Nine idlers

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Ancient and Modern Avenue

There is no time in the mountains, and there is no age in the heart of the Tao!Since the closure of the mountain, Xu Changqing has lived a very monotonous life every day. Most of the time he has been practicing Shangqing Jiuzhuan Jindan **. When he was tired from sitting cross-legged, he stood up and punched a set. He also went to Banshan Cliff every day to practice Shijia Shen Da and Dragon Elephant Golden Body Acupoints, and half a year passed without knowing it.

After half a year of hard work day and night, Xu Changqing's skill finally returned to its peak.In addition, what made him most happy was that before the statue of Emperor Guan was damaged, his Shi Family God Fighter had already completed the cultivation of the first grade. With the assistance of the dragon and elephant golden body, the strength of his golden body was actually Going forward, it has reached the state of the second product, which is invincible and invulnerable.But that is only the strength of the body itself, and the use of the true power of the gods is still at the first level, which is far from reaching the point where the gods are me and everything is changed.It is also impossible to block any spell attack by relying on the true power of the gods, or like the people of Shijiamen, who can invite the gods with every move, and have the power to move mountains. At most, they can only resist some spells and magic tools when they are prepared Such an attack, the strength is only to move some big rocks surrounded by four or five people.

Xu Changqing always let nature take its course when it comes to the practice of Shangqing Jiuzhuan Golden Elixir, Shijia Shenda, and Dragon Elephant Golden Body. But for him, it is enough to be able to practice to such an intensity in a short period of time.What really attracted Xu Changqing's attention were two other things that had nothing to do with his own cultivation. One was the seal of the Great Judge of Thunder that Xu Changqing got from the owner of the first generation of Yizhuang, which was placed in the "cave" of the young phoenix, and the second was the Daotu Fengshan The group of purple light that rushed into his body that day.

The seal of the Great Judge of Thunder is one of the supreme spiritual treasures of Thunder Law. It is said that it can induce thunder and destroy all demons. However, because it has been missing for many years, it has not been cultivated by Thunder Law, so its magical effect has disappeared.After Xu Changqing sealed off the mountain, apart from recovering his skills, the most important thing was to refine this Thunder Judge Seal again.He took out all the high-quality cinnabar and the two boxes of five thunder talismans, and then used his recovered skills to draw fifty pieces of Shangqing Shenxiao five thunder talismans every day, and used the talisman paper to arrange the spirit gathering formation, and put the seal of the great judge of thunder on the formation. In the middle, it is cultivated with the power of the five thunders in the talisman paper.After accumulating in this way for two months, after all the high-quality cinnabar and the five thunder charms were used up, the Thunder Judge Seal started to look a little bit better, and the thunder power contained in it made it glow blue and white from time to time at night. 'Color' of light.

Afterwards, when Xu Changqing practiced the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir of Shangqing every day, he would hang the seal of the Great Judge Thunder on the top of his head, use his own alternative three-flavored real fire to refine it repeatedly, and little by little combine the divine consciousness with the Great Judge Thunder Prints are connected together.It's just that what he didn't expect was that after more than a month of refining in this way, his spiritual consciousness had already been combined with the seal of the Thunder Judge, and his mind and animals acted like an arm and a wrist, but the seal of the Thunder Judge did not have that This kind of magical effect in the legend, even the previously absorbed lightning power cannot be exerted, at most it is just a thing used to smash people.

Later, one day, as usual, he practiced the Shi Family God Fighting at Chenshi. Unexpectedly, when his consciousness entered the statue, the seal of the Great Judge of Thunder that was in the universe in his sleeve suddenly appeared by itself, and rushed to the statue with his consciousness. on top of the statue.When the god statue transforms the power of the heaven and earth into the true power of the gods, the thunderbolt seal also absorbs the true power of the gods little by little from the consciousness, and the original copper seal gradually becomes a white jade seal.When Xu Changqing stopped practicing the Shi Family God Fighting, the seal of Thunder Judge did not break away from his consciousness, but instead turned into a phantom, surprisingly returned to the upper dantian with his consciousness, as if this seal had already been removed The reality turned into the void, and became something similar to the spirit of heaven and earth.As the Great Judge Seal of Thunder enters the upper dantian, it immediately breaks away from the divine consciousness, and under the refinement of the three-flavored real fire, it merges with the divine eye on Xu Changqing's forehead, and can no longer be separated.

