Nine idlers

Chapter 321 Going to the Harbor

After the inspection, Xu Changqing found that Anna's abilities were common and special, somewhat close to those of Shen Qingwen and Catherine, but this ability has been fixed and it is difficult to change it through practice.Although Xu Changqing can rebuild his body with Xu Changqing's ability, it takes a lot of time and energy, which is exactly what Xu Changqing lacks now, so he can only express his helplessness.However, he was very interested in the ability of some members of the Barnes family to fuse other forces and turn them into their own power.After examining Keli, he found that there was a force in the back of his head, which was locked by a closed meridian. He thought that after forming the golden pill, he might find time to study it carefully.

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, both Anna and Keri couldn't help showing disappointment, and Sean felt sorry for his fiancée's family.As a member of the British aristocracy, he is well aware of how deep the heritage of the not-so-famous Barnes family is. Now that this heritage is about to be cut off, it makes people feel a little unwilling, so he looked at Xu Changqing again, and opened his mouth , seems to want to ask for another fiancée.

Xu Changqing understood Xiao En's thoughts very well, and raised his hand to signal him not to speak too much, and then said to Anna: "Actually, the rise and fall of the law is the law of heaven, and there is no reason for anything or anything to be handed down forever. If you think about it, you won’t find it so hard to accept!” Seeing that Anna and the others were puzzled, he pointed to Sean and said, “In the past few years, Sean has worked so hard to find the spiritual objects of heaven and earth for me. After making great achievements, I will naturally reward him with something, and since he left Peach Blossom Mountain that year, he has been practicing on his own. There are still many methods of alchemy that he has learned that he has never fully comprehended. I also want to teach him well these days Some spells that suit him. The two of you will get married in the future, and your child will be born. I allow Sean to use the Renyuan Dan method and the spells that match it as a family tradition. Pass it down. Although the Barnes family is declining, But the Werner family came out of its ashes again. This also just confirms the way of life and death."

Some Taoist and Buddhist languages ​​were mixed in Xu Changqing's words, which made Anna and Keli startled for a while, but they all understood that Xu Changqing wanted to support Xiao En vigorously.Anna seemed mixed about this, while Keli's face immediately darkened.With a cold snort, he turned and walked out of the small cabin.On the other hand, Xiao En was very happy. After he practiced successfully, he naturally felt the benefits of the alchemy to him. It was far more important for him to get Xu Changqing's permission to pass on the Renyuan alchemy to his future children than to help his fiancée's family. It was important, if he hadn't cared about his fiancée's face, perhaps he would have bowed down and thanked her long ago.

After ordering Sean and Anna to back down.Xu Changqing turned his head to look at Beth, who had been silent all the time, and said, "If you have anything you want to ask, just ask?"

Beth hesitated for a moment and asked, "Mr. Xu, what happened in the City of Resurrection? Why did the dead Atum appear with you again?..."

After hearing a series of questions, Xu Changqing didn't intend to answer individually, but simply told the whole story.When hearing that several Egyptian gods disappeared one after another, Beth showed unconcealable sadness on her face.But when she went to Amon and Atum's divine fire was obtained by Xu Changqing.There was a hint of strangeness in his eyes again.Although he quickly covered up the past, when Xu Changqing took out the three groups of Egyptian god fire.The kind of greed from the heart could no longer be suppressed, and it all surfaced on her face.

"It seems that your Egyptian gods have a way to devour the divine fire of the same family and increase their own strength." Xu Changqing smiled, and then collected the divine fire into the sea of ​​consciousness, continued to refine with three flavors of real fire, and said: "It's a pity that this divine fire I I can't give it to you, it still has some uses for me."

"Even if Mr. Xu gave it to me, I'm afraid I won't be able to use it. The power of the Sun God Fire is too great. If it was my heyday, I might still have a chance. As for now..." Beth put away the smile on her face Greedy, laughed at himself, and said, "I hope Mr. Xu will not forget the promise he made before, and bring us with him when he goes to South America to find the golden statue of the Feathered Serpent God."

"Promise? I have never made any promises, and I promise to go to South America." Xu Changqing smiled and refuted Beth's words. When her face darkened, she said, "If I finish my own If the golden statue of Feathered Serpent is enough to attract me, I will go," he said, paused, and said, "If you want, you can take this as a promise."

"Thank you." Beth seemed to have grasped Xu Changqing's character a bit, and understood that the decision Xu Changqing had made was difficult to change, so she stopped saying more, thanked her, and walked out of the cabin.

Nothing else happened on the way to Alexandria.There are only a few thieves who are not open-eyed trying to find some benefits from this ship.But Beth dismissed them all.After more than two days of slow sailing.The cargo ship followed the Nile River to the world-famous Alexandria.

Although Alexandria has been a world-renowned port since ancient times.But as the war continued to come to the city.The ancient rhyme of the city has disappeared.There are some newly built simple houses in the whole city.Like other port cities, the streets here are full of sewage.There are ship owners and merchants, dock coolies, thieves and prostitutes who are busy making a living.Almost every adult has a machete pinned to his waist.

The area near the mouth of the Nile River is not peaceful.There are often some sand bandits wandering around the desert and the ancient Egyptian tribes who resisted the British rule.The British will be stationed in part of the Suez Canal.Stationed outside Alexandria.It's just that this person played a very small role.Not familiar with the terrain.Plus no horses.So that most of the time can only be passively guarded in the barracks.Therefore, many caravans in Alexandria formed their own escorts.

Arrived in Alexandria.Xu Changqing quickly found Andy and others waiting in the hotel.The Jeanne d'Arc didn't stop at Alexandria for long.left quickly.For this reason, Andy resigned from the position on the ship.Stayed in Alexandria with Shen Qingwen and others.

Xu Changqing, the two named foreign disciples, did not show any particular enthusiasm when they met.Just nodded politely.Then they turned their attention to their favorite objects.Xu Changqing didn't say anything about it.Foreigners are not as fond of befriending and friendship as Orientals.In addition, one of them practiced Buddhism and the other practiced Taoism.There is even less practice experience to learn from.Naturally, there are fewer words.

Compared with the unfamiliarity between men.A few women seemed enthusiastic.Especially Catherine and Shen Qingwen pulled Beth to ask about what happened in the past two days.Perhaps there are scruples.Beth didn't say much.So the two turned their attention to the newly acquainted Anna.In the end, some vague things happened from her mouth.Although they are mentally prepared.But when you hear about Egyptian gods and Islamic angels.Still very shocked.

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