Nine idlers

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Overbearing Passion

"Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling, disciple Xu Changqing, please ask Guan Di Shengjun's true spirit to protect my dharma body, Tiangang Earth Town, hurry like a law! Sky Lingling,..."

On the half-mountain cliff of Taohua Mountain, there is a very eye-catching incense table, which is wrapped in yellow cloth, with incense burners and other sacrificial items placed on the table, and a carefully carved ambergris wood statue of Guandi is placed in the middle of the table On the back of the statue of Emperor Guan, a Dao talisman made of unknown leather was pasted.When the sun in the east gradually rose and the first ray of sunlight shone on the talisman paper on the back of the statue, Xu Changqing immediately followed the formula of the gods, forming a secret seal of inviting the gods with his hands, and then repeated the chanting in his mouth Jue, immerse your mind in the Jue.

Not long after, a hole seemed to be opened in Xu Changqing's Baihui zenith, and a chilly feeling spread from the top of his head to his whole body.Driven by the Fajue, the spiritual consciousness of the upper dantian rushed out from the top door, feeling as if the primordial spirit had come out of the body. Following the chilly feeling, it rushed into the statue of Emperor Guan, and was between the statue and Xu Changqing's body. A channel is connected.Afterwards, the divine talisman attached to the back of the statue burst out countless strands of golden light straight into the sky, connecting the statue with an inexplicable space between heaven and earth, and streams of pure wish power poured into the statue from the channel built by the golden light. Then it was transformed into the true power of the gods in the statue, and Xu Changqing's spiritual consciousness channel from the statue poured into his body through the top door.

The true power of the gods that poured into the body carried a bit of the violent and evil energy contained in the statues, and as soon as they entered Xu Changqing's body, they wanted to rush into his mind, thus affecting his character.However, under the influence of Dao Xin realm, his mind was as solid as a rock, and he didn't give that evil spirit a chance at all.

When the power of the gods filled his body little by little, all the acupuncture points around his body immediately opened, and the evil energy and the power of the gods rushed out, and soon formed a circle around Xu Changqing that exuded golden light. The red-faced Guandi statue is several feet high, and although there is a trace of evil on the face, it is even more powerful.

Seen from the outside, Xu Changqing looks like a villain in the belly of Guandi Statue, exactly the same position as his consciousness in the statue, and the two complement each other.When the statue of Emperor Guan gradually materialized around him, Xu Changqing began to form the golden body of Guandi from the full power drive, and slowly changed it to dual-purpose, running the dragon elephant gold that he had reduced and modified overnight. body, absorbing the true power of the gods to refine itself.Although the tactic has changed, Guandi's golden body has not disappeared, and the spiritual power gushing out from the statue continues to pass through the acupuncture points all over his body, and then continue to pour into the statue of Guandi.It's just that at this time, the true power of the gods did not turn into golden light and dissipate between heaven and earth as before. Instead, it flowed back into Xu Changqing's body from the hundreds of 'points' around his body, and merged into the flesh and bones under the effect of the Dragon Elephant Golden Body Art. , refining this mortal body.

When Xu Changqing's body can no longer withstand the true power of the gods, he will stop the operation of the magic tricks, and at the same time tie the seal of the gods and recite the mantra of sending the gods in his mouth.The golden light of the divine talisman gradually faded in the sound of the mantra, and Xu Changqing's consciousness also retreated from the statue to the upper dantian. Without the support of the true power of the god, the statue of Emperor Guan turned into a little golden light and dissipated in the air. Normalcy returned.Even though he had stopped running the Divine Fighting Art, Xu Changqing still stood in place, running the dragon-elephant golden body acupoint, little by little refining the true power of the gods that had been integrated into the bones of the flesh, making it completely integrated with the body.

After a long time, Xu Changqing finally completed the first refining of the golden body, opened his eyes, breathed a sigh of relief, walked forward, lit three sticks of incense, and 'inserted' it on the incense burner, respectfully Kowtow three times respectfully to the statue of Emperor Guan.At this moment, he really felt that ** possesses a very powerful power, which is pure physical power, and it is something he has never felt before. They all increased by coincidence, just like the state of bliss in the mouth of the Buddhists.

"Let's see if Shen Da is really as invulnerable as it is said in the legend?" Xu Changqing stood up from the ground, patted the dust off his body, took out a sacrificial knife from the universe in his sleeve, and slashed hard on his arm without hesitation .There was only a shallow scar on his arm when the knife went down, and then he picked up a stone at random, and squeezed it hard with the strength of his body, the stone was immediately broken into seven or eight pieces.

"What a powerful Shijia God Fighter! I didn't expect to have such a powerful power after just practicing it once. No wonder you can move mountains and seas and capture the sun and the moon after reaching the third-grade realm of God Fighter!" Xu Changqing looked at his hand in surprise, and couldn't help it. Live in admiration.

