Nine idlers

Chapter 36 Dao is ruthless

Chapter 36 The Avenue Is Merciless

Li Sanyuan and Yun Guan knew something they wanted to know, so they left in a hurry, Chen Xiong's brother also went outside to guard, and only Xu Changqing and Chen Xiong were left in the room.

"You really want to go north to the capital in May to go to the troubled waters, are you sure you will succeed?" The room was quiet for a while, and Chen Xiong said worriedly.

"Yes." Xu Changqing nodded, and said, "Xuangang Heavenly Demon hates me to the bone. If he is allowed to borrow the power against the sky to form a magic pill, he must be the first to look for me. By then, the Nine Dragons Aspirations has already passed. Finished, his cultivation base and luck will definitely be higher than mine. I'm afraid that I will be in danger at that time. It's better to strike first before he becomes powerful. And there is another reason that if the fortune of the Qing Dynasty can continue, Then the Chen family will be over, Yuan Shikai will be over, and even my Huaxia people may be destroyed in the hands of the Qing court. Although I am not a saint, this is the land where I was born and raised, and I must not let it be destroyed. in anyone's hands."

"Since you have already made up your mind, I will not stop you," Chen Xiong nodded slightly, and said, "At that time, I will also help you with my disciples, and by the way, I will meet those masters who are orthodox Buddhas."

"No, Mr. Xiong, you can't go!" Xu Changqing shook his head, and said with a strange look: "There will never be any masters who are upright and Quanzhen Dao, and even if there are, they are outer disciples who have not achieved Dao .”

"But you just now..." Chen Xiong's expression froze for a moment, and he immediately showed a look of surprise, and said, "You said that on purpose in front of them."

"Yes, I said that on purpose!" Xu Changqing did not deny it, nodded, and said, "The so-called Dao is ruthless, those practitioners who really approach the Dao are all selfish and ruthless people. Whether it is Taoism or Buddhism, in their eyes Cultivating the golden elixir avenue and the golden body of Buddhism are more important than anything else. If they go to Beiping to prevent the Xuangang demon from defying the sky, then they will be involved in the karma of the catastrophe. In their eyes, the people of the world and us heretics are just ants, how could they sacrifice their chances of gaining the Tao for the sake of ants? If no one helps, it will be impossible for me alone to stop the heaven-defying move of the Xuangang Heavenly Demon. That's why I use words to deceive those low-level sects, making them think that there will be authentic masters of immortals and Buddhas coming, and they can 'fish' in troubled waters, but they don't know that they are my pathfinding stones to lure the demons away."

Chen Xiong frowned, although he didn't like those lowly sects who fooled the common people, but it was hard for Xu Changqing to take advantage of them like this.Seeing that Xu Changqing seemed unwilling to continue talking, he changed the topic and told Xu Changqing some things that happened in the Chen family in the past year and a half.

Under Xu Changqing's careful arrangement, the method of crossing the catastrophe by dividing luck went very smoothly. Although some businesses of the Chen family suffered losses, most of the businesses remained profitable, especially the business of spices and medicines in Europe was extremely prosperous. , On the other hand, the United States seems to be struggling because of the anti-Chinese forces in the United States.

Xu Changqing did not expect the current anti-Chinese forces in the United States. After listening to Chen Xiong's words, he carefully calculated the luck of the Chen family in the United States, and then said: "Trees are moved to death, and people are moved to live. Since the United States is so anti-China China, we will move our business south, south to South America. Although the luck in South America is far less than that of the United States, it can match the current luck of the Chen family, so we should be able to make a difference."

Chen Xiong silently wrote down Xu Changqing's words, and then asked with concern: "There are still three months until the fifth day of May. Are you going to stay in Chen Jiachong and continue to cultivate, or..."

"No, I'm going to leave Chenjiachong and go north on foot!" Xu Changqing shook his head and said, "With my current cultivation base, even with the help of those heretics, there is only a [-]% chance of winning. My knot in my heart has raised my cultivation to the point where I can return the 'liquid' from the breath."

"Then is there anything our Chen family can do?" Chen Xiong deeply felt that Xu Changqing's personality had changed a little after closing the mountain this time, and he became more active in some things, so he wanted to help the leader and asked.

