Nine idlers

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Luck Depletion

Cleaning up the battlefield after the battle is the best habit of the Jiuliu idlers. Many of the magic weapons are obtained from the opponents after the battle.After Xu Changqing exhausted the demonic energy in his body, he got up and walked towards the place where the earth demon Baha and others were buried, and he came there after a while.The surrounding stone walls were full of traces of being burned by thunder and fire, and the blood from the big inner master who was torn apart by the red dust rope was also evaporated.The two geologists who directly received the five thunders from the gods were turned into ashes together with their bodies, and the Ouchi master who was hit by the remaining thunders lay there motionless, under his inspection The person appears to have lost breath.

The power of Shenxiao Leifa was too strong, it took Xu Changqing's two layers of true energy to trigger it, which caused almost all of Baja's magic weapons to be burned.Seeing that there was nothing to clean up here, Xu Changqing walked over to the master who practiced Dragon Elephant Prajna. He was very interested in the secular martial arts that could 'force' his own Taoism out.

Xu Changqing, the famous name of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, has also heard of it. It is said that it is the first great magic skill of outsiders in Tantric Buddhism. If you practice it to the thirteenth level, you will have the power of thirteen dragons and thirteen elephants, and you can achieve an indestructible golden body. Wu Chengdao, this point is similar to Wudang School's Taiji Xuangong.As for Taiji Xuangong, it is the subduing martial arts of the Wudang sect of Xuanwu. If you borrow three of his guts, you will not have the guts to go to the Wudang sect to steal it. Naturally, he would not let go of the famous martial arts.

Just when Xu Changqing bent down to search the body of the big insider, the big insider who had no breath turned around suddenly, and slapped Xu Changqing's chest with all his strength.Due to the sudden change of elbow, Xu Changqing didn't have time to gather his true energy in front of his chest, so the palm of the big insider hit his chest firmly, causing him to retreat two or three zhangs before stopping.Although the golden core and true essence in his body automatically circulated in his chest, releasing part of the palm force, the remaining palm force still shook his mind and injured his internal organs.

Although Xu Changqing was not born in martial arts and was proficient in Taoism, his body has never been injured since the Taoism was completed, but today he was injured one after another by some inconspicuous things and people, and it became more and more serious. This made Xu Changqing very shocked and puzzled.

The big insider didn't give Xu Changqing much time to think. When he saw that Xu Changqing was still able to stand up after receiving his full-strength palm, the shock in his heart would not be much less than Xu Changqing's.Knowing that Xu Changqing couldn't be calmed down, the veteran master knew that he could not let Xu Changqing relax, so he quickly jumped up from the ground, rushed forward, and attacked Xu Changqing with his palms covering the sky and covering the sky.

Although Xu Changqing suffered serious internal injuries at the moment, it didn't mean that he had no strength to fight back. He just circulated his true energy, and with the yin-yang and five-element hands' golden palms, he fought head-to-head with the big inner master.Xu Changqing's internal cultivation far exceeds that of a master, but this kind of worldly kung fu is not what he is good at. It can be a tie with that Ouchi master who is proficient in martial arts.But after all, his Golden Core True Essence is hundreds of times stronger than the martial arts internal energy. Every time a big inner master is forced to fight with him, it will consume a lot of opponent's internal energy and shock his internal organs, so the battle situation is always under his control middle.

When the big inner master went from coping with ease to being able to parry and retreat, Baja's corpse suddenly changed behind him, and an extremely strong devilish energy emerged from the corpse, gradually forming Baja's appearance .When he saw the surrounding situation and saw the big inner master being attacked by someone he had never seen before, he immediately understood what happened, screamed and rushed towards Xu Changqing whose back was facing him.

At this moment, the big insiders also saw Baja's current appearance, and saw that he was attacking Xu Changqing, so he tried his best to hold Xu Changqing back.However, Xu Changqing is not a martial artist after all, but a cultivator. After fighting with the big inner master, he quickly took out the Sanyin stab stab from his waist pocket, and threw it at Baja who was flying towards him. past.

The three-yin piercing thorn pierced into Baja's body without any hindrance. Baha immediately felt that the devilish energy that made up his body was being quickly absorbed by the godly thorn. His face changed from ferocious to horrified. To get rid of the suction of the thorn.It's a pity that no matter how hard he tried, it would only speed up the disappearance of the demonic energy in the end, and in the end, all his natal true spirits would be absorbed by the three yin piercing thorns, completely shattering his soul.