In fact, how would he know that it is absolutely impossible to achieve such an effect in the first practice according to the formulas of the Shi family gods. Usually, after successfully completing hundreds of invitations to the gods, he can slowly use the divine power to refine the body, and finally Refining the body until it can fully integrate with the true power of the gods.The reason why he has the effect so quickly is entirely due to the golden body of the dragon and elephant, but the effect will become less and less obvious later on, and the refining of the body will become more and more difficult, to achieve the ultimate immortality The golden body still has a long way to go, and the premise is that the statue of Emperor Guan can withstand so many prayers.

After Xu Changqing tidied up, he walked slowly back to Yizhuang. Xiao En had already been waiting in the courtyard of Yizhuang, and he didn't know where he got the bunt practice uniform. It looked a bit nondescript .Sun and Huang also got up early, standing in the yard and doing their own health-preserving punches, watching Xiao En's heart itch.

Seeing Xu Changqing, Sun and Huang congratulated him for accepting a good apprentice, but Xu Changqing just nodded lightly, and then led the impatient Xiao En into the main hall.

Xu Changqing didn't intend to learn Taoism step by step like he did. He decided to use an extremely domineering method to help Xiao En run his true essence in a short period of time.Although Xiao En's cultivation will stagnate when he reaches a certain level when he casts spells like this, it doesn't matter to Xu Changqing, anyway, he didn't intend for Xiao En to learn advanced Taoism from the beginning.

In the inner room, Xu Changqing asked Xiao En to take off all his clothes and pants, and then took out a box from his sleeve Qiankun, which contained one hundred and eight dragon beard needles.After Sean was ready, Xu Changqing stuck a body talisman on Sean's forehead to make him unable to move, and then quickly inserted one hundred and eight dragon beard needles into the acupoints of Tiangang Disha. Inside Sean.Sean immediately understood why Xu Changqing had to stick a body talisman on his head. The itchy and painful feeling of the dragon's beard needle being inserted into his body was absolutely unbearable. Although his body could not move, he was still able to speak , was able to scream, screams rushed out of his throat, and almost spread throughout Taohuashan.

"Shut up!" Xu Changqing frowned and scolded, Xiao En immediately bit his lips under his teeth, not daring to make any more noise, his face became extremely distorted due to pain, and tears flowed down his face.

Xu Changqing ignored Xiao En's pitiful appearance, and stretched out his hand to cover the Laogong acupoint on the Baihui acupoint on the top of Xiao En's head, and then circulated the pitiful golden core essence in his body, pouring it into Xiao En's acupoint from the top of his head. inside the body.Immediately after Jindan Zhenyuan was injected into Xiao En's body, driven by Xu Changqing, it ran through the meridians in the body according to a certain route, and all the routes happened to run through the entire [-] 'points'.After Jindan Zhenyuan walked through Xiao En's body for a week, he suddenly felt like he had arrived in heaven, and the pain and itching on his body disappeared, but when the Jindan Zhenyuan stopped at the "point" of Baihui on the top of his head, that kind of The unbearable pain and itching spread all over the body from the one hundred and eight 'points'.

"Remember the running route of my golden core and true essence!" Xu Changqing reminded in a strict voice without talking nonsense.

Then he guided the Jindan Zhenyuan to run through Xiao En's body three times, then let go of his hand, cut off the connection with the Jindan Zhenyuan, and said to Xiao En: "Follow the route you just memorized, I will stay in the The Golden Core True Essence in your body, after you have rotated one hundred and eight revolutions, the dragon whisker needles on your body will fall off automatically, and the first step of the hundred-day foundation building of the Human Essence Alchemy has been completed. I will teach you how to quote!"

After speaking, Xu Changqing turned and left the room, leaving Xiao En in the room alone, practicing hard.At this time, both Sun and Huang were standing at the door of the main house. Because of the magic spell bamboo curtain at the door, they couldn't get in at all. They could only stand outside and look anxiously at the room that was only separated by a curtain. .

"Mr. Xu, may I ask Mr. Xiao En..." Mr. Sun was about to ask about Xiao En's situation, but was immediately interrupted by Xu Changqing.

"Mr. Sun, I'm teaching Taoism, don't worry about it!" Xu Changqing smiled lightly, raised his hand to stop Sun and Huang from asking further, and said with a serious look: "I'm going down the mountain to leave this place for you two. Be prepared, you must not leave this Yizhuang, otherwise I will not be able to explain to Chen Weng what happened."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Sun and Huang to agree, they quickly walked out of Yizhuang, closed the door from the outside, and then lowered the bamboo curtain of magic spells at the main entrance.The four-sided mantra bamboo curtain of this Yizhuang is also one of the only three spiritual treasures of the owner of Yizhuang. After it is completely put down, it can use the power of the earth spirit of the entire mountain of Taohua Mountain to block anyone who wants to enter, so This bamboo curtain is also known as the bamboo curtain for rejecting customers.

