Nine idlers

Chapter 295 Middle Eastern Gods

After Xu Changqing read the telegram, he handed it back to Gu Weijun, and said in a flat tone: "Now everything is going on according to the original negotiation conditions, why are you so worried?"

"But the President has been fighting for China's revitalization for so many years, but the results have been stolen by Yuan Shikai, a Qing slave. I am really unwilling." Gu Weijun did not lie in front of Xu Changqing, with a heartbroken expression on his face, and his fists were fierce. Throwing it on the wall of the ship's warehouse, he said: "Yuan Shikai is very scheming and extremely good at power. If he is allowed to go south to take power, he will definitely eliminate dissidents and eventually monopolize the power. I think you should know what will happen to China. Bar!"

"You are thinking too much. In fact, if Yuan Shikai really goes south, it is still unknown whether it will be good or bad for China. Not to mention how many people Yuan Shikai will bring south, as far as the various forces in the south are concerned, they will not Let Yuan Shikai monopolize the power, and only balance will allow most forces to obtain the greatest benefits." Xu Changqing frowned slightly, and returned to the deck with Gu Weijun, found a table to sit down, and said: "Besides, don't forget Yuan Shikai's age, he is not young anymore, there are many factions under his command, and his son's courage is not enough to convince the crowd, as long as Yuan Shikai dies, the seemingly incomparably powerful Beiyang faction will kill each other and eventually collapse. In my opinion Mr. Gu, you are worried that Yuan Shikai's going south is completely unnecessary, Yuan Shikai's going south will do more good than harm to the overall situation of China, and have you ever thought about the consequences of Yuan Shikai not going south?"

"Don't go south?" Gu Weijun obviously didn't think of anything deeper.Puzzled: "Shouldn't this happen? If Yuan Shikai doesn't go south, how will he succeed to the presidency, how will the national parliament discuss matters, and various bills..."

"Can't these things be done in the north?" Xu Changqing laughed and interrupted Gu Weijun's words.The starter then woke up and said: "Actually, in my opinion, the reason why Yuan Shikai appeared at the donation party and donated a huge amount of money was not to prepare for going south. On the contrary, he was preparing for not going south. This must be Mr. Sun And some people from the government of the Republic of China have also noticed it. That's why they are so hasty and anxious to prepare for Yuan Shikai's going south."

"Does he want to separate the north and the south?" Gu Weijun's expression tightened.His body couldn't help shaking, and the telegram in his hand was caught into a ball.

"Separation between the North and the South is impossible. Whether it is Yuan Shikai and his Beiyang Army, or Sun Yat-sen and the Revolutionary Army, or even all walks of life in China will not allow this kind of separation to happen." Xu Changqing shook his head.Analysis: "Now the Beiyang is powerful, the final result is that the South makes concessions and moves the presidential palace to the North, but the National Assembly stays in the South to achieve a balance. However, Yuan Shikai will not be satisfied like this. He participated in the donation party and paid a large sum of money. The donation is to win over the Southern merchants who are the most important to the revolutionary army. Most of the big merchants in the South have contacts with Nanyang merchants, or even relatives. As long as Yuan Shikai wins over the Nanyang merchants, he will completely control the entire Southern Revolutionary Army. At that time, let alone a national assembly, even the entire revolutionary army will be at his disposal."

After Xu Changqing expressed his views and guesses on what Yuan Shikai did, Gu Weijun's face became extremely pale.The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Yuan Shikai was planning in this direction, and gradually lost the mood to continue talking with Xu Changqing. He hurriedly stood up, apologized, turned around and ran towards the telegraph room, ready to tell the matter to Nanjing.

As soon as Gu Weijun left, the old wizard Su Chawei walked over from the other side, sat opposite Xu Changqing, and said, "I have seen many practitioners, but such a deep practitioner who is involved in the political situation of the country like Mr. It's the first time I've seen it."

"That's very rare for the old seniors. In ancient China, whenever the world was in chaos, some strange people would come out to help all parties to quell the chaos. After all, the chaos has a great impact on the practice world, so it's not strange for me to give these pointers. !" Xu Changqing smiled lightly, and he spoke incompletely and untruthfully. He didn't mention the catastrophe and luck at all, but people couldn't help but believe it when he heard it. Is our next port of call known?"

"Aden? Understand." The old wizard recalled and said: "It seems that it is the last port after the Eastern ships enter the Red Sea. It is a pure port city. Most of the products of the Arab world are concentrated here and shipped to other places. Your place The great navigator Zheng He seems to have visited Aden back then. Now Aden is under the control of the British, but now the entire Arabian Peninsula is fighting for independence, even though there is a British garrison, I am afraid that it will not be very peaceful."

"There is chaos everywhere, catastrophe, catastrophe." Xu Changqing sighed inwardly, frowned slightly, and then asked, "How do you know Aden's religious belief?"

"Religion?" The old wizard was stunned for a while, and said with a smile: "You don't want to go to Aden to find trouble with those Muslims, do you? That's not good. Except for the British, all other Arabs believe in Islam. They They are very united and brave. In addition, there are a few very old guys living in Aden, I think even if you take action, sir, if you don’t use all your strength, I’m afraid there will be some trouble.”

"An ancient guy?" Xu Changqing looked at the old wizard curiously, and said, "Is it an angel of Islam? Or those ancient demon gods?"

"Hehe, it's longer than those monsters." The old wizard reached out and rolled up the hem of his clothes, exposing his abdomen, and saw that his entire right abdomen had shrunk, as if he had lost any vitality.

"The Qi of the Five Elements Wood Spirit." A trace of surprise flashed across Xu Changqing's face, he felt it carefully, and said to himself in doubt: "No, it is very similar to the Qi of the Five Elements Wood Spirit, but there seems to be some subtle differences. The difference, it feels like these wood spirit qi are alive, and they are connected with your lifeline, senior, living together and dying together."

"Mr. is indeed a master. You can tell the whole picture with just one glance." Su Chawei put down his clothes again and said, "The injury on my body was when I went to Aden before. I met one of the old guys and was killed by him." That guy is not the strongest. I heard that there are several guys as strong as him, and three of them are stronger than him." He paused and continued: "Sir, listen Ever mentioned the Three Goddesses of Arabia?"

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