Seeing that Baja, the last hope, was easily wiped out like this, the big inner master had no intention of fighting, and forced Xu Changqing away with his palm, and wanted to turn around and run away.However, before he took two steps, he felt a strong wind coming from behind him. When he turned around and tried to resist the opponent's attack, he missed it.At this moment, Xu Changqing rushed behind him at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, interrupted his lifeline with a palm, and took his life.

After everything was resolved, Xu Changqing stood on the spot and adjusted his breath for a while, relieving the injury of the Taoist body a little, stretched out his hand and recalled the divine thorns that were still floating in the air, together with the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu secret book and inlay The waist badge of the guard in Huangqi Da Nei was also included in the bag.

Afterwards, Xu Changqing, who felt something was wrong because of the Tao body injury, carefully calculated his luck, but the more he calculated, the more frightened he became, his face turned pale, and he said "not good" in surprise , Exercising all his strength to do light work of ghosts and ghosts, he rushed out of the cave and rushed towards Chen's house.

It turned out that Xu Changqing had figured it out just now, and the luck of himself and the Chen family had turned from prosperity to decline from the moment the Huofeng True Spirit returned to the young phoenix just now, so he would always make some mistakes that should not have occurred in his own affairs. It's called Tian'mi'heart.

The potential dragon and the young phoenix are related to the lifeline of Xu Changqing and the Chen family. However, when the true spirit of the fire phoenix matures, a large amount of earth spirit energy and true fire energy are lost, causing the energy veins to weaken.Originally, according to the arrangement of the owner of the first generation of Yizhuang, when the fire phoenix matures, the contemporary Jiuliu idlers can form a golden elixir and enter the Dao of Feisheng without being affected by ordinary luck. The game was broken, and he failed to form a pill, so he could only continue to be subject to the luck of heaven and earth.Although there was a situation where the young phoenix returned to the nest, and the Tiangang Star Dou formation suppressed the luck, the loss was still irreparable. Fortunately, the Qi veins did not decline to the extreme all at once, otherwise Xu Changqing would have great ability May be killed by a small stone.

It is also because of the relationship between the Tiangang Xingdou formation that the young phoenix acupoints and Qianlong acupoints that have lost their aura will return to the hidden acupoints of ordinary luck in a year, which means that Xu Changqing and the Chen family have a relationship. The luck of the year was at a low point, and after this year, the luck will become stable.

Just now Xu Changqing not only calculated his own luck, but also calculated that the Chen family had a catastrophe out of thin air at this moment. If it is not handled properly, the Chinese foundation of the Chen family may be destroyed in response to the catastrophe. In this case, something may happen to him .

Xu Changqing's speed at the moment can be described as fast as lightning. He jumped more than ten feet and swept across the top of the tree like a gust of wind. In a short time, he rushed back to Chenjiachong on a mountain road of more than 30 miles.At this time, Chen Jiachong had already become a mess, so Xu Changqing knew what happened without asking anyone.I saw the entrance to the city at the east end of the mountain city, crowded with a large group of people, officers and soldiers on one side, and Chen Jiachong's defensive regiment on the other side. A carriage dedicated to the Chen family was parked among the people and horses, and the foreigner Xiao En was standing beside the carriage, arguing with a gloomy Qing Dynasty official.

Xu Changqing didn't have time to change his clothes, so he came directly to the accident site, and asked the crowd knowingly, "Why is everyone gathered here? Don't they all have their own things to do?"

In Chenjiachong, apart from the Patriarch of the Chen family, Xu Changqing is the most authoritative person. Although everyone wondered why Xu Changqing came out wearing a short jacket, they suppressed their curiosity and opened a way.It was the butler of the Chen family who was among the crowd, and hurriedly greeted him, and whispered the matter in Xu Changqing's ear.

It turned out that Xiao En went to pick up Chen Fan and the two criminals who were wanted by the Qing government. It went very smoothly at the beginning. When they left the provincial capital of Guangzhou, no one dared to stop the carriage.However, whoever leaked the news, disclosed Xiao En's purpose of going to Guangzhou and the return route to Zhang Renjun, Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. You blocked it back.Until he was about to enter Chenjiachong Mountain City, he was stopped by Zhang Renjun again. This time, all the official documents were available, and there was also the signature authorization of the British Consul General in Guangzhou, so Sean could no longer find any reason to evade Zhang Renjun's request to search the car. .In the end, he had no choice but to use a rogue method to let Chen Jiachong's regiment trainer confront Zhang Renjun's army, hoping to take advantage of the chaos to take away the people in the car, but unfortunately it never succeeded, and the two groups confronted each other here.

