Nine idlers

Chapter 304

After listening to Andy's narration, Xu Changqing's face became gloomy, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Beth who was casting a spell to balance the power of wind and fire, and said, "Miss Beth, did you know that Shen Qingwen and Catherine are related by blood?" relation?"

"What?" Both Suchawei and Andy made surprised voices, but Beth was just slightly taken aback, then nodded, and while strengthening her hands, she said: "Angel and Catherine's mothers are both red. The direct members of the Fa family are also half-sisters, and Angel's mother left the family to wander outside since she was a child. They only knew of each other's existence a few years ago. But this matter is not even for the red-haired family. Clear, how do you know?"

"Cultivating my set of techniques requires the power of the same source, but the same source of power is secondary. If the blood is of the same origin, then the practice can achieve twice the result with half the effort, and the technique can also be easily cultivated to perfection. .Their current situation is that they have already practiced the Dacheng Consummation Realm of this method, and they have achieved such results in the first practice, which can only show that there is a deep blood relationship between them." Xu Changqing looked at Beth and pointed to The two people in the flame whirlwind said in a deep voice: "It must be that the relationship between them is so bad, I'm afraid it has something to do with this bloodline!"

Beth didn't say anything, but she had pity in her eyes, and said: "If you grew up, the closest people around Mr. Xu would always talk about how bad another person or others are. Conveying extreme hatred, I think you will become like them."

Xu Changqing frowned. He didn't like this kind of big family battle very much, so he didn't ask any more questions. He sat cross-legged beside the flame whirlwind silently, and then signaled Su Chawei and Beth to withdraw their strength.Seeing that Xu Changqing was about to take over, the two didn't think much about it, so they each slowly withdrew their forces to balance the power of wind and fire.At the moment when it was completely retracted, the flame whirlwind became a little unstable, sometimes expanding and sometimes shrinking.The power of wind and fire that originally merged with each other is faintly mutually exclusive.Immediately afterwards, the originally calm faces of the two people in the middle showed pain. It seemed that the power of wind and fire began to rebel in their bodies, and the power that had nowhere to vent burst out from the pores of their bodies. His clothes were also incinerated by the uncontrollable flames.

"Xu Changqing, what are you waiting for? If you don't take action, they will be burned to death by your own power." Seeing that the situation of the two is not good, Beth yelled anxiously from the side.But Xu Changqing remained unmoved, just watched quietly.So anxiously, she quickly drew two black hexagrams in the air with both hands, and was about to cast a spell again to stabilize the gradually frantic wind and fire power. Su Chawei stepped forward and grabbed her arm, and said calmly: "Miss Beth, don't be too troublesome! When should I rescue you? Mr. Xu, be careful. After all, this is Mr. Xu's decision. We don't know the trick. Reckless actions will only make things worse." At the moment when Suchawei held Beth, the two people in the flame whirlwind had been completely swallowed by the violently increased force of wind and fire, and their bodies were all wrapped in the whirlwind and flames.Fighting and blending with each other.The tearing force made them feel severe pain, and uncontrollable screams came from their mouths, but before the sound came out of the cabin, they were absorbed by Xu Changqing's five-element seal.

Just when Su Chawei also felt that Xu Changqing was not saving on purpose and was about to release the hand that restrained Beth, Xu Changqing's hand that was lightly placed on his knee began to move.He raised his hands up, his palms hollowed out, and two balls of light, one black and one white, formed in his palms.Following him, he was not afraid of the impact of the wind and fire, and easily penetrated his hands into the flame whirlwind.Then the hands are relatively close together, so that the two light groups merge into one, forming a Taiji light group, and then the arms move slowly around the light group like holding a ball.

Just when Xu Changqing's hands started to move, an incomparably peaceful force emanated from the Taiji light group between his hands.After the force of wind and fire, which was still extremely violent at first, merged into this peaceful force, it immediately turned into a harmless lamb, gradually calmed down, and slowly turned according to the gesture of Xu Changqing's hands.Shen Qingwen and Catherine, who were suspended in the middle, also followed the trend.Under the guidance of this peaceful force, the power of wind and fire on their bodies gradually gathered in the lifeblood of the two of them.After fused and refined, the power of wind and fire spewed out from the big acupoints such as Mingmen and Shanzhong, and then immediately divided into two, and then the power of phoenix was absorbed into Shen Qingwen's body from Tianling Baihui, and the power of fire was absorbed from Catherine's Tianling Baihui retracts and repeats itself, forming a cycle.

Just now, Shen Qingwen and Catherine's powers were forcibly fused together because of that set of spells.If the two of them are separated by force.And if the fusion of power is stopped, both of them will be backlashed by their own power in the end.become a cripple.For this reason, Xu Changqing deliberately asked Beth and Su Chawei to let go of the balance of the power of wind and fire, and at the same time let the violence in the combined power of the two fully radiate.It wasn't until the abnormal power in the two bodies was fully exerted that he used the Taiqing Hunyuan Gang Qi to neutralize the two forces and make them refine and fuse again.Although it is a bit troublesome to do so, it will not have such a big side effect as that set of Tantric Jue, and more importantly, he can enter the bodies of the two at the same time by casting the spell, and understand the source of their power.

Beth on the side didn't understand Xu Changqing's thoughts, and after seeing that the situation had calmed down, she let out a long sigh of relief, and sat down on the ground as if she lost her strength.Su Chawei, who was beside her, didn't understand anything like Beth did. He seemed to have seen something from the movement of Taiqing Hunyuan Gangqi. He turned to look at Xu Changqing, but he was very amused and didn't say anything. come out.Andy is completely concerned about Shen Qingwen at the moment, not to mention that he doesn't have that vision and experience, he can see Xu Changqing's tricks, even if he has, he probably doesn't have the mind to think about other things now.

"Senior Andy, Su Chawei, you can't get in here anymore, go out!" Xu Changqing watched as the power of wind and fire around the flame whirlwind became thinner and thinner, and people outside could gradually see inside with naked eyes Thinking of the situation, the clothes on the two women inside were turned into ashes, so he ordered.

Andy didn't understand what was going on for a while, but when he was about to ask to stay, he happened to see the situation inside through a gap in a flame whirlwind, his face turned red immediately, and he hurried out of the room.Su Chawei chuckled, and followed him out, looking like he was going to catch up and make fun of him.

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