Nine idlers

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Xiangxi Exorcism (This chapter is free)

Xu Changqing's actions and the visions in the house all fell into the eyes of the people in the yard, especially Xiao En. Ever since Xu Changqing ordered the sacrificial incense to be lit without fire, his eyes have never left Xu Changqing, and his face has also 'revealed' Excitement.And when he saw the vision of offering incense and green smoke, he almost cried out with excitement. Fortunately, Zhang Yuan, who was sitting beside him, quickly covered his mouth with his hand, so nothing happened.Among the five, Xie Ling seemed the calmest. She frowned, her eyes full of doubts. Regarding these ghosts, she always believed in the words of Confucius, respecting ghosts and gods and staying away. Although she did not deny it, she did not. Don't think it exists.

Even without looking back, Xu Changqing could guess the expressions of the five people behind him. With a slight smile on his face, he returned to normal color, turned and exited the room, then closed the door, and put down a string of bamboo curtains hanging at the door, just to block the door .Then he took out a set of tea sets from the main room, went to the stone table where Chen Tao and others were sitting, arranged the tea sets, scooped a spoonful of water from the water tank next to it, filled the teapot, and took out the teapot from his sleeve. A yellow talisman, lightly flick it into the air.I saw that yellow talisman floating in front of Xu Changqing very strangely, and Xu Changqing was pinching the sword formula with his hand, and the yellow talisman floating in the air at the same time said in his mouth: "Three yangs gather together, the fire of the sky spontaneously ignites, and it is as urgent as a law!"

As soon as Xu Changqing finished speaking, the floating yellow talisman started to burn automatically. Apart from being surprised, everyone reacted differently. Chen Tao, brother and sister and Zhang Yuan seemed extremely excited, while Xie Ling and Xiao En 'revealed' With a trace of doubt, he smiled lightly and said that Xu Changqing showed them a very good trick and magic trick.But soon the expressions of the two became the same as Chen Tao and the other three touching each other. After the yellow talisman was burned, three tiny fire snakes entangled with each other, rolling back and forth in mid-air, forming a There was a fireball.

"What is this?" Sean looked at this scene in amazement, as if he had forgotten what Xu Changqing had ordered before, and stretched out his hand to imitate it.

"Stop! Mr. Xiao En, have you forgotten what I just said?" Xu Changqing frowned, raised his hand to block the fire, and glared at Xiao En. He stretched out his sword until he retracted his hand in embarrassment. Clamping the fire ball with his finger, put it into the teapot, and explained: "This thing is called Teng Snake, which is formed by the gathering of the three yangs of heaven and earth. Its 'nature' is fierce, and it is easy to eat people's souls. Just now Mr. Xiao En If you touch this thing, although you won't die, you will inevitably lose your life."

While listening to Xu Changqing's words, everyone watched him put the snake fireball into the teapot, and within two or three seconds, the cold water in the teapot immediately boiled and steamed out.Seeing everyone stunned, Xu Changqing couldn't help smiling, took the tea leaves in a leisurely manner, poured them into the pot, waited for the tea leaves to roll and unfold in the boiling water, pointed at the void with his sword, and said : "Scatter!"

I saw that the three soaring snakes that were originally tangled together spread out as if they had untied the knot, and then turned into some sparks and penetrated into the tea leaves respectively. In the nostrils, they couldn't help exclaiming at the same time, saying: "It smells so good!"

Xu Changqing smiled slightly, covered the pot, and filled the tea bowls in front of everyone.After pouring six bowls of tea, the water in the teapots just finished pouring out, and it happened to be three pieces of tea leaves in each teabowl. Everyone was amazed, and they were very tactful and didn't ask any more questions.

"Please!" Xu Changqing picked up the tea bowl, raised it towards the crowd, and then began to drink by himself.

Everyone looked at the steaming tea bowl in front of them, as if they didn't know how to drink it. Although the summer night in the mountain was cool, drinking such a big bowl of hot tea was obviously a bit out of season.It wasn't until Xu Changqing finished drinking the whole bowl of tea that the brothers and sisters of the Chen family picked up the tea bowl, carefully blew on the surface, and then tried to take a sip, with an expression of disbelief immediately appearing on their faces. Immediately after taking another big sip, they all said in surprise, "The tea is cold!"

"Cold? Impossible?" The other three looked disbelieving. Indeed, no one would believe that a bowl of steaming tea is cold, but they still tried to take a sip, and their expressions became amicable. The same as the Chen family brothers and sisters.Out of curiosity, several people drank two more sips of tea. Sean rarely drank tea and drank the tea together with the tea into his stomach. After the other four drank half a bowl of tea, they put the tea bowl on the stone table superior.

