Nine idlers

Chapter 274

Just when Guan Poming asked Xu Changqing about the way the Guan family got a foothold, Guan Zheng suddenly stood outside the door and said, "Grandfather, sir, two old men, Lin Yuan and Feng Jiusheng, and that man named Li Yunlong are outside. See you."

Seeing someone interrupting, Guan Poming was very unhappy, and was about to ask Guan Zheng to refuse, but was stopped by Xu Changqing.With a smile on his face, he seemed to have guessed that these people would turn around and ask for an interview alone. There was no surprise on his face, he smiled and said: "It happened to be about the Guan family's establishment in Nanyang, and it may help The people from the Guan family are coming, this is fate! Brother Guan, please let these people in!" As he spoke, Guan Zheng was about to call those people, but Xu Changqing seemed to suddenly remember something , and asked again: "By the way! Brother Guan, where is the Moses you want to protect now? Why haven't you seen him since entering the governor's mansion? Aren't you afraid that something will happen to him?"

"That man's subordinates have returned, and we don't need our protection for now!" Guan Zheng looked at Xu Changqing in confusion, and said, "If you want to find him, you can go to the residence of the former Governor A Wenyue to find him. After the Governor's Palace, he has stayed there. Novel"

After finishing speaking, Guan Zheng turned around and walked towards the front hall. Although Guan Poming beside him was also curious about Xu Changqing's attention to Moses, he was able to hold back his curiosity in the end and did not ask.

Not long after, Guan Zheng led the three of them in from the outside. The three of them didn't say much, and after saluting, they went directly to the chairs they were sitting on before.After a moment of silence in the room, Feng Jiusheng asked bluntly: "Sir, the big plan just mentioned is a rough idea. Could you tell me how many people are waiting and how to implement the specific details?"

"Have you decided?" Xu Changqing didn't answer immediately, but asked with a serious expression.

Everyone looked at each other.He nodded and said: "I am willing to seek a place for the Nanyang Chinese to settle down and live, and I hope that Mr.

Seeing that everyone's tone was firm, Xu Changqing stopped playing tricks.Shen Sheng said: "To tell you the truth, the chance of success of the national plan I just mentioned is very small. If you follow what I said, it will only waste money and time."

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, everyone showed surprise, and when they were about to ask Xu Changqing why he was like this, Xu Changqing immediately raised his hand to stop everyone.He continued: "Although the best time to implement the country-building plan just now has passed. But it does not mean that the country-building plan is completely useless. I have a question here, and I want to ask you, how can it be called a country?"

"The territory is vast, the population is large, and the army is strong!" Li Yunlong was the first to express his opinion, and others also expressed their own thoughts on how to be called a country. Although the words are different, the meaning is roughly the same.

Xu Changqing did not express his approval or objection.He just said slowly: "In Europe, there is a country called Switzerland. Its land area is only the size of a Chinese underworld city. It is not strong and has a small population, but its status in Europe is not low, and it has always been able to gain a foothold among the European powers. What do you think of this country?"

The room fell silent again.Everyone seemed to be lost in thought.Obviously Xu Changqing's words gave them great inspiration.

"Sir, do you want us to build a city-state?" Lin Yuan has been presiding over the demon-killing Lin family hall for a long time, so he is naturally well versed in tactics.Soon he noticed the meaning of Xu Changqing's words, and said in surprise.

Li Yunlong frowned and said: "If such a city-state is established, how can we defend against foreign enemies?"

"Defending the enemy abroad? If there are no enemies around, how can you defend against the enemy abroad?" Xu Changqing smiled lightly, and did not immediately explain Li Yunlong's question, but said slowly: "Although the European powers controlling Southeast Asia are constantly fighting, the Chinese have But we can take advantage of this opportunity, but we Chinese are not united internally, and we simply cannot gather all our strengths to build a huge island country." As he spoke, Xu Changqing explained the internal disadvantages of Chinese businessmen that he had said to Guan Poming before, and again I said it again, and after seeing everyone nodding their heads in agreement, he continued: "The internal hearts are fluctuating like this, and various interest factions are everywhere. In addition to controlling such a large sea area, the power will inevitably be dispersed. Even in the future, according to my The method of forcibly establishing it cannot last for a long time, and if there is a little external force, the entire national system will collapse."

"That's true!" Lin Yuan said with a sullen face: "The Lanfang Republic established in the past was because of internal disunity, which allowed those Dutch people to see an opportunity, so it was so easy..."

Lin Yuan didn't say any more, and everyone in the room showed regret, which shows how profoundly the collapse of the Lanfang Republic had a profound impact on them.

"The demise of the Lanfang Republic was not only due to internal problems, but a bigger reason was that the land of its founding occupied the key points of the entire east-west route. This has touched the fundamental interests of the European Chamber of Commerce, and the European Parliament is controlled by various countries. The large-scale maritime trade association, coupled with the incompetence of the Qing court as the mother country, the demise of the Lanfang Republic can be said to be inevitable." Xu Changqing didn't want the atmosphere to be depressed like this. After a little analysis, he continued: " Therefore, the Chinese in Nanyang should not be too ambitious. Instead of establishing a country that will be destroyed at any time, it is better to concentrate all the forces that can be concentrated, control one or more key cities that are not favored by the European powers, and then look for opportunities to establish a country that is purely based on A city-state mainly engaged in maritime trade between the East and the West. The establishment of a country can be one or more. A country’s power is relatively concentrated, and it is easier to deal with accidents. However, establishing multiple countries is also beneficial. However, they can secretly establish alliances and expand their influence in surrounding areas, while expressing confrontation on the surface, which distracts the attention of those European powers and makes them gradually relax their vigilance. As for national defense, I think it can be temporarily abandoned and transferred to defense. To those European powers, cooperate with them to establish military ports and heavy industries locally, and when the internal struggles of the European powers intensify and completely relax their attention, they can seize all the achievements in one fell swoop, and then form alliances with the government of the Republic of China and neighboring countries. Let's jointly resist possible counterattacks by European powers in the future."

There was silence in the room. Everyone was attracted by such a huge plan, and they were quickly calculating the gains and losses in their minds. In the end, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at each other, as if they were exchanging ideas.

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