governor, in order to show Hu Yueniang that he kept his promise, and Hu Yueniang also reciprocated. The high-ranking officials in the provinces under the control of the Outlaw League surrendered without resistance, and the revolutionary army quickly occupied the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River.

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