Nine idlers

Chapter 309 Unexpected

"There is a strong smell of blood ahead." Watching the sun gradually sinking under the sand dunes, Beth suddenly reminded, but then she couldn't help but cursed herself for being too talkative, since she could smell such a strong smell of blood How could Xu Changqing not notice it.

"Let's go and have a look!" Xu Changqing has long felt the ghostly energy gathering in the desert ahead. Since he died not too long ago, even the strong yang energy in the desert cannot dispel this ghostly energy. .Because the place where the ghost energy gathers is just on the way to the destination, he will be a little interested to take a look, and by the way, put those ghosts with pure power into the hungry ghost map, so as not to waste them in the desert.

The two walked for a while, then turned over a sand dune, and what they saw was the color of killing blood.I saw a relatively flat sandy land under the sand dunes. The originally golden sand was all stained red with blood. Three to four hundred corpses lay in a criss-cross pattern on the sandy land. Crawling among the corpses, the scene made people feel their scalps go numb.

"It's really strange?" Beth didn't fear the scene in front of her at all, she stepped forward a few steps, and the scorpions and poisonous snakes under her feet quickly crawled away.She looked around, returned to Xu Changqing, and said: "It seems that they all gathered together voluntarily, waiting to be slaughtered. Except for a few places where there was resistance, the others died very peacefully. Look at their expressions It's like dying in sleep."

"They have been hit by the ** technique, and it is my all-in-one ** technique." Xu Changqing's face was particularly gloomy. He turned around and walked to the seven sand dunes next to him, inserted his hands into the sand, and started from the sand respectively. He pulled out seven flags and streamers.On these flagpoles is a small array of five elements of the Taoist sect, and when combined together it happens to be a set of seven-star arrays.It's just that the mana of this set of flags and streamers has been exhausted now, cracks appeared on the wooden pole, and the flags and streamers also broke. It can be seen that the people who use this set of flags and streamers seem to be inexperienced, and the power is a bit too much, and they can't be closed. Take it easy.

The seven-star formation is not an extraordinary formation.Any practice sect in China has similar formations, but each has its own differences, and the power also varies accordingly.Right now, whether it is the use of spells or the placement of banners and flags, this seven-star formation follows the unique technique created by Jiuliu Yimai. If the caster has enough skill, the seven stars can be superimposed.It doubles the effectiveness of the combat force, and when it is the strongest, it can even directly capture people's souls.

Xu Changqing shook his hand, turning all the flags and banners into ashes, and then sacrificed the six reincarnation diagrams, and the ghosts that were still wandering around were immediately pulled by the invisible suction in the diagram and merged into the hungry ghost diagram.At this moment, the picture of the hungry ghost is still empty, only the 72 demon pillars, the four-cornered crystal skull, and Thoth with all abilities sealed.When those ghosts were sucked into the Hungry Ghost Figure, they seemed to be deliberately avoiding the 72 demon pillars and the crystal skull, and surrounded Thoth's body.Biting his body from time to time, making his face full of pain.

After collecting all the ghosts, Xu Changqing took back the Six Paths of Reincarnation.Then he raised his hand and made a downward movement.I saw that the blood-stained desert was all suppressed by a huge force, and the surrounding yellow sand rushed over like a tide, gradually filling it up, and everything returned to normal.

"Let's go! I want to see who is casting my spell." Xu Changqing's expression became extremely serious, and he quickly cast a silver-white spell in the air, using his true essence to draw out the power of the spell. .The dao talisman suspended in the air spread out and turned into a white smoke that only he could see, spreading around.Soon the white mist turned into a white line as if pulled by some kind of force.Gradually stretching to the distance, Xu Changqing walked along the direction of the white line, and Beth also followed it full of doubts.

The main direction of the smoke extension is exactly the same as the Scorpion Temple that Xu Changqing found from Toth's memory. Xu Changqing and the two began to speed up, passing over the soft sand like a breeze.Half an hour later, they came to the center of the eastern desert, near the ruins of the Scorpion Temple. Although it was already night, the excavation site of the temple was still noisy.Piles of lit bonfires burned the nearby sky red, which was particularly eye-catching in the desert with only silver and black colors.

There were quite a few guards around the excavation site, but they were useless to Xu Changqing and the others. At this moment, they had appeared beside a tent in the middle of the construction site, and the white mist just disappeared outside the tent.

At this time, someone in the tent said with a very strong British accent: "Kerry, didn't you say that you want to make a hole in the top of the temple? Why is there no progress in such a long event? I went to see it just now. There is no trace of the place where you said you were going to make a hole. It doesn't look like a construction site has been used at all. Do you want Kevin to die here like this. Then you can logically become..."

"Shut up! Jerry. Do you know what you're talking about?" A female voice immediately interrupted the suspicion.Then apologized to the other person.Then he said: "I have also visited the construction site. Those stones are very strange. It seems that there is some kind of mysterious power protecting them. Even with my power, I can't cause a little damage to it. Kerry. Do you think it is still possible? Is there another way?"

A man with a slightly hoarse voice said in the tent: "No! I can increase the explosives. I'm just afraid that it will be self-defeating. Meian. What can you do?"

"No! That temple is indeed protected by a very strong force. Although I can destroy or disperse it with my cultivation base, but I don't have enough magic weapons right now. It's too late to make it again. If the master is here That's fine. With his strength, it is simply a piece of cake for him to solve this little strength."

Hear the voice of Mayan.Xu Changqing outside the tent couldn't help being stunned.A look of surprise flashed in his eyes.Obviously, the appearance of this person made him feel extremely surprised.In order to confirm the doubts in my heart.He stepped into the tent.I saw four men and one woman in the tent.They all surrounded a person lying on a simple bed.Four of them have similar eyebrows.It looks like a family.And another foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes was the one he was looking for.

"Who are you? Who let you in. Get out immediately." Among several people.A big man who looked very strong saw Xu Changqing walk in.A look of displeasure immediately appeared on his face.Raising the long whip in his hand was about to whip him.

"Stop, Jerry!" The blond-haired, blue-eyed foreigner immediately showed surprise when he saw Xu Changqing, grabbed the whip of the big man, stepped forward, and respectfully saluted Xu Changqing in Chinese, using his not-so-fluent Chinese , said: "Disciple Xiao En, I have met Master."

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