Nine idlers

Chapter 285

Although Andre and Mary had also guessed some clues just now, they still seemed distraught when they heard Xu Changqing's words, and their bodies seemed to have lost their backbone. Sent to die?"

"According to the arrangement of heaven, I am the one who will help you complete the last sacrifice," Xu Changqing looked at the two calmly, and said slowly, "It's just that I have changed my mind now, and I am going to help you survive."

The eyes of the two of them lit up, a burst of hope was aroused by Xu Changqing's words, and they looked up at him.Although Andre was excited, he tried to keep his tone calm, and asked, "Mr. Xu, what conditions do you want?"

"Conditions! Even if I say it, can you afford it? And don't forget, you still owe me one thing." Seeing the gloomy faces of the two, Xu Changqing laughed, knowing that he was imprinted on them two years ago. The image in my heart was too deep, so I explained: "I don't need anything from you, and the previous things have been written off." Seeing the doubts of the two, he continued: "You don't have to doubt, I will help you this time. , can be regarded as helping myself, and if I succeed, what I can get is far beyond your imagination."

"Really?" Although they knew that people like Xu Changqing didn't need to lie to themselves, they still asked with some doubts.

Xu Changqing smiled, did not answer, and then said in a serious tone: "You don't have to be so lucky, the next thing will be more painful than you imagined." Seeing the two people looking at him incomprehensibly, he circulated his true energy, Quickly drew a sky-opening talisman with his fingers, then drew Dao Li, tapped it on the foreheads of the two, and shouted in a deep voice: "Hurry up like a law! Open your eyes!"

Both Andre and Mary were baffled by Xu Changqing's actions, and at the same time felt extremely miraculous. \\In their eyes.While Xu Changqing's finger was slid across the air, a seemingly weird rune was suspended in mid-air, and then the rune suddenly spread out, turning into two dots with faint red light, which were tapped together with Xu Changqing's finger. on their foreheads.

In Xu Changqing's shout, both of them felt a cramping pain in their foreheads, which quickly spread to the lower eyes, making them close their eyes involuntarily while grunting in pain.The pain came and went quickly.When they calmed down, opened their eyes, and were about to question Xu Changqing, they were stunned, their eyes widened, and they looked around in surprise.

It turned out that Xu Changqing forcibly opened his eyes.They saw that the surroundings were all covered by white light, and the light sources of these white lights turned out to be the bases of Buddhist altars.In addition, these white lights also gathered in the sky, just forming a golden Buddhist Wanzi, and this Wanzi also shot a golden light directly into the broken Buddha statue in the middle of the pagoda platform.The light at the position of the Buddha statue is also different from other places. Not only is it golden, but it also presents a lotus shape, under the golden light of the Wanzi.It opens and closes like a living thing, "What you see is the reality under the ordinary." Seeing the dumbfounded look of the two, Xu Changqing naturally knew what they saw, and slowly explained: "Under the base of each Buddhist altar The white ray of light represents the Buddha nature and power of an eminent monk’s spiritual bone, and under the base of the Buddha statue in the middle should be the spiritual bone relic of Buddha Sakyamuni. Novel”

"Shakyamuni's spiritual bone relic?" Both of them gasped, and glanced at each other, both of whom could see the surprise in each other's eyes.Both of them studied oriental religions, so they naturally understood how much influence Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, had on the entire oriental culture.The spiritual bone of Sakyamuni is regarded by Buddhists as the most sacred object, just as Western Christians regard the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, and even more.

"Don't be so busy sighing, just look at yourself!" Xu Changqing said, his hands formed the seal of the Buddha's receiving and guiding Tathagata Dharma, and the true energy quickly circulated according to the White Lotus Dharma.I saw a burst of white light gushing out from Xu Changqing's seal, covering Xu Changqing instantly.Then the light diffused and solidified, turning into a golden statue with a miserable face and compassionate eyes.

Just after the Dharma image was formed, a peaceful and melodious Buddha singing sounded around. Before Andre and Rei had time to marvel at this wonderful scene, the whole person's spirit was completely immersed in the Buddha singing.Their bodies also reacted involuntarily, forming a strange Buddhist seal, and at the same time, a burst of white light erupted from their hearts and enveloped the two of them.And controlled the bodies of the two to sing together like a chorus.Both of them were very sane.He could also feel the changes in his body, but he didn't show any signs of panic.On the contrary, it is more curious about my own changes.

When Xu Changqing drew out the arahant Buddha nature of the two people whose spiritual orifices were sealed by receiving the Tathagata Dharma, the Buddha power of the entire town prison and stupa seemed to resonate.The white light on the bases of all the altars turned into monks with different shapes, all facing Xu Changqing's receiving Tathagata image, singing in unison, and the spiritual bone lotus in the center of the platform also increased from the ninth-rank white lotus to the twelve-rank dharma Like a white lotus, even on the white lotus pedestal, there is a blurry phantom of a Buddha statue.

At the same time as the Buddhist power of suppressing the prison Buddha increased sharply, the evil spirits suppressed in the Buddha were also aroused, struggling to resist the oppression of the huge Buddha power around.This kind of confrontation caused the entire Borobudur and surrounding areas to shake violently. The people under the pagoda thought that the earthquake was coming, so they put down their work and ran to the open ground outside Borobudur, waiting for the earthquake to pass.

"Mr. Andre and Miss Mary are still up there. Send someone to pick them up quickly." Colonel Henry, who was in charge of the surrounding security, showed an anxious look on his face and shouted loudly, ready to order his men to go to rescue people.

At this time, an old archaeologist stepped forward and reminded: "Wait, Mr. Andre has ordered before that no matter what happens, you are not allowed to go up."

"What do you mean?" Colonel Henry was taken aback for a moment, and said, "You don't think the earthquake was caused by Mr. Andre, do you? You are a scholar, and you can think of such absurd things!"

The old scholar was a little dissatisfied with Colonel Henry's mocking tone, frowned, and said: "Anyway, you are a soldier, you should obey orders," and then said: "The foundation of this pagoda is very stable, and it will not be disturbed by this earthquake. Destroyed, Mr. Andre and Miss Mary will be fine."

Colonel Henry hesitated for a while, and finally accepted the old scholar's statement, and did not send anyone up. He stood on the periphery of the pagoda, looked at the top, and drew a cross on his chest, as if praying for the safety of Andre and the others.

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