For this mutation, Xu Changqing was completely at a loss, this change has completely exceeded the scope of his knowledge.Among the spiritual treasures he knows, none of them can be integrated with the divine consciousness and the human body like this. All the sacrificial refining methods are that kind of external weapon refining method.This kind of connection with people's spiritual consciousness, except for the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, only magic tools like the Heavenly Demon Banner can combine with human spiritual consciousness and integrate with human body.But Xu Changqing is absolutely sure that the Great Thunder Judge Seal is not a magic weapon, because there is no magic weapon that can exude the kind of righteousness that makes ghosts and gods turn away.

Xu Changqing once tried to see what kind of power the god's eye integrated into the seal of the thundering judge would have. In addition to the long-sightedness of the god's eye and the observation of the direction of the energy channels, there is also an additional ability that can release thunder and lightning. The power is probably only Xiaolei The power of the talisman is like the power in the thunderbolt seal has also been integrated into the eyes of the gods.Although he doesn't understand what's going on, Xu Changqing can be sure that the ancient Taoism is absolutely very different from the current Taoism, and there is a big part missing, especially in the refining of magic weapons and spirit treasures.Now in the practice world, all the magic weapons and spirit treasures that can be called by name were all refined before the Song Dynasty, and the more powerful they are, the more powerful they are, which is not the same as the magic weapons that were imitated later.

Since he couldn't see any harm from the seal of the Great Judge Thunder being integrated into the eyes of the gods, Xu Changqing didn't study it any further.As the skills gradually recovered, the number of times to invite the gods increased, and the power of the thunder jin shot out by the gods became more and more powerful, and the number of times the thunder jin was repeatedly cast also gradually increased. Up to now, it can be easily shot Forty times is equivalent to the thunder light of the ordinary five thunder talisman.

Compared with the seal of Judge Lei Ting, the Dao word Ziguang on the road map is even more weird and abnormal.After the words of Tao were integrated into the mind, nothing happened for the first few days, but when someone at the foot of Taohua Mountain worshiped the mountain god of Taohua Mountain, an extremely mixed wish came up from the bottom of the mountain, and rushed into the words of Tao unstoppably. Ziguang, and Ziguang, the word of Tao, integrated the power of will into it without any transformation.Later, Chen Xiong built a Taohuashan mountain temple at the foot of the mountain. Coupled with the magical phenomenon of Taohuashan itself, more and more people came to worship the mountain god and pray for blessings, and the power of the Taoist Ziguang became stronger and stronger. On the contrary, the Tao word Ziguang is getting smaller and smaller.

In addition, when he practiced the Shi Family God Fighting, some of the true power of the gods would be absorbed by him and merged into the purple light of the Tao word, and a very mysterious connection was established with his mind.

Ever since Xu Changqing's mind was connected with the Tao word Ziguang, he always had an indescribable feeling, as if there were some questions in his mind that he knew the answer but couldn't sort them out.Although he didn't understand what was going on, he didn't want to think too much about it. After all, restoring his skills was the top priority.So he let the flow take its course and practiced for half a year. When the statue of Emperor Guan could no longer withstand the transformation of the wish power and broke apart, a wave of true power of the gods that was only half transformed and mixed with the wish power entered with his consciousness. into his body, and poured into the Tao word purple light.And the word Ziguang is divided into two, half of which rushed out of Xu Changqing's body and fell into the road map on the surface of Peach Blossom Mountain.The other half poured into the mind and disappeared.

Although the purple light of the Tao word disappeared, the seal established by the Dao map did not disappear. On the contrary, under Xu Changqing's intention, some wonderful changes occurred. The fog no longer absorbed the sunlight, but reflected the light Going back, in this way, the entire Taohua Mountain will look golden, which is really shocking.As the believers spread, people from Guangdong, Guangxi, Liangjiang and other places came to offer incense one after another, making Chenjiachong more prosperous than before.During this time, the Xuangang Heavenly Demon also sent people to check it out, but they couldn't go up the mountain no matter what, and finally they were driven away by the masters of Lou Guan Dao led by Chen Xiong.

Compared with being able to control the Dao map freely, Xu Changqing prefers what he got from Ziguang Daozi, and many problems that were only close to the door were solved.The brain that has been troubled by various cultivation problems for the past six months has been enlightened instantly. Xu Changqing, who has understood most of the things, can't help but talk to the sky.

From the content contained in the word Ziguang, Xu Changqing learned that all magic tools and spirit treasures, including the map of the Dao, should have a true Dao spirit. Can be integrated into the consciousness and body.However, with the passage of time, most of the Dao methods have been lost, and the formulas on how to cultivate the true spirit of the Dao have also been lost. method to refine Lingbao.Compared with the two sects of immortals and Buddhas, on the contrary, the magic way and some ghost ways still maintain some ancient methods. They can condense devil souls and ghosts in the refined magic weapons and ghost weapons, so that they can be absorbed into the body freely. 'operate.

