Nine idlers

Chapter 257

Chapter 250 VII

From the moment he left Hong Kong, Xu Changqing didn't know how long he had been in this kind of state of mind similar to Taoist sublimation and Buddhist epiphany.Because of this golden statue of the Feathered Serpent God, the greed deep in his heart was aroused, which made him fall into the inner demons of Taoism again, but fortunately, the sound of the steam whistle of the ship sailed out for him. It opened the Heart Demon Tribulation, and it also made him enter a mysterious state of mind in one fell swoop.

Although this kind of mysterious state of mind is of no use to the cultivation base of true essence, it is indeed of great benefit to the second consciousness of mind and spirit.Under the impetus of the mysterious state of mind, Xu Changqing's Tao character consciousness and Tai Chi consciousness grew rapidly, and the outer form in the middle of the Wuqi Chaoyuan Golden Wheel became more and more solid.

With the growth of his mental cultivation, his perception of spiritual sense also expanded rapidly, and with the help of this mysterious state of mind, his spiritual sense was magnified ten times, a hundred times, or even tens of millions of times.Up to Jiutian Qingming, down to the deep sea, all within the range of his spiritual perception, this kind of perception is a bit close to the Taoist classics as described in controlling the universe.

With the magnification of divine thoughts, more and more things are perceived, and Xu Changqing's inner doubts are getting deeper and deeper.His divine sense once went straight to the sky, passed through the thick clouds, saw the stars all over the sky, and also saw the universe. Nether realm.However, at this moment, he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart, where is the underworld in the fairy world?If you ascend in the future, where will you ascend?

Xu Changqing has always believed that the fairyland is above the clouds. Even though some western science books he has read have mentioned the structure of the stars in the universe, he has never changed this idea, but now he is a little at a loss.Regarding the matter of ascension, he was not doubtful. After all, there were indeed people who ascended among the idlers. What really puzzled him was where is the fairy world?

Just as Xu Changqing's thoughts revolved around the questions in his heart, a wave of Dao power attached to the rejection spell projected into Xu Changqing's mind.The sudden Dao power instantly broke this mysterious state of mind. As the state of mind dissipated, the second sense of mind and mind also returned to normal, and the range of spiritual thoughts narrowed rapidly, and returned to the range matching the cultivation of mind and spirit.

"Huh!" Xu Changqing breathed a sigh of relief, and with a movement of his mind, he put away the five qi chaoyuan golden wheel in the back of his head.Although this mental experience has caused him a lot of doubts, he has also gained a lot of benefits. The most obvious is that the realm of Dao Xin has increased, and he has almost reached the level of the first generation of Yizhuang masters. The previously mentioned state of yearning for things outside and forming a world of its own.

Although the growth of the Dao Heart realm is a good thing, the huge gap between the Dao Heart realm and the true essence is also a big worry.Take the Heart Demon Tribulation as an example, the Heart Demon Tribulation he experienced in Shanghai back then, he could still use his own cultivation to break the Heart Demon Tribulation, but this time, if he didn't have the right external help, I am afraid that he would want to break the Heart Demon Tribulation smoothly. It will be even harder.

"I don't know how to be blessed!" Xu Changqing felt the growth of his mind and self-deprecating smile on his face.After all, no matter what kind of practice method, the vast majority of true energy cultivation can only be accumulated to increase, but the improvement of mind cultivation is the most difficult.Xu Changqing's mental cultivation can be raised to such a high level, and it will also be of great benefit to his future improvement. At least after he has cultivated the Jindan Dao, his overall cultivation will improve faster than ordinary practitioners Several times, even dozens of times.

Just when Xu Changqing was about to check other conditions of his body, the refusal sign painted on the door flashed for a while, attracting his attention.This kind of customer rejection talisman created by Jiuliu Yimai has a very special effect, and the reactions of ordinary people and practitioners are slightly different after touching it.After an ordinary person touches the customer-rejecting talisman, the Dao power in the talisman will only block them, but after a practitioner touches the Talisman, the Dao power in the talisman will not only block the practitioner, but also release a force of Dao Remind the spellcaster that this power can be felt even hundreds of miles away, just like the power that Xu Changqing felt just now.

Xu Changqing put the golden statue of the Feathered Serpent God in front of him into his sleeve, and at this moment there was a voice asking to see him from outside the door, and at the same time, Xu Changqing's spiritual sense also felt that there was an extremely exquisite Pure Land Buddhism in the body of the person outside the door. .This couldn't help but make Xu Changqing feel a little puzzled, and also made him hesitate for a while.

Although Huaxia Buddhism originated from Tianzhu, with the evolution of thousands of years, its Buddhist practice method has broken away from the system of Tianzhu Buddhism and has formed its own line.Among the many Buddhist methods, Pure Land Buddhism and Zen Buddhism are the most thorough.After Zen experienced the original Tathagata Zen, its Zen method gradually began to add some methods of Taoism and Confucianism, and its Buddhist essence makes people feel a sense of tranquility.However, in the Pure Land sect, more is to observe and recite the Buddha, in order to seek the unity of body and mind, and achieve the state of liberation of the body where the Buddha is me, and I am the Buddha, so there is a little more obsession in its Buddha essence.It's just that no matter what kind of Chinese Buddhist method, Taoism and Confucianism are mixed with the method of self-cultivation, which is completely different from the Esoteric Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism spread in India and Southeast Asia, and the feeling of Buddhism is naturally different .

Although the Pure Land Sect is very popular in China, there are very few people who have truly mastered the Pure Land Sect's cultivation method, and naturally there are not many people who can possess the Pure Land Sect's Buddha Yuan. Right now, in this vast sea, there is actually someone who can possess such a superb The Buddha Yuan of the Pure Land School naturally made Xu Changqing feel a little puzzled.

When he felt that the person at the door was about to leave, Xu Changqing stretched out his hand and flicked it, and popped out a piece of real energy, scattered the rejection talisman, opened the door, and stopped the person outside the door.Then he quickly took out the tea set from the Qiankun in his sleeve, collected the surrounding water vapor with the water spirit method, poured it into the teapot, and instantly boiled the tea with the fire spirit method, put in the tea leaves, and brewed it for a while before anyone came into the room. Tieguanyin on the top of the pot.

When the door was fully opened and someone walked in, Xu Changqing saw clearly the appearance of the person with the superb Pure Land Buddhist Yuan, his face showed an unconcealable look of surprise, and he couldn't help it Ask out loud.In his previous mind, the person who came was not a monk, he should be a layman. No matter who he was, he could not exceed the range of Orientals. After all, the teachings of Pure Land Buddhism were only spread in East Asia.

But the person in front of him is obviously very different from what Xu Changqing thought. Although he has black hair and a pair of black eyes, he is completely a Westerner in terms of appearance and physique. This is exactly what makes Xu Changqing feel I don't understand.

When Xu Changqing looked puzzled, the foreigner in front of him saluted him with fists, and said to Xu Changqing in extremely proficient Chinese: "Jiang Tao, the younger generation, has met Mr."

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