Nine idlers

Chapter 369


Because in the divine domain of hell and heaven, the five elements of the outside world are too thin to use the five elements escape method, and the most suitable earth escape technique for Hanba's incarnation is naturally restricted.However, the main basis for performing the flying escape technique is the spirit of the fairy spirit. Although the incarnation of Hanba is powerful, the speed after casting is not so much escape as climbing, and Han's own blood light technique has not had time to practice, which finally made Xu Changqing I can only choose him to use the most proficient ghost, ghost and spirit to hurry on the road.

The speed of the ghostly movement technique when fully exerted is not weaker than all kinds of evasion techniques, and it can cover at least two thousand miles in a day.In addition, Xu Changqing didn't need to hide his whereabouts, so he simply removed the ghost body technique that hides his body and breath, and only used the technique of divine movement, which nearly doubled his speed. According to his estimation, he can reach his place in three days at most. A place with a strong spirit.

Different from the human world, the scenery of this god's domain is very monotonous, there are no mountains, no lakes, the flat land stretches as far as the eye can see, the cracks on the ground are criss-crossed, all kinds of hot poisonous gases are ejected from the ground, forming a layer of red mist on the ground .If an ordinary person were in this place, even if he was not attacked by those ferocious hell beasts, he would definitely die from poisoning within a few breaths.

Although this kind of earth fire poisonous gas is extremely poisonous to ordinary people, it is a ginseng-like tonic to Xu Changqing's Hanba incarnation. While he was on his way, he also wantonly absorbed the dense earth fire poison gas around him. All the earth fire poisonous gas in his body was empty, and the Zhiyang Gang Qi on his body became more solid because of this.

After a large amount of ground fire poisonous gas was integrated into Yang Gang Qi, there was still a trace of pure residual poison. Xu Changqing wanted to expel this trace of residual poison from the body, but in the end he tempered it with corpse fire by accident.After being tempered by the corpse fire, the remaining poison gradually transformed into a Yang poison that Xu Changqing had never seen before, and after seeing this Yang poison, he suddenly had an idea, so he cast a spell to drive it into the yang poison that remained in Han's body. In the fangs of Xiangliu's poison.

The poison of Xiangliu is the poison of pure yin, while the poison of earth and earth fire refined by the corpse fire of drought is the poison of pure yang. The two poisons should repel each other when they meet together.However, under the suppression of Xu Changqing's powerful force, the two kinds of poisons not only did not repel in the fangs, but fused together, forming an internal circulation where yin and yang intersected, which caused the toxicity of the fangs to increase dozens of times.The poison of yin and yang formed by this poisonous fang, not to mention practitioners, even the gods and Buddhas who have achieved Taoism may be able to bear it completely.In terms of lethality alone, I am afraid that this poisonous fang that Xu Changqing unintentionally refined is the strongest among his many spiritual treasures, even Huang Quanfan can't match it.

Xu Changqing was divided into two purposes, while performing the magic technique and refining the magic weapon, he didn't feel the passage of time at all, and he had already traveled for a day before he knew it.As he moved, a very wide crack on the ground gradually approached. This crack was at least a thousand miles long. Xu Changqing leaped into the air, but he could not see the edge, and its width was nearly a hundred miles, and its depth was even more impressive It's like a bottomless pit.Different from other hell rifts, there is neither lava nor geothermal poisonous gas in this earth rift. Instead, the breath inside is extraordinarily cold, and a thick layer of cotton-like white mist covers the bottom of the rift.

On the edge of the crack, Xu Changqing stopped, looked down coldly, frowned slightly, and then a look of disdain flashed across his face.Just as the Yin God has a strong sense of the soul, Han also has a strong sense of the anger of living things, so in his eyes, there are at least tens of thousands of energetic foreign demons and angels lurking under the crack, and the closer to the crack .Judging from the vitality emanating from these devil angels, they have all become extremely powerful due to the surrounding environment. Among them, the strongest one is no worse than Yan Feng and Fei Wu a few years ago, and the weak ones are also at the same level as the Xing family brothers. .

In the past, so many strong men were enough to scare Xu Changqing away, but now these devil angels are nothing more than a group of chickens and dogs to him, and he only needs to spend some more time and energy to deal with them.Xu Changqing didn't think for a long time, and then resolutely jumped down the crack and deep ditch.I didn't feel it outside the crack, but after entering the crack, Xu Changqing felt that there was still a mysterious gravity in the crack. The further down, the stronger the gravity, and the crack was so deep that it took half a cup of tea to reach the bottom. .

At this time, the gravitational force around Xu Changqing has increased by more than three times, and his weight has also increased accordingly. The falling speed is like a shell that has just left the chamber.The Zhiyang Gang Qi gushing out from the acupuncture points around him also gradually turned into a spiral invisible force. On the surface, it seemed to be offset by gravity, but in fact, because of this gravity, the Gang Qi lost its strength. It becomes more concentrated and its destructive power becomes stronger.

Some demons who were very close to Xu Changqing and those angels who jumped from Xu Changqing's crack and followed closely in the dense fog watched the yang qi that terrified them gradually disappear, and mistakenly thought that Xu Changqing's power was captured by the gravity in the crack. The trap was suppressed.So they stopped hiding their figures, concentrated all their power on their sharp claws, teeth and weapons in their hands, and rushed towards Xu Changqing frantically, and Xu Changqing's body was submerged and disappeared by these demon angels in the blink of an eye .

Seeing that the target was completely covered by their companions, some angels and demons who shot late or were far away let out howls of dissatisfaction.But before they could think of a way to intervene to share their military exploits, the nearly [-] angels and demons whom they envied and resented just now were torn to pieces by an invisible force, and instantly turned into ashes.All the changes happened so suddenly, all the demon angels changed from hunters to prey in an instant.Before other people could react, the invisible yang qi that killed those demon angels was magnified dozens of times in an instant, and intersected with the heaven and earth, like a tornado.This powerful force of crazily spinning not only involved the demon angels around him, but even those who were still watching from afar were forcibly sucked in.All the devil angels caught in the stellar qi were torn apart in an instant before they could even cast life-saving spells, and then turned into ashes in the yang qi.

In the center of the tornado transformed by the Zhiyang Gangqi, Xu Changqing is still falling rapidly, but because of the surrounding Zhiyang Gangqi's strength, the gravity has been reduced a lot, and the falling speed is much slower than before.At this moment, the Chaos Orb was sacrificed on top of his head by him, and the vital qi that had not been refined by the Zhiyang Gangqi on those demon angels was swept into the middle by the Zhiyang Gangqi, and then sucked into the Chaos Orb, and merged into the same absorbed energy. In the biochemical pool of the Chaos Orb, it provides a little vitality for the Qiankun world in the Chaos Orb.

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