After getting off Peach Blossom Mountain, Xu Changqing walked quickly to the Wansheng Automobile Store of the Chen Mansion in Chenjiachong, and asked the dealer to prepare [-] well-equipped carriages, then entered the city and walked towards Zhizhapu, just in time Zhang, the boss of the paper man, is packing his bags.

"Old man Zhang, are you going to travel far away?" Xu Changqing walked into the shop, looked at the paper figurine strangely, and asked.

"What's going on a long trip? I'm planning to leave here and take refuge in another place!" The paper figurine Zhang stuffed his favorite teapot into the package and said bluntly to Xu Changqing.

"Refuge?" Xu Changqing smiled and asked, "Is there any place safer than Chen Jiachong?"

"It's not like you don't know that the gates of the city were blocked by officers and soldiers yesterday, and I calculated that the luck of the Chen family seems to have exhausted a lot. It seems that Chen Jiachong will not be at peace!" Zhang Chang, the paper figurine, said worriedly. : "Now there are revolutionary uprisings everywhere, officers and soldiers are encircling and suppressing, and finally found a safe place, and now the officers and soldiers are going to send people to encircle and suppress, and prepare to deal with the Chen family. The good Chen Jiachong is going to be destroyed again. I don't know now. Where should I hide?"

"Who told you that the officers and soldiers are going to encircle and suppress Chen Jiachong?" Xu Changqing realized that he hadn't met anyone along the way, and most of the shops on both sides of the road were closed.

The paper figurine Zhang shook his head, and said: "Everyone says that, many merchants have already left early, and Chen Fan, the second young master of the Chen family, seems to be summoning Xiangyong to fight against the imperial army. Anyway, Chen Jiachong is now a chaotic ' into a ball."

"This Chen Fan, whose mind is full of muddleheads, doesn't mean he wants to destroy the Chen family." Xu Changqing frowned, his face was hesitant, and soon he took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to himself He said to himself: "Forget it! Maybe the Chen family should be in trouble, I can't protect myself now, I'd better deal with my own affairs first! Chen Fan is a bastard, of course the Chen family will take care of it."

Xu Changqing, who had already made up his mind, took the pen and paper from the counter next to him, quickly picked up the pen and wrote something on the paper, folded it, put it in an envelope, sealed it with wax, and summoned a little boy who made paper to make a gift for him. He gave him a few pieces of silver and told him to hand over the letter to the old man in the Chen family ancestral hall.

Seeing the little guy running out with small steps, Xu Changqing felt relieved. The paper figurine Zhang seemed to know the identity of the old man guarding the ancestral hall, and said with a smile, "You boy called that old guy out." I'm afraid that the second young master who wants to come to the Chen family will suffer a punishment!"

"It's better to let him suffer, so as not to be too hotheaded and act recklessly!" Xu Changqing snorted coldly, and then said seriously to the paper figurine Zhang: "It's okay if you leave, Chen Jiachong may not be at peace in a year or two." .”

Then, Xu Changqing told the paper figurine Zhang Ting about his severe damage, and said in a deep voice, "Xuan Gang Tianmo was born, as well as his own cultivation base and the residual skills of 36 generations of idlers. There are so many devils under Gang Tianmo, some guys may not be able to sit still in the north, and come to the south to make troubles, Chen Jiachong is naturally one of their targets. I have lost all my skills now, and I have no way to maintain the back-earth boundary curse, nor Maybe confronting them head-on, we can only seal the mountain and wait for the skill to recover before unblocking. Chen Jiachong may not be able to deal with them just because of you and that old guy, leaving is the best choice."

The paper figurine looked at Xu Changqing dumbfounded, with a look of surprise on his face, and murmured: "Since when did you act so recklessly? It's not your character and way of life to fight with the other party. It caused thunder and calamity , and it is the capital thousands of miles away from here, when did you become so powerful? It seems that in the future, I will offend you less, otherwise maybe you will give me a thunderstorm at some point!"

"If I wanted to hack you, I would have hacked you a long time ago!" Xu Changqing glared at the paper figurine Zhang, unwilling to dwell too much on this topic, and said straight to the point: "Before you leave, I need you to do something for me, pay me back. Favor?"

The paper figurine Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You are even willing to take out this favor that you have saved for several years. It seems that this matter must not be simple."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!" Xu Changqing explained his plan to send Sun and Huang away, and then said, "What do you think?"

"It shouldn't be a problem, just do as you want!" The paper figurine put the package aside and said, "I'll just stay a few more days and pay you back the favor."

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