Nine idlers

Chapter 311 Everything is Weird

Toth recovered quickly, but still had lingering fears about his experience of being included in the Hungry Ghost Map. He looked at Xu Changqing in horror, swallowed dryly, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and said, "A temple is a temple. Could it be something else? It's really strange for you Oriental to ask."

"The temple? This word has a single meaning in many languages, but as far as I know, the temple also has another meaning in the ancient Egyptian language, which is the residence of the gods or the city where the gods live." Xu Changqing looked at Tuo With a trembling face, Te said: "To be honest, your Egyptian fire is indeed special. Even the soul-absorbing spell I cast with all my strength can't fully penetrate into the depths. I know this from your consciousness in the fire. There is a temple of great importance to your Egyptian gods, and the guardian of this temple is Seleket, the scorpion goddess of the Egyptian gods, and this goddess has the power to know where all the Egyptian gods may hide in the world."

After hearing Xu Changqing's words, Beth and Toth couldn't help breathing, and their expressions became serious. They glanced at each other, and they both chose to remain silent.

Xu Changqing smiled, but his face became serious, and he continued: "I am [-]% sure that your Egyptian gods took my things, and I can guess who took them away, and All I have to do is to find them and get back my things, but the method used will be different. It is to use the method of massacre to wipe out all your Egyptian gods, and then take me away Or just use the method of single-handedly punishing the culprit to deal with that daring old guy. As for which method to use, it depends on you?"

Beth was stunned, and suddenly felt that Xu Changqing was different from Xu Changqing during the day, or that Xu Changqing still retained a trace of humanity as he was on the boat before. Although Xu Changqing's words sounded very arrogant, but she Can't help but believe that Xu Changqing can indeed do it.

However, Toth, who had directly tasted Xu Changqing's method before, thought it was just a lie.There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he said: "You want to use one person's power to deal with the entire family of the Egyptian gods? If you think that the other family of the Egyptian gods are as easy to deal with as I and Beth, you will never get out of Egypt! Although we There are very few survivors of the Egyptian gods. In the Forgotten Land, all the survivors of the Egyptian gods can exert [-]% of their power as in the realm of the gods. Do you think you can resist the attacks of more than a dozen high-ranking gods in the East? Siege?"

"More than a dozen? Is this the number of strong people among your Egyptian gods? Interesting." Xu Changqing didn't show any more emotion.He looked at Tot with a calm expression, then turned his head to look east, and said in a confident tone: "I am very strong now, beyond your imagination, and beyond my imagination. Since traveling west, my In just one or two months, my strength has not doubled, but my morality has not changed at all. This situation is very bad for me. I feel that the control over my own strength is gradually weakening. If I I really exert my strength without reservation. Even I don't know what will happen in the end, and it may cause results I don't want to see. I now hope to solve this problem in a relatively simple and peaceful way This requires your cooperation. What do you two think?"

Beth and Toth looked at each other and exchanged their thoughts in their unique way. Finally, after Beth nodded slightly, Toth said slowly, "What do you want us to do?"

"It's very simple, tell me everything you know!" Xu Changqing said calmly without looking back, "For example, the current situation of your Egyptian gods, such as what this huge temple under my feet is for, if you can tell me directly Even better is the forgotten land where you Egyptian gods hid."

Toth said without thinking, "We don't know the location of the Forgotten Land either!" He hesitated for a while.Continued: "The so-called forgotten land does not refer to a piece of land, but refers to the body of Seth, the Egyptian god of earth and strength. Back then, Hols led the Egyptian gods to defeat Seth, but he could not To kill him, Nephthys came up with an idea to divide his body and seal it on the land of the world, using the power of the gods on earth to limit him and assimilate him. Over time, these limbs, like their It is expected to gradually assimilate with the land of the world. And Seth's power is also integrated into the surrounding land, thus forming the Forgotten Land. In the Forgotten Land, the Egyptian gods are like living in the realm of the gods. Not only does it have the power to absorb the beliefs of the world through the establishment of a god system, but it can also continue to maintain the power of a god."

Xu Changqing turned to look at Tot, and asked, "Since the Forgotten Land is so good, why don't you stay in the Forgotten Land, instead choose to leave there?"

The two people who were asked seemed to be lost in memory.Soon Beth said in a deep voice: "Because the Forgotten Land is shrinking. The remnants of the Egyptian gods are fighting each other and heaven and hell are suppressing each other. These things make the Egyptian gods continue to abuse the power of the Forgotten Land. Being The Forgotten Land gradually lost its magical effect. In the end, our weak god system had no choice but to leave."

Xu Changqing continued to ask: "Then what's going on with this Scorpion Temple?"

A lot of things that should not have been said have been said.Toth also gradually let go.Immediately said: "What's the matter with the Scorpion Temple? I don't know too well. I just know that this is something that Anubis secretly planned after I was forced out of the realm of the gods. Before I left the forgotten land .I heard Hals say it once. It may have something to do with Seth."

Beth seemed to think of something at this moment.Slowly said: "The people who sealed Seite's body in different places in the world should have all died under the curse of Seite. But now only Selkite is still alive. And the person who drove Selkite out of the God's Domain was A Nubis. Anubis is also the only person in God's Domain who can lift the curse of Seth. Back then, Anubis's strength suddenly dropped a lot. He was excluded from the post-nine gods. I'm afraid it has something to do with this .Anubis used to always say that if Seth was our leader back then, God’s Domain would not be lost. After that, the Forgotten Lands also decreased rapidly. Could it be that he is using Celekite to collect Seth’s body. Prepare for the resurrection special."

Toth also seemed to notice something.He looked down at the desert beneath his feet.Said: "Could it be...?"

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