Xu Changqing knew very well that if the confrontation continued like this, Zhang Renjun would definitely be charged with treason.At this moment, the luck of myself and the Chen family is very low. If I confront the Qing court head-on like this, it will be extremely unfavorable to me.So he stepped forward quickly, pretending to be blank and said: "What's your name, sir? What is your position?"

"Who are you? How dare you talk to me like that!" Zhang Renjun, who had a long beard, saw Xu Changqing, who was wearing underwear and a jacket, walking up, and asked, extremely impolite, frowned and said in displeasure .

"Mr. Xu, you're finally here!" Seeing Xu Changqing, Xiao En ignored Zhang Renjun and greeted him as if he had seen a relative.

Xu Changqing deliberately did not pay attention to Zhang Renjun immediately, but raised his hands and fists to Xiao En, bowed, and said, "Mr. Xiao En has worked hard! Come and sit with me later!"

"Okay, okay!" Sean nodded happily.

At this time, Xu Changqing signaled Xiao En to stand aside, then he cupped his fists towards Zhang Renjun and said, "Student Xu Changqing is currently the guest of the Chen family."

"You are Xu Changqing?" When Zhang Renjun left Beijing, Cixi once mentioned to him that there were three people in Chen Jiachong that he must beware of. The first is Chen Deshang, the second is Chen Zhangping, and the third is Xu Changqing. The ability of Xu Changqing's practitioners.After Zhang Renjun arrived in Guangdong and Guangxi, he had thought countless times what this person who made the Empress Dowager Lafayette so scrupulous looked like, but after seeing him, he felt unbelievable, mainly because Xu Changqing was too young.

"Why has your lord heard the student's name?" Xu Changqing obviously guessed Zhang Renjun's reaction, deliberately smiled and asked back.

"No, I haven't heard of it!" Zhang Renjun was obviously not very good at lying, so he vaguely bypassed the topic and asked instead: "Why do you call yourself a student? Do you have any fame?"

"The student once passed the provincial examination when he was 16 years old, and he has a reputation as a scholar." Xu Changqing deliberately chatted with Zhang Renjun in a homely way.

Zhang Renjun obviously hadn't reacted yet, and was about to question why Xu Changqing didn't use all he had learned to serve the court.At this time, behind him, a half-hundred-year-old general with cold eyes and dressed in the service of a general soldier, leaned into Zhang Renjun's ear and whispered a few words, Zhang Renjun realized that he had been distracted by Xu Changqing's words unknowingly , quickly cleared his expression, and scolded angrily: "The governor is Zhang Renjun, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi appointed by the imperial court! Xu Changqing, since you are famous, you naturally know the king's law. Why did you gather people to stop the governor from handling the case? Are you want to make..."

"Wait, Governor, don't wrong a good man!" Xu Changqing interrupted Zhang Renjun to add himself, and said: "The students just arrived here and don't understand what happened. It happened to be ready to go home after the training, and how could they gather a crowd to obstruct the court from handling the case. The Governor-General should arbitrarily convict people of crimes, so he must imitate Qin Hui'an's trumped-up charges for the students and these ordinary people."

"You..." Obviously in terms of eloquence, this Zhang Renjun who just knows how to do things is far from being comparable to Xu Changqing, and he doesn't know how to deal with it for a while.

At this time, the veteran standing behind Zhang Renjun couldn't stand it any longer, and stood up and said, "Since it's best for you not to stop me from handling the case, please get out of the way and let us search the car."

With that said, the half-century veteran was about to lead people into the carriage.

"Wait!" How could Xu Changqing let him get into the car like this, and stood in front of the veteran in an instant, and said, "I wonder if the adults can tell the students why they want to search for this car? And as far as the students know , Mr. Xiao En is a member of the House of Lords of the British Empire, according to the treaty between the Qing Dynasty and Great Britain, the government of the Qing Dynasty cannot search the carriages and boats of high-ranking British officials at will, I don’t know if I am right?"

"Shameless, relying on foreigners for support, it really insults me..." Zhang Renjun glared at Xu Changqing angrily.

Xu Changqing looked at Zhang Renjun with disdain, and said with a sneer: "My lord, since the imperial court can even sign such treaties as humiliating power and humiliating the country, is it that I, a little talent, have a greater crime than that by pretending to be a tiger once?"

" talk about government affairs indiscriminately, you are treasonous!" Zhang Renjun pointed at Xu Changqing and shouted angrily.

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