Nine idlers

Chapter 358 Preparations for Alchemy


It was five o'clock when Changqing returned to the Chen family's mansion, and in a few days the country was still awake, waiting for Xu Changqing to come back. When this book lover saw Xu Changqing, he immediately went up to meet him, but he didn't ask any questions. When he saw Xu Changqing nodded slightly, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then led Xu Changqing into the secret passage under the mansion. Into the secret room located in the basement of the Summer Palace.

At this moment, a lot of magical artifacts have been placed in the secret room, and Yan Feng and others are concentrating on consecrating these magical artifacts. Seeing Xu Changqing coming in, they just nodded slightly and ignored them.Fei Wu was sitting on the sidelines, a little idling, the magic weapon he practiced was first-class, and it was obviously impossible to consecrate the magic weapon.

In the center of the room is a quaint bronze furnace tripod. Judging by its fine workmanship and excellent material, it can be called the top grade among the worldly alchemy furnaces.Originally it was used for Xu Changqing's alchemy, but now that he already has the Golden Crow Furnace, the copper tripod is useless.

"Although those extraordinary things will not happen again, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, you'd better transfer your business to the UK as much as possible while I'm still in Paris for more than a month. Now Paris is no longer safe." Xu Changqing walked aside, opened small boxes one by one, took out the precious medicinal materials inside, checked them one by one, and reminded Chen Jingguo at the same time.

"More than a month?" Chen Jingguo frowned, and said, "I'm afraid it's too late for more than a month. After all, some procedures for foreigners are very cumbersome, especially recently, some opponents see me as weak and want to take advantage of me. If If I act hastily, I will just give them a chance, and I will lose a lot. Haven't you settled the matter? Why are you so anxious to let me leave Paris?"

"Your matter is indeed resolved, but the matter in Paris is not over. This place has become a devil's den. If you stay for a long time, it will inevitably bring disaster to the fish in the pond." After Xu Changqing checked the last dose of herbal medicine, he nodded in satisfaction.Although these medicinal materials are common medicines, their fineness and medicinal properties can be regarded as top-quality products, especially Chen Jingguo also helped him find an eighth-grade Ganoderma lucidum, which can double the efficacy of his elixir.After the inspection, he turned his head to look at Chen Jingguo with a distressed face, smiled, patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry! I'll make up for how much you lost this time, and someone will send it to you soon." Give me money and things, I'm afraid my property may even surpass your Chen family's."

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, Chen Jingguo showed surprise on his face, but he didn't ask further, he knew very well that if Xu Changqing wanted him to know, he would tell him.So, already reassured, he immediately returned to the mansion on the ground, and ordered someone to notify the nearby manager to come to the mansion to discuss the relocation of the property, and Fei Wu also temporarily became Chen Jingguo's personal bodyguard at Xu Changqing's request. .

After Chen Jingguo and Fei Wu left, Xu Changqing closed the door, then removed the copper tripod in the middle of the room, unwrapped the package behind him, took out the Golden Crow Stove, and put it where the copper tripod was placed before.Afterwards, he took a futon and placed it in the seat around the Golden Crow Stove, and then used the fire spirit method to push the true fire of Samadhi in his body, and sprayed it from his mouth, wrapping the Golden Crow Stove.

Refined by such a strong spiritual fire, the black skin on the surface of the Golden Crow Furnace was gradually refined, exposing the golden furnace body inside. At the same time, the palm-sized furnace also slowly grew, and gradually grew to a height of more than one meter before stopping. .Immediately afterwards, the Golden Crow Furnace slowly soared into the air, and the three legs at the bottom of the tripod also retracted into the furnace body.The top cover of the stove was slowly opened at this time, and the nine ancient golden crow seals on the top cover were drawn out by the spiritual fire, turning into nine balls of golden fire that slowly revolved around the stove, spouting a pillar of fire towards the stove body from time to time.As the mysterious patterns engraved on the furnace body turned fiery red, streams of purple cloud aura slowly grew in the furnace, billowing like clouds in the narrow space.

