Nine idlers

Chapter 243 Western Girl

Chapter 240 Three Western Girls

"No! Ms. He Ling never touched the He family's opium business." Chen Hui was afraid that Xu Changqing would be unfavorable to He Ling, so he quickly replied: "And Ms. He Ling is also the contact person of the League in Hong Kong. She has done a lot for the country and the people. Miss Hui Lan also knows about these things, and Miss He Ling and Miss He Ling are still sworn sisters, and Miss He Ling was introduced to me by Miss Hui Lan."

"Well! This woman is the only one who is innocent in the He family. Everyone else is a filthy person. Even the young master of the He family you asked me to save today was full of resentment and blood. There are eighty or one hundred wronged people in his hands, and they are all people who deserve to die." Xu Changqing said in a cold tone, which made Chen Hui's heart tremble and his imagination flashed.

The carriage drove very fast, and it didn't take long before it stopped in front of the hotel that Xu Changqing had booked at the pier.Xu Changqing got down from the car, casually took out some small change from his pocket and distributed it to the little beggars who surrounded him, without turning his head, he seemed to say to himself: "The He family has a robbery tonight, if you don't want that He Ling Miss has an accident, it's best to get her out first, but don't talk too much, otherwise the murder will be on your body."

After speaking, he walked into the hotel, leaving only Chen Hui sitting in the car blankly, with a dazed expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

The hotel that Xu Changqing stayed in was opened by a French aristocrat. The building is a kind of French rural building, with khaki-colored walls, red roofs, simple and clean rooms, and the two-storey house surrounds an open space. It is a casual garden restaurant.Although the hotel is small in size, it has a unique style. Even the waiters are senior waiters specially recruited from France, and it is located at the wharf, so many captains of merchant ships traveling between the East and the West will live here.This is not only because the hotel is extremely comfortable, but more importantly, living here is a status symbol.

Although the hotel is good, the cost is not low. Even in Hong Kong, there are not many Chinese people who are willing to spend money to live here. Most of them come to discuss business with foreigners and temporarily borrow the restaurant of the hotel to entertain guests.Most of the Huaxia businessmen in the hotel are not dressed in Chinese or Western, and they look very awkward. It has never been seen that Xu Changqing is dressed in a suit of western clothes, so when Xu Changqing appeared in the garden restaurant in the evening, he was immediately shocked. Attracted the attention of everyone around.

Xu Changqing unbuttoned his long suit and put it on a chair beside him, revealing a well-crafted high-necked shirt and black vest, then took out his pocket watch to check the time.After that, he took the menu handed over by the waiter, and casually ordered a few French dishes in pure French with a Parisian accent.This series of natural and decent behaviors was so surprising to the surrounding Chinese businessmen and foreigners, and it also aroused the curiosity of many people.

Xu Changqing did not feel uncomfortable being watched by many people like other Chinese people. Instead, he looked relaxed, picked up the red wine that was just delivered, and read a copy of the British Times two days ago under the light.Just now, he went out to visit the local Wenmen hall, and at the same time, in order to avoid hurting the innocent, he asked about the He family.Things were just as he expected, everyone in the He family except He Ling was bad to the bone, and they all said that the He family's weak heirs were retribution.

The ancestor of the He family was a pirate, so killing people and plundering goods was no problem. After his death, he was buried near the Lion Mountain. Because he was afraid of people digging his grave to vent his anger, the place of burial was very secret, except for the head of the He family and a few He family members. , and no one else knows.The descendants of the He family used the treasures that their ancestors robbed when they were pirates to buy a large area of ​​land in Kowloon, and then colluded with the British to sell opium to Guangzhou and other places. Uncle, the power is so powerful that even some British people are afraid of it.It wasn't until the Chen family from Shaoguan, which had a strong background and incomparable strength, came to Hong Kong that the He family restrained themselves.It's just that since Chen Huilan, the last Hong Kong helm of the Chen family, left Hong Kong, and Chen Hui, a collateral lineage, took charge of the Hong Kong business, the power of the He family began to rise again.In the past few years, the He family has suffered a lot of bloody crimes. Hundreds of people have been ruined by their subordinates. If the He family is destroyed, no one in Hong Kong will applaud.

Not long after, the waiter brought up the first dish, Xu Changqing put the newspaper aside, stopped thinking about the He family's affairs, calmed down his mood, and concentrated on tasting the authentic French food in front of him.

When the waiter was serving the second course of veal, a Western woman wearing an exaggerated hat came in from the main hall of the hotel and looked around.When she saw Xu Changqing, she walked straight over, stood beside Xu Changqing, and asked in French with a Bordeaux accent, "Can I sit down?"

Out of courtesy, Xu Changqing stopped the knife and fork in his hand, turned his head, and looked at the Western woman in front of him expressionlessly.The face of this Western woman is not as rough as that of Westerners, but looks extremely elegant, with a high nose and deep pupils, eyebrows like willows, thin lips with a layer of bright red lipstick, and curly red hair hanging down On the shoulders, the well-cut floral cheongsam wrapped her proud figure in a bumpy way.

As soon as this Western woman appeared, everyone's eyes fell on her, the conversations and whispers disappeared, and the whole garden restaurant immediately became quiet, only the sound of heavy breathing.

"Naturally charming! Another stunner who will bring disaster to the country and the people!" This was Xu Changqing's first thought when he saw this foreign woman clearly.If Hu Yueniang's beauty is ice, then this woman's beauty is a fire, and it is a fire that can hurt people.Xu Changqing clearly felt that there was a very powerful force hidden in this foreign woman, as if she was born with magical powers, and judging from her figure and steps, she was far from being as weak as she seemed.

Seeing that Xu Changqing didn't answer, and the Western woman didn't mean to wait any longer, she just sat on the seat opposite Xu Changqing, then asked the waiter for a glass of champagne, picked up the glass and looked around, and finally placed her eyes on Xu Changqing on the opposite side smiled and said, "Do you know? You are a very special Chinese man."

It is not the first time Xu Changqing has seen the boldness of Western women.In the eyes of others, this may be a very wonderful affair, but in his heart, this may be just the beginning of trouble.In order to avoid trouble, he simply pretended to be deaf and dumb, lowered his head and continued to enjoy the food in front of him.

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