Nine idlers

Chapter 356 Under the Graveyard

Nine Idlers Chapter 350 Under the Tomb

Xian Shanfu? "Listen to Bafomi's words. Xu Changqing couldn't help being stunned: "Where are you talking about Abbot Lai and other overseas immortals?" "

Bafomi was noncommittal to Xu Changqing's question.Not only did not answer.Even the expression on his face didn't make any sense.Knowing that Xu Changqing's face showed a little displeasure.He seemed to be self-serving and said: "Those recipes have existed since ancient times. But then they were hidden by the Gods of the World for some reason. In recent years, these recipes have suddenly appeared one after another. The disappearing artifacts and spirits and... Anyway, many good things that still have strong divine power appear there."

Although Baphomet's words were veiled.But Xu Changqing has heard a rough idea.I am also recalling those fairy mountain blessings that have been passed down in various legends and have now disappeared.There are many blessings in fairy mountains like Huaxia.The most famous ones are of course Penglai Abbot Fusang's three overseas fairy islands and the West Kunlun of the Immortals on Earth.Secondly, there are overseas fairy islands such as Canglang Yuanzhou in the North Sea and Liuzhou in the West Sea that have disappeared.

"Somewhat strange?" Xu Qing didn't realize it without recalling it.After recalling, I realized that except for West Kunlun.The other Xianshan Fu's that only exist in words and have now disappeared are all from overseas.The rest of the Zhongtudongtianfu are preserved.But the aura is far from what it used to be.subsequently.He asked again: "Is your place also those overseas fairy mountains recorded in my Chinese practice world?"

Xu Changqing's inquisitive behavior made Baphomet very embarrassed.Due to the oath restrictions, he really didn't know how to answer, but he had to answer Xu Changqing's question.Eventually he pulled a red stone from his pocket.Pass it to Xu Changqing.No words came out of his mouth.There was no expression on his face either.

After Xu Changqing took the stone, he immediately felt the extremely thick fire aura from the stone.The thickness is comparable to the Fire Dragon Heart Stone that I got in Shanghai back then.In surprise.He also compared those overseas blessings in his mind.In the end, there were only two Fangs from Fusang in the East China Sea and Yanzhou in the South China Sea that matched it.There are only two places that have such a strong fire spirit, and in terms of their location.Nanhai Yanzhou is more suitable.

The spirit of fire in this stone is thick but not strong.It happened to be used for alchemy, so Xu Changqing unceremoniously put the stone in his bag and looked at Baphomet who was a little bit reluctant.Said: "If I need this thing, I won't return it to you. But I don't take your stuff for nothing. I will show you the way. Don't stay in Europe. Go to America!"

over.He doesn't stop either.Casts a teleportation spell.It disappeared in front of Baphomet's eyes in an instant.When it reappeared, it was already miles away.

Seeing that Xu Changqing had left Fu Mie heaved a long sigh of relief.Sitting on the roof with no image.While relaxing the tight body and spirit.I was also thinking about what Xu Changqing said just now.This sentence is as unrefined as what he said before.But it can be heard from Xu Changqing's tone.There seems to be no danger in Europe to go to America to be safe.

Baphomet was a little skeptical about this, and he was already considered a core member of the lower parliament. He knew more things than the higher-ranking Leopard Duke. In his opinion, the situation in Europe as a whole was very good.Half a month ago, the Lower Council reached an agreement with the Western Church and formed an are few enemies in Europe who can stand against them.Even now there is no danger of them making such a big move in Paris.It won't be long before they can have their own complete God Domain.There is no need to worry about the assimilation of life and death.all of these.All because of the key brought back from Southeast Asia.With this key, these foreign protoss can completely control the most mysterious God Prison.Then connect the current Hell Heaven with God Prison.In this way, you can get rid of the shackles of the gods on earth.

Think here.Pafferm felt a surge of excitement in his heart.As for Xu Changqing's point, he quickly forgot about it.It is absolutely impossible for him to give up such a good opportunity to go to America.While scoffing at Xu Changqing's suggestion.He also couldn't help regretting taking refuge in Xu Changqing.Today's Lower Council and the plans of the Western Church are far more realistic than Xu Changqing's yet-to-be-formed God's Domain.but.He is not worried about the real name oath to Xu Changqing.With the ability he got from Southeast Asia.He will soon be able to break free from the devil's bondage to the True Name Vow.At that time, he may still be able to use this ability to occupy one of the newly formed subordinates.

Baphomet, whose heart was full of perfect fantasies, didn't even notice that an invisible and thick aura of disaster had penetrated into his essence.What he wants now is to finish the things explained above as soon as gain attention.Return to the profit center of the prison.

"I don't know the turbidity of life and death without tomorrow! It's just time to end it." Just after Baphomet disappeared from the roof.Xu Changqing, who was several miles away, also closed his eyes.At the same time, he took out Baphomet's real name oath from the sea of ​​consciousness.Its binding power is removed.Let it fall apart.Just when the real name oath dissipated in the sky.Xu Qing also felt that her body was clear.Gather the power of God's eyes and look at him.He found a faint trace of disaster emanating from his body.Disappeared soon.

After doing all this.Xu Qing didn't stay any longer.A quick pilgrimage to the Church of the Sacred Heart.along the way.He encountered no more accidents.Although I have seen some low-level demons, vampires and other evil things appear in the city.But he didn't make another shot.It just passed by them silently.In this way he soon came to the Church of the Sacred Heart.

Although the Sacred Heart Church in Paris is not as famous as Notre Dame Cathedral in the outside world.But within the Western church, its position is much higher than that of Notre Dame de Ba.Because this is an important place of practice for the ascetic monks of the Holy Church.Templars most - appeared in the time of Constantine.It was originally a semi-official organization that sorted out church scriptures to confirm the word of God.after.The Western Church is growing from strength to strength.The nature of the church church also began to change.It was gradually brought under the jurisdiction of the Holy Order.And internal personnel are also composed of members.Became an ascetic.As for the role of this pious ascetic, there is only one.It is to provide a sojourn for the arrival of the angels.This allows the angel to survive the complete destruction of the sojourn.Stay in the world.At the same time, it also avoids the loss of divine power due to the assimilation of the gods on earth.

Although the Priory of the Western Church is not at odds with the Vatican.However, they have a good relationship with the Holy Church, which is under the command of the Holy See.Many monastic elders also serve as scripture teachers of the -|- church.Moreover, each member of the monastery will also practice hard work in various places in the church before officially entering the monastery.

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