Due to the special situation, this road map originally had the true spirit of the great way, but the owner of the first generation of Yizhuang inadvertently absorbed most of the true spirit of the great way, and realized the great way of ascension from the ancient methods recorded in it.It is precisely because Dao Tu lost most of the Dao True Spirits that Da Dao Tu suffered fatal damage, and most of his previous abilities disappeared.Although the owner of the first generation of Yizhuang used the remaining true spirit of the Dao to restore it, the lost ability could never be recovered. reason.

Since all the cultivation methods of the ancient Dao method in the Dao map were obtained by the first generation owner of Yizhuang, what Xu Changqing got now is only some theoretical knowledge about the cultivation of the ancient Dao method.Even if it is just some theoretical knowledge about the effect and the process of cultivation, it will be of great help to Xu Changqing. Although it cannot be said that he has realized the Tao all at once, it can be regarded as the threshold of entering the Dao.

Xu Changqing discovered that the practice of ancient Taoism emphasizes the dual cultivation of "nature" and fate. Although today's Taoism also advocates the dual cultivation of "nature" and "fate", the actual practice gradually focuses on "sex" and mainly cultivates the primordial spirit, while Buddhism only Focus on life and cultivate the golden body.This did not change overnight, but after a long period of decline of the aura of heaven and earth, in order to adapt to the changes in the aura of heaven and earth, a series of changes in the cultivation methods carried out by Taoism and Buddhism in China.The rare spiritual energy of heaven and earth in later generations is absolutely unable to support the real double cultivation of "sex" and life, so that the practitioners of the ancient Taoism are far better than the current practitioners, and those who need the dual cultivation of "sex" and life to cultivate Techniques were gradually removed from the Taoist scriptures as the cultivation methods changed, and finally disappeared completely.

After thoroughly realizing the Dao, Xu Changqing felt how lucky he was in his way of cultivation.Xu Changqing's three-flavored real fire can refine magic weapons. While accumulating real fire in the body every day, it also refines the true spirit of the great way in the map of the great way, so that the true spirit of the great way can recover the rest of the magic weapon. One ability is to absorb willpower.While absorbing the willpower of the people at the foot of the mountain, the Great Daotu also absorbed the true power of the Shi family gods. Gradually, under the action of the two forces, the Daoist True Spirit made up for the cracks that the first generation of Yizhuang masters failed to repair, and finally became one. Divide it into two, and integrate the Dao map into Xu Changqing's mind.

The seal of the Great Judge of Thunder is also refined by the three flavors of real fire, and it has fallen into an ethereal state, allowing Xu Changqing's spiritual consciousness to attach to the seal.When the Divine Consciousness is completely integrated with the Seal of the Great Judge Thunder, the Seal of the Great Judge Thunder will be suspended above the statue with the divine consciousness, absorbing the true power of the gods transmitted from the divine consciousness, blending into the seal to form the Dao True Spirit, and finally Merge with God.

Right now, Xu Changqing can be said to have two magic weapons that are equivalent to ancient spirit treasures. Although the abilities of these two magic weapons are a bit misnamed, as Xu Changqing's strength gradually improves, the power of the magic weapons will also increase.Especially Daotu, although most of the previous abilities have disappeared, and in the end only the two abilities of establishing a seal and absorbing will remain, but these two abilities alone are enough to shock the practice world.

Because Xu Changqing saw the cultivation process of some ancient methods, and also saw that the ancients directly absorbed the power of vows to refine the body, he deeply felt that the exercises he was practicing now were too chaotic and wordy.So he decided to enter the realm of Dao Xin, and merged the Shangqing Jiuzhuan Golden Elixir, Shijia Shenda, and Dragon Elephant Golden Body to create a set of exercises of his own.

Xu Changqing is a person who wants to do it when he thinks about it. On the seventh day after Daotu was integrated into his mind, Xu Changqing started the longest meditation in his life, and also started a turning point in his life.After he entered meditation, Daotu still maintained the entire Peach Blossom Mountain seal. The only difference was that the golden light effect that Xu Changqing could make gradually disappeared, returning to the usual state of billowing white mist.Even so, there is still an endless stream of people who come to worship the mountain god of Taohua Mountain, and the incense at the foot of Taohua Mountain is still strong, and a wave of wish power from the temple is injected into Xu Changqing's mind, and then spread to the ground The Dao map contains the true spirit of the Dao.

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