At this time, several people felt that after drinking the steaming ice cold tea into their stomachs, they first felt a burst of coolness, and then a wave of heat radiated from their stomachs to the surroundings, driving away the coolness, and quickly spread to the whole body.It didn't stop until the coolness was completely expelled from the body, and slowly retreated into the abdomen, warming the bodies of several people and slowly fading away.

"Huh!" Sean let out a long sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

Xu Changqing didn't answer, looked at Xiao En, then looked at several other people, shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "I often hear Master say that ignorance is a blessing. I didn't understand what it meant before, but now I understand." !” As he spoke, he pointed to the tea bowl and said, “This tea is called Liuyang Tea, and the tea leaves are called Liuyangcao. It is the number of nine suns. Drinking this bowl of tea, although it cannot prolong life, it can prevent all evils from invading, and there will be few dangers of illness in life. However, this tea must be drunk together with the tea leaves to fully exert its effect , Among you, only Mr. Xiao En drank the whole bowl of tea, while the others only drank half a bowl of tea, it seems that this is fate, you can't force it!"

Although everyone didn't understand the meaning of Xu Changqing's last sentence, but the previous words made them understand that drinking all the tea is of great benefit.Chen Tao and the other four quickly picked up the teacups, ready to drink all the tea, but the tea in the teacup dried up at some point, and the three tea leaves also turned brown, breaking into powder when touched lightly.

"Ah?" The four cried out in surprise, looked at the tea bowl, then at Xu Changqing, as if hoping that Xu Changqing could explain it to them.

Xu Changqing was not talking, he put away the tea set with a smile, and sat on the stone bench to close the curtain to rest his mind. The others did not dare to say anything, and sat quietly on the stone bench, looking at each other, not knowing what to do , the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

A quarter of an hour passed slowly like this, and suddenly there was a melodious copper bell from outside the Yizhuang. There seemed to be a magic power in the bell, which made Chen Tao and others feel ecstatic, and their eyelids became very heavy. The spirit can't help but feel sleepy, and the eyes become confused.The strangeness of Chen Tao and others did not happen to Xiao En. Although he also felt a little drowsy after hearing the ringtone, a hot current suddenly rose from his abdomen and rushed to the top of his head, which made his mind suddenly clear.He looked at Chen Tao and the others with blank eyes and confused eyes, a little at a loss, stretched out his hand and pushed Chen Tao and Zhang Yuan who were sitting beside him, and called out twice, but it didn't help at all. No, when he looked up to ask Xu Changqing for help, he found that Xu Changqing had already opened his eyes, looking at the gate of Yizhuang with a serious expression.

"Mr. Xu, what's the matter with them?" Sean asked hastily.

"It doesn't matter, they are just affected by the aftermath of the soul-destroying bell. With my Liuyang tea body protection, as long as they don't directly bear the ringing of the soul-destroying bell, they will be fine." Xu Changqing raised his hand, signaling Xiao En don't have to worry, then quickly drew a talisman in the void with his sword finger, and shouted in a deep voice: "Chi!"

I saw the Taoist talisman, which was invisible in the air, burst into red light, and then fell apart, turning into four light spots and sinking into the foreheads of Chen Tao and the others, and all four of them trembled, their eyes returned to normal, and they woke up .After the four of them woke up, they didn't feel any discomfort, but they didn't seem to know what happened just now. After hearing Xiao En's description of what just happened, they all showed surprise.

"Ah!" Suddenly Xie Ling let out a terrified scream, pointing to the door, with an expression as if he saw something frightening.

When the others heard the sound, they immediately turned their heads and looked towards the gate of Yizhuang. They saw three rows of people wearing black shrouds standing neatly on the large lawn outside the gate of Yizhuang. There were about 60 of them. His face was covered by yellow scrolls painted with Dao talismans, and his way of standing looked very weird, like flagpoles, and his body looked extremely stiff.Around these people stood seven Taoist priests in Taoist robes. The leader was a white-haired old man, short and thin, with a hooked nose and inverted triangle eyes. He looked very wretched. The temperature dropped several degrees, which made people shiver.

Xie Ling's cry obviously not only alarmed Chen Tao and the others, but also alarmed the people outside Yi Zhuang. The old Taoist's face changed slightly when he saw other people in the yard, and his expression was a little embarrassed. Seeing Xu Changqing standing up, he hurriedly stepped forward two steps, stood at the door, bowed his hands and saluted: "I'm sorry, Changqing! The old man didn't know that you have a guest here, so he came here boldly. It's really..."

"Leave them alone," Xu Changqing interrupted the old man's apology, stepped forward, bowed his hands in return, and then said solemnly: "Old man Zhong, what's going on? There are sixty corpses here! Not only did you drive [-] more than before, but you also came three days earlier than before, and you came before the hour. If you calculate this way, you still use the earth escape secret technique to drive in the daytime. Don’t you know that the daytime Is it a taboo to chase corpses underground? Not only will it increase the energy of corpses, but it will also damage the vitality of the corpse hunters, don't you Zhong family children want to die?"

When Xu Changqing stepped forward to question the old Taoist priest, Chen Yu asked the pale Xie Ling in confusion: "Isn't it just a group of people? Are you so scared?"

"No... no!" Xie Ling took a few deep breaths, stretched out his hand to touch his chest a few times, suppressed his heart that was about to jump out, pointed to the group of people outside the room, and said, "They all just now It came out of the ground!"

"No way?" Everyone looked at Xie Ling suspiciously, only Xiao En looked regretful.But soon Zhang Yuan, who had been in Hunan for a while, remembered something, his face was a little ugly, he leaned over, and said in a low voice: "They seem to be Taoists who drive corpses? Those may be the corpses of people who died in other places? "

"Catch the corpse?" Everyone was startled, and all their attention turned to Xu Changqing and the others.

At this time, I only heard the old Taoist grinning, scratching his messy hair, and explaining: "You also know that in a few years, there will be a catastrophe that has never been seen in the ages. On the Lantern Festival, we will go back to seclusion to avoid disaster. I am afraid that this time to chase the corpse is the last time before the disaster, so we rush more urgently and more than before. Thinking about it, you should be able to understand, and you won’t shut us out, right? "

"Even your Zhong family are afraid that you won't be able to survive this catastrophe?" Xu Changqing frowned, and said with a worried look: "With you, there are already 27 Taoist families who are directly related to Quanzhen Taoism and Zhengyi Taoism or side sects are preparing to close the mountain gate. , retiring from the world, it seems that this world catastrophe is much bigger than I imagined."

"All the elders of the No. 13th generation of our Zhong family used the Zhoutian Xingchen ** to drive Ziwei Doushu, and the calculated result is a narrow escape!" The old Taoist sighed and said, "We are no more authentic than those Taoist sects, and we are not as long. Luck to survive the catastrophe. After entering the world to survive the catastrophe, we really have no blessing to enjoy the great merit of the reversal of the fate of the world. We can only retreat from the world. You are a low-level idler. Although the Taoism is profound, you practice the way of the troubled world , has already been involved in the cause and effect of heaven and earth, I am afraid that if you want to escape from the world, you will not be able to do it, so you must be careful in the future!"

"I know this, I have already calculated my fortune, and I know how to resolve the catastrophe, so don't worry!" Xu Changqing looked at the old Taoist gratefully, then immediately put away his expression, and said seriously: "We are familiar with each other , business matters still need to be clarified, this time I will charge five times!"

"Five times! Why don't you grab it, kid?" The old Taoist jumped up and pointed at Xu Changqing's nose and shouted.

"Hey!" Xu Changqing turned his back to the five people in the courtyard, put away his sanctimonious face, and instead showed a trace of a merchant's philistine expression, smiled sinisterly, and said, "Snatch? Of course I will, but no one else." You can earn a lot by robbing you! You must know that you are the biggest customer of my Yizhuang."

"Boy, is there no price to talk about?" The old Taoist stepped forward and said in a low voice in front of Xu Changqing: "You also saw that I brought my nephew and nephew this time, don't blackmail it so obviously, leave it to me Save face!"

Xu Changqing smiled slightly, lowered his head slightly, and said, "The price can be the same as before, but I have one condition!"

Seeing a chance to bargain, the old Taoist hurriedly asked: "What conditions? Say it quickly."

"It's very simple!" Xu Changqing whispered, "Teach me your Zhong family's unique earth escape technique!"

"You..." After hearing this, the old Taoist pointed at Xu Changqing and didn't know what to say. Seeing Xu Changqing pointing to the anxious disciples behind him, he couldn't help sighing, stared at Xu Changqing fiercely, and gritted his teeth Said: "You can compare with your master! Deal!"

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