When Xu Changqing offered sacrifices to the black furnace for refining gold, the attention of Yan Feng and others was immediately attracted by the spiritual energy emanating from the furnace body, and the things in their hands were temporarily put down.As Xu Changqing refined the true colors of the Golden Crow Furnace with the real fire of samadhi, Yan Feng and the others could not help but reveal the scenery on their faces.Unlike the four Xing family brothers who felt that the spirit treasure in front of them was extraordinary, Yan Feng, who had a deep foundation, quickly recognized the origin of the pill furnace spirit treasure in front of him, but still asked anxiously with some unconfidence: " Changqing, could this be Immortal Ge Hong's Golden Crow Furnace?"

Xu Changqing just nodded slightly.And it didn't stop.Continue to perform the fire spirit method towards the Golden Crow Furnace.In order to enhance the strength of the surrounding nine groups of Golden Crow Divine Fire.At the same time, he also sank his mind into the realm of Dao Xin.Silently understand.Some wonderful map texts uploaded from the Golden Crow Furnace.Most of these things are some ancient pill recipes.However, these recipes are for reference only.After all, most of the medicinal materials it needs have disappeared.And in the picture and text.What is really important is a set of Ge Hong's fire control formula.Although the main content of this set of formulas is how to control the Nine Groups of Golden Crow Divine Fire Alchemy.But if he has fully mastered this set of formulas.Then his fire spirit Taoism will be raised to the limit of ordinary people.Similarly, the mastery of extraordinary fires such as Samadhi True Fire, Nine Netherworld Fire, and Hanba Corpse Fire can also achieve the level of transcendence and holiness.It won't be as powerless as it is now.

Seeing Xu Changqing continuously spitting out streams of Samadhi True Fire from his mouth.Yan Feng was surprised and understood that he should not disturb him now.So no more questions.At this time, the Xing family brothers were curious and confused about the Golden Crow Furnace.This is mainly because although the nine balls of Golden Crow Divine Fire surrounding the alchemy furnace caused the entire basement to burst into flames.But no one around felt any increase in the indoor temperature.As if the flames were nothing but illusions.

At this time.Xing Wei, the youngest of the Xing family brothers, couldn't help but want to go forward and touch the ball of fire.Yan Feng on the side hastily stopped him: "Don't touch it. It's dangerous!"

subsequently.Under the puzzled eyes of the Xing family brothers.Yan Feng casually took the bronze alchemy furnace that Xu Changqing had discarded aside.Hold one foot.It touched the divine fire of the Jinwu furnace.

The place where the bronze pill furnace was touched by the divine fire was instantly gasified.Immediately, a pungent smell filled the room.

"What a fierce fire! This is probably a few points stronger than the real fire of Samadhi!" Xing Bing, representing his brothers, couldn't help exclaiming.

"That's natural. In order to condense the Golden Crow Divine Fire, Immortal Ge Hong traveled all over the dangerous places and found eight extremely strong spiritual fires. Then he kneaded them with his own Samadhi fire to refine them into I bought these nine pieces of Golden Crow Divine Fire." Yan Feng looked at the Golden Crow Furnace enviously, and explained: "Although this divine fire is far inferior to the real Golden Crow Fire, it does not belong to the fire of the mortal world. Among the spirit pills recorded in the book, the only Taiqing Dao spirit pill that can instantly transform ordinary people into the golden alchemy path is made from this divine fire."

After Xing Bing heard this, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked: "Since this medicine is used, can we..."

"It's not that easy. Even with the Golden Crow Divine Fire, we can't find the medicinal materials for alchemy." Xu Changqing stopped spraying out the real fire of Samadhi at this time, and then controlled the Golden Crow Divine Fire by himself according to the formula he mastered in the Dao Heart Realm. Run, and at the same time answer Xing Bing's words.

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