Xu Changqing thought for a while and said: "If you want to help, it is best to fully support the Revolutionary Party and the Beiyang New Army, so that their luck can suppress the luck of the Qing Dynasty, so that I can use my luck to destroy the Kowloon Aspirations** .”

"Okay! I'll write a letter to Deshang and ask him to arrange everything in Shanghai." Chen Xiong stood up and said, "You should also wash up and change your clothes! This is really..."

"No need," Xu Changqing smiled, stood up, walked out, and said: "This is just a way to deceive people's eyes and ears," and walked outside the door, turned around and saluted Chen Xiong, saying: "Don't send me off, Mr. Xiong." Yes, I hope we can survive the catastrophe of the fifth day of May, if there is bad news from Beiping, your Chen family will immediately give up all their properties in China and move overseas, so as to avoid this disaster."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Chen Xiong to return the gift, he performed the ghostly movement technique, turned into a phantom, shuttled across the night sky, and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing Xu Changqing leaving, the old Taoist priest behind Chen Xiong couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect people who practice Taoism to have such good skills. It's rare! It's rare!"

At this time, Chen Xiong, who was frowning tightly, suddenly said: "Brother, if I go back to the mountain gate and ask Elder Lin to come out of the mountain..."

"Don't even think about it!" The old Taoist turned his head and glared at Chen Xiong and said, "There are only 27 people from each of our orthodox sects who can really approach the Jindan Avenue. There are too few sects, and there is less than one sect. Since the Song Dynasty in Louguan Dao, no one has achieved Jindan Dao. Now Elder Lin has completed the process of returning Qi to 'liquid'. It's only one step away, not to mention that Elder Lin himself disagrees, even the head of the sect will never let Elder Lin come out and be contaminated with karma. Gang Tianmo’s intentions have never been stopped from the very beginning, and they just don’t want to get out of the mountain to be contaminated with karma. Mr. Xu’s words are right, the Dao is ruthless, and they are all ruthless people, how can they do sentient things!”

"Don't you just look at this kid Changqing and die alone?" Chen Xiong's face was filled with grief and indignation, and his heart was full of disgust for those who practiced the Dao. At this moment, he felt that they were not as good as those low-level sects.

The old Taoist sighed and said: "Forget it, the demons are dancing chaotically now, why should I dwell here and waste all I have learned. On the fifth day of May, I will go north for a while!" He raised his hand and sealed it. Chen Xiong stopped him, and said with a firm expression: "I have no worries and no worries. I can't compare to your Chen family's great career. As the saying goes, no worries and no worries, life is just to have fun, although this matter can't be remembered in history, But it is enough to let me know that I have not worked in vain in this life. I will find a few old guys who have lived enough to go together, one more person, one more strength, don't let those devils underestimate us."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the outside of Chen's house without looking back, leaving only Chen Xiong watching the old Taoist's back with a complicated expression.

Wuhan is divided into two districts, Wuchang and Hankou. Because it occupies the water conservancy hub of the Yangtze River, it has always been a battleground for military strategists.The launching wharf is the most important docking point for cargo and passenger ships in Wuchang. The north-south cargo transported from here every day accounts for one-fifth of the entire Wuchang cargo. It can be said to be an important place for oil and water.

A few years ago, the person who originally occupied this pier was a branch of the Gelaohui, but he was taken away overnight. It is said that he offended an outsider. The shot, although it can't be said to be a river of blood, but it is almost the same.Later, the defense in Wuchang couldn't stand it any longer, and the five largest local gangs were called together, and the pier was divided into five, handed over to the five gangs to take care of, and the benefits obtained were equally divided, which made the matter calm down.Although there were still some disputes later, on the surface it seemed to be peaceful.

Walking three blocks to the northwest from the Xiashui Wharf is Wuchang's upper-class residential area. Most of the people living here are businessmen who have business in Wuchang, and some of them are courtesans who want to make money.In order to keep this place safe, the Merchant Federation here will pay for disaster relief and give the five major gangs a red envelope every month in exchange for the five major gangs' maintenance of law and order here.As a result, this place has become the safest place in Wuhan, and many foreigners who do business in the Mainland also buy houses and live here.Most of the sons and daughters of merchants living here walk around in the living area and rarely go outside, but there is one place they all like to go to, which is a street called Ming Street near the living area of ​​the rich.

