Nine idlers

Chapter 319

"Amon, I won't give you the divine fire even if I die." Feeling that his divine fire was almost controlled by Amon, Atum felt a death thought in his heart, and immediately let go of the lightning sword that was clamped, and let it Hack yourself.

"No!" Seeing that Azrael's sword split Atum's head, and was about to hit Atum's heart, Amon didn't retain his strength anymore, and displayed the power he had obtained from the sun god's divine fire for so many years. Find the power.A ray of light burst out from his body in an instant, covering a radius of ten miles.Under the shroud of light, the time of the entire space stopped, the flying gravel, Azrael's sword, the golden blood sprayed by Atum, and even the wind flowing in the air all stopped in this space, The only one who can move is Amon.

Although Amon was able to move in this time-enclosed world created by himself, the strength he needed seemed to be enormous, his face flushed, his veins protruded, and his movements were as slow as a drooping old man.Just after he moved Atum's body back a little, so that Azrael's lightning sword could not directly slash on Atum's heart, the power of the entire time seal had reached its limit, and instantly Spread out, and all the unfinished things continue to happen, only with a different ending.

Seeing that his sword was about to slash the target, Azrael also showed a successful smile on his face, but after a flash of light, Atum's body miraculously moved towards him without any warning. Then he moved half a foot, making his attack miss.Although it failed to shatter Atum's divine fire, the power attached to the lightning sword still caused considerable damage to the opponent.Atum's body was scattered under the impact of lightning and black light, only the heart was preserved under the protection of Amon's power.However, in order to protect Atum's divine fire from damage, Amon, who had just fully used the time seal and had not fully recovered, had to directly face the impact of Azrael's power.Scattered lightning and black light hit Amon's body like a sword. Even his body that has been hammered for hundreds of years could not completely block it. Some black light rushed into Amon's body, making him unbearable. Minor internal injuries.

After swallowing a mouthful of blood that was about to be spit out, Amon's face became extremely pale, but there was a smug smile on his face, as if the injury in his body was nothing more than a minor injury to him .Before Azrael launched the second round of attack, he took the Atum Divine Fire that he had already obtained into his body.Since there was Atum's Divine Sense in it, he didn't have time to refine it, so he could only separate the Atum Divine Fire that had been integrated into him to suppress it.Although he can only exert half of his strength now, and he is also injured.But he gave people the impression that he had already grasped the overall situation, and he didn't take Azrael's threat to heart at all.

Although Amon's expression looked very relaxed, Azrael, who knew his strength quite well, was not fooled by it.He is very aware of Amon's current physical condition, and feels that this is a good opportunity for Amon to surrender completely. If Amon can join Islam, then the power of Islam will be raised to a higher level.Thinking of this, he raised the long sword in his hand again, and said to Amon: "Amon Ra, I didn't want to be your enemy. It's just that you are greedy, so you will give me this chance. If you... "

"You talk too much nonsense." Before Azrael could finish speaking, Amon, who had gathered enough strength, rushed towards the golden scroll covered with sand not far away.Obviously, he is very clear that his current strength cannot compete with Azrael, unless he releases the suppression of Atum, but that's the case.He might be backlashed by Atum.So he gave up the idea of ​​confronting Azrael head-on, and decided to try to use a sneak attack method to grab the golden scroll, then escape from here and hide, and come out after he has completely fused the three Egyptian sun god fires.

It's a pity that Azrael is not the kind of small character who can be fooled casually. When Amon's figure was activated, Azrael had already noticed it.He immediately used lightning speed.He rushed to the front of the golden scroll one step ahead, and grabbed the golden scroll on the ground.At the same time, the long sword in his hand took advantage of the situation and slashed towards Amon who was rushing over.

Seeing that the golden scroll did not succeed.Amon didn't stop, clasped his hands together, and a ball of light burst out instantly. While blocking the lightning sword, it also disturbed Azrael's sight, and prepared to go far away with the power of Azrael's sword. escape everywhere.Azrael, who was fascinated by the light, didn't expect Amon to use such a trick, and he didn't expect Amon to have no fighting spirit at all. He couldn't help cursing in his heart, and used his sword to force the surrounding light away. Ready to continue hunting down.

However, no one expected that when Amon had already flown two or three miles away, a sudden change occurred, and a huge blood-red figure suddenly appeared from the desert at Amon's feet, blocking in front of him. The thick arms like marble pillars moved, clamping him between a pair of giant scarlet palms, clapping them together.

"Boom!" After a loud noise, a force erupted from the middle of the palm, and the desert within a radius of ten miles was depressed by more than ten meters, forming a huge bunker.Although Azrael, who was flying in the air, didn't bear the force directly, he was still hit by a wrong hand, his whole body fell from the air, and was firmly pressed to the ground.

Amon, who was at the brunt of it, was even more uncomfortable. Although he used the spell in time to turn himself into a mass of formless light, the oscillation of power still made him more injured, and it came from the scarlet palm. A strange force rushed into his body and merged into his divine fire.The killing intent in the strange force impacted his sanity, causing him to gradually fall into a blur, and at the same time weakened his control over Shenhuo, and Atum Shenhuo, who was suppressed by him, took the opportunity to counterattack and wanted to control Amon.Who ever thought that this power seemed to be contagious. When Atum came into contact with Amon's divine fire, he was also harassed by this killing air, making his consciousness blurred.However, when the minds of the two were all blurred, the three groups of divine fires from the same source showed signs of fusion, and Amon's body did not return to its original state, still maintaining a dazzling light.

Seeing that the huge figure succeeded in one blow, Amon seemed to lose his sanity, so he immediately opened his mouth and swallowed the ray of light in his hand.At the same time as the light ball entered his stomach, he mobilized endless heaven and earth killing and conquest aura to wrap it around, and used the characteristics of heaven and earth killing and conquest aura to continuously refine his mind.At this time, Azrael also got up from the ground, looked up at the huge figure floating in the air, with a surprised expression on his face, and actually uttered a Chinese word with a strange accent, Zhu Yan.

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