Nine idlers

Chapter 317

Although the Egyptian sun god in front of him said that he had no hostility, and the demon pointer in his god's eyes did not feel any abnormal power fluctuations, he still did not relax his vigilance. Hold it tightly in your hand.Perhaps feeling the strong sense of repulsion from Xu Changqing, Atum stepped back a few meters to show his kindness, spread his hands, and said, "Oriental, I am not your enemy. It is Anu who snatched your things. Biss and Seth did it, and I was imprisoned in Seth's fire, unable to do anything. In a sense, you are my benefactor, because if you hadn't disturbed their fire, I would have I won't get out of trouble and get a new life. Logically, I should reward you, but now..." He said with a wry smile, and said, "I can only owe you one favor."

Xu Changqing seemed to sense something was wrong, and felt that Atum was so enthusiastic about getting closer to him with other intentions, so he immediately refused: "There is no need, the purpose of my trip has been achieved, and I have gained a lot, you don't owe me anything What."

"Oriental, you seem to be eager to leave your relationship with me." Atum said Xu Changqing's thoughts directly, but there was no angry expression on his face. Instead, he smiled deeply, turned around and pointed Xu Changqing into the temple He said in the direction of the city, "It's just that you still need some strength to want other people to believe this."

Hearing Atum's words, Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment, without turning his head, his divine sense passed through the road map and radiated outwards, so he could clearly see the situation outside the road map.I saw that Sean, Beth and others had already retreated to a safe area around the sandpit. Sean was lying on the ground as if he had expended a lot of strength. Looking around, Toth, who was in Beth's arms, was still in a coma, and it seemed difficult to wake up again.But what really attracted Xu Changqing's attention were the two people standing behind them. One was Azrael, the Islamic angel of death who knew his image from Baphomet, and the other was a blond-haired, blue-eyed Westerner in a suit and leather shoes.For these two people, Sean and the others seemed to have not seen them.And his divine sense also felt a strange force surrounding the two of them.

When Xu Changqing's divine sense came into contact with the power surrounding these two people, the blond foreigner immediately sensed it and looked towards the Daotu, and then Azrael also noticed the same thing.

The blond foreigner suddenly showed a contemptuous smile, and said to Xu Changqing's divine thoughts directly with a secret method: "Atum, the god of the setting sun, your power has become a bit strange, but the Ra and Ah I have Suddenly, I feel that you have awakened. Come out! It is impossible for you to avoid me like you did back then."

Xu Changqing withdrew his divine thoughts, frowned, looked at Atum, and said calmly: "They are here to look for you? Who is that blond foreigner?"

"You only ask that blond foreigner. It seems that you already know the identity of another angel." The careful Atum quickly heard some information from Xu Changqing's words, smiled, and said half-hiddenly: " It doesn't matter who they are looking for. Now that they have appeared, it means that they will never let anyone here, including those friends outside of you, until they have achieved their goal. As for the blond foreigner. I should have heard that his name is Amon, and he is also a person of a foreign race who inherits my god name."

"Amon?" Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment. He remembered that the three goddesses of Aden once said that Amon was from Atlantis, and he also remembered that Anubis disguised as Thoth said that Amon was dead. Although he couldn't believe all of these words, he couldn't help being a little surprised by the sudden appearance of this dead Egyptian god.

"Anubis just sent a fat beetle and a god puppet to preside over such a big event as the resurrection of the sun god. But he hid his body in the body of another Egyptian god and hid far away. Don't you think it's strange?" Atum raised his hand and the yellow sand on the ground rolled up, forming a light yellow cloth strip to wrap his body, and then continued: "Anubis was self-righteous back then. He cooperated with those who opposed him, especially Amon and Hors. Who would have thought that Amon and Gabriel were members of the same clan, but they took this opportunity to absorb my people, and Hors fled to the north , Anubis hid. Arrogantly thinking that as long as Seth is resurrected, the Egyptian gods will be able to repeat their glory, but they don’t know that the Egyptian gods have already fallen when they were lost. Amon has always known that Anubis He also guessed that Anubis, who had nowhere to go, would definitely revive Mister, so he hid nearby, waiting for Anubis to come to his door, so as to obtain the complete Sun God Fire."

Then, Atum paused and looked at Xu Changqing.It seemed to be waiting for him to ask.But obviously Xu Changqing had no interest in this at all, and focused on the outside.Thinking about how to face this situation.What surprised Atum was that Xu Changqing's eyes burst out with blood-red mist from time to time. This mist made him lose his sense of normalcy involuntarily, and gave birth to a strong killing impulse.

Through the feeling of divine sense just now, and the collision of forces that he felt after going out to sea in Aden, Xu Changqing felt that the two people outside were definitely not good enemies. So he began to slowly gather the heaven and earth through the Zhu Yan avatar in his body to conscript the killing spirit.

"Oriental man, what are you doing?" Atum felt unprecedented tremors at the gradually strengthening power in Xu Changqing, and immediately asked anxiously.

"It's all about making some preparations to reduce trouble." Xu Changqing has gradually established a channel for the killing spirit from the world, and he has enough power to support the ancient art of transformation.So he smiled coldly at Atum, and followed the pinch method with his hands, and took back the road map, and the golden wheel of five energies appeared in the back of his head, making his state reach a perfect state.

Outside the map of the avenue, everyone could only see the dense fog covering the entire city of temples suddenly disappearing in the huge sandpit, and the huge ancient city that still existed just now disappeared together with the thick fog, leaving only two people in the middle of the sandpit figure.Seeing Xu Changqing's figure appearing in the bunker, Anna and the others were about to get up, but suddenly they realized that their bodies couldn't move, and Beth also felt something was wrong, her body turned into a black mist, and quickly fled away. The relatively safe place reunited and formed again. Looking back, with an expression of extreme surprise on his face, he said, "Amon? You are still alive."

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