Nine idlers

Chapter 306 Crystal Skull

"Senior Su Chawei, what's the situation with my master inside?" Andy came to Xu Changqing's cabin again after dealing with the matter in hand, looked at the closed cabin door anxiously, and stood up. Su Chawei in front of the cabin door asked.

Su Chawei shook his head. After a sudden surge of tyrannical force that directly shook the foundation of the soul in the cabin a few days ago, the cabin returned to its previous calm, and it was so calm that no one could feel any power inside.If the power that surrounds the cabin from time to time still exists, and the power of the spell cast on Beth before the retreat can still work, he may think that Xu Changqing has had an accident.

"Where is the boat going now?" Su Chawei suddenly turned his head and asked.

Andy made an estimate and said, "We've reached the second half of the Red Sea, and we'll almost enter the Gulf of Suez tomorrow. There are still four or five days left, and we should reach Alexandria."

"Well! Mr. Xu, he will leave the customs before reaching Alexandria, after all, that is the destination of his trip." Su Chawei signaled Andy not to worry, then took his hand, walked out, and asked "How are the two ladies?"

"Miss Angel and Miss Catherine?" Thinking of the pair of cousins ​​who hated each other, the worry on Andy's face eased a lot, and he showed a knowing smile, and said, "They are still the same as before. If they disagree, they will fight in the room, and almost all the furnishings in the room will be destroyed by them, but after the fight, they will practice together like close friends, which is really interesting."

"This may also be the purpose of Mr. Xu's move to seal their power." Su Chawei smiled, and seeing Andy's puzzled look, he suggested again: "Didn't you see that?" , Is the relationship between those two ladies much more harmonious these days than before? They sometimes talk, even if they do it, their strength has been reduced a lot, and the relationship between them has been handed down from the previous generation. The hatred is also weakening day by day."

Andy suddenly realized: "It turns out that Master sealed their power to reconcile them."

"Hmph! Will he be so kind?" At this moment, Beth approached the two of them silently like a ghost, and said, "Catherine and Angel are not related to that man. Why does he help them? According to me Look, at that time, he was only afraid that Catherine and Angel would deepen their hatred for each other through the long-term contact they had to have. But things went against their wishes, and even the gods could not predict the changes in people's hearts, and the two of them would gradually reconcile. I am looking forward to seeing That look of surprise he'd get when he came out and see Catherine and Angel together like sisters."

Just after she finished speaking.The spell that Xu Changqing cast on her before slightly stimulated her soul, making her feel inexplicably dizzy.

"Damn it, don't you Chinese people know that eavesdropping is a shameful act?" The dizziness came and went quickly, and after Beth woke up, she knew that Xu Changqing was casting spells to punish her. Although she was frightened, But the mouth is still very strong.

"Then isn't it shameful to say bad things or spread rumors behind others' backs?" Xu Changqing's voice suddenly came from behind several people.Then they saw a cloud of earth spirit energy flashing in a dark place not far behind them, forming a yellow light.Immediately afterwards, they felt gusts of earth spirit emerging from the bottom of the sea and concentrated in the yellow light.Soon the appearance of Xu Changqing wearing a shirt was formed.And as the yellow light fades away.Both skin color and clothing color change to normal color.

"An incarnation outside the body?" Su Cha only looked at Xu Changqing who was almost real in front of him with a look of surprise.If from time to time I really saw his formation process.It may be hard to believe that the people who feel alive in front of them are made of earth spirit.

Although Beth on the side was surprised.But she was relatively calm.And thought of the source of this power.There was a look of surprise on his face.Said: "Could it be that you have mastered the power source of the Atlanteans?"

"It's just a little superficial!" Xu Changqing didn't show much excitement.It feels like having such power is taken for granted.Turning to Andy with a reverent expression on his face.Asked: "Will this ship stop at Port Said, the exit of the Suez Canal?"

"The captain can't change the port of call. And I heard that Port Said has been in chaos recently. It's even more impossible for the Jeanne d'Arc to berth in a turbulent port." Andy shook his head.Then he said: "It's just that I can ask the captain to stay in the waters near Port Said. Master, you can take a small boat to Port Said. Come back after finishing your business."

Xu Changqing nodded slightly.He ordered: "Well! That's fine. You go and make arrangements. I'm going to disembark at Port Said. The Joan of Arc doesn't need to stop and wait for me. You all go to Alexandria. I will hurry back before sailing. "

"What? You are the only one to get off the boat." Andy had no objection to this, but Suchawei and Beth showed strange expressions.

"I'm not alone. Miss Beth will disembark with me. As for Miss Catherine and Miss Shen, please ask Senior Su Chawei to take care of them." Xu Changqing looked at Beth, then turned to look at Su Chawei, and said, " Seniors have gained so much in Aden, I believe this trip is worthwhile. You must know that greedy words can easily become poor words."

Although Su Chawei is still deeply interested in the huge treasures in Egyptian legends.But I also understand that since Xu Changqing has made a decision, he will not change it, so he can only nod in agreement in the end.The only condition is that Xu Changqing will bring him some souvenirs back.As for Beth, she has no intention of objecting. In her opinion, staying by Xu Changqing's side may be able to better inform her tribe.

Seeing that things had been arranged properly, Xu Changqing cast a spell to undo the avatar formed by the gathering of earth spirit energy, and disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant, and his divine sense returned to the cabin at the same time.At this moment, Xu Changqing's body has changed from the bronze armored corpse to the golden body of Hunyuan, and the Yin God War Ghost has also returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, absorbing the crystal little by little with the help of the golden liquid essence The knowledge contained in the consciousness in the skull.

Although that trace of soul consciousness is very weak, the knowledge contained in it is extremely huge.In this knowledge, there is nothing about the giant blond man. It is all about the use of earth spirit energy, just like a secret book on using crystal skulls.Most of them talk about how to use the spirit of earth to control the rocks of the earth to build beautiful palaces and cities, and only a few of them are about fighting.What Xu Changqing used just now is one of the fighting methods to form a spiritual puppet through the energy of the earth spirit. As for the higher-level method, he has not found out from that group of consciousness.

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