Fate Street is a very special place in Wuchang. Nearly 20% of the fortune tellers in Wuhan are gathered here. There are many fortune tellers, big and small, and there is an endless stream of people who come here every day. lots.But Ming Street has been established for nearly [-] years now, and no gang in the whole of Wuhan dares to come here to make troubles. This is not because of anything else, but because of the owner of the Tianshu Library here, Mr. Zhao Banqian.

Although Mr. Zhao is not well-known in the world, everyone who knows him respects him, not because of anything else, but because he can clearly calculate your past, and even change it without anyone noticing. Your fate will make you die unexpectedly.No one is willing to set up such an enemy, and Zhao Banqian also knows the rules very well, and will never 'intervene' in other sites, so for the Ming Street where he is located, all the gangs in Wuhan are all shy away, only some small gangsters will look for it here. Chance to get rich.

In fact, Zhao Banqian's real identity is the head of Zhi Tianming, one of the three sects of the Lower Jiuliu side sect Chinese. Apart from ordinary people like Xu Changqing, there are three relatively concentrated forces in the Xia Jiuliu side Chinese sect. ** He Xiaoguo has three factions.Knowing the destiny is the master, knowing the truth is the master, and knowing the affairs of the country is the master.The most powerful of these three factions is naturally Xiaoguo Shichang. Their leader Xu Shichang is Yuan Shikai's military adviser. Although there are some twists and turns now, he can still go smoothly and have power.These three sects are all proficient in numerology and know how to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, but they choose different methods. Among them, knowing the destiny is the strongest, and knowing the country's affairs is the weakest.

Although Zhao Banqian is the head of knowing destiny, there are many factions of knowing destiny. They are divided into twenty or thirty factions based on fortune-telling techniques, such as Meihua, Ziwei, Qimen, Liuren, etc. According to physical conditions, there are eyes and blind eyes. According to the way of living, it is divided into sitting calculation and wandering calculation. In short, it is very mixed.Zhao Banqian is not a person with a strong desire for power. After he took over the head, he opened up a fortune-telling street in Wuchang, where both inner practitioners and outer fortune-tellers who know the fate can have a place to live. Therefore, it can be regarded as fulfilling his duty.

In the entire Mingjie Street, besides Tianshuguan, there are also four or five fortune halls with extremely accurate calculations, such as Jin Suanzi, Daozizui, and Tiebanxian. These are all life masters who really practice Taoism. , It doesn't matter how much money exceeds the three hexagrams. Because of this, other life officials on Ming Street can survive.For those common people, it is too expensive to go to the fortune teller, and most of them will go to an open space at the end of the street specially opened for travel calculations, and seek peace of mind from those charlatans.

Today, a strange man came to the Yousuan area at the end of this street. He had messy grass-like hair, a beard hanging down to his chest, and a thin body like a refugee who fled from a disaster. , the shoes under his feet are all worn out, the only thing that stands out is a golden bell hanging from his braid.This is the kind of person who took off his long gown in the street, wrote a few words on the gown with charcoal ashes, "Gua Jin half money", and used the dry bamboo in his hand to prop it up, and started a fortune-telling business. .

This person is Xu Changqing who rushed out from the Chen family. He walked all the way and took ten days to Wuhan. Since he walked all the way on mountain roads, and all the roads he passed were mud and gravel roads, so the clothes on his body And shoes all become tattered.Originally, according to the money he kept in his sleeves, he didn't need to buy a piece of clothing and a pair of shoes, but he forgot to bring enough loose change when he came out, and now he only has the Citigroup Bank's gold checks and traveler's checkbooks.So, he had no choice but to do fortune-telling, which his master used to do when he went out to practice. At the same time, he also wanted to see whether Zhao Banqian, a senior in Wenmen, knew the fate as rumored, so he wrote on the cloth banner Hexagrams such